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Author Topic: Baron HOWTO, please?  (Read 13140 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Baron HOWTO, please?
« on: July 15, 2010, 06:28:32 pm »

After countless fortresses, I´m utterly frustrated for not yet getting a Baron (even after reading some people telling me to be happy about that). Guys, could you help me on this?

1- The DF2010 wiki entry says that I need 20 population to be eligible to a Baron, while the 40d wiki entry says 80. Can you confirm if it is really 20 or not?

2- The DF2010 wiki entry says that I need ">1 road value". How do I know that? In terms of roads, what do I need to build to be eligible for a Baron? Do I need to connect the road to the edge of the map? How long must it be?

3- According to this Toady´s post, I would need to do "4 of the following:  25 crafting jobs, 25 metal-related jobs, 25 wood-related jobs, 10 gem jobs, 25 stone jobs, 25 food jobs". Does this is still a requirement for DF2010?

3a- If so, what is a "crafting job" for the sake of completing the requirements? "Make Wood Crafts"? "Make Stone Crafts"?

3b- What about "25 metal-related jobs"? Is it necessarily smelting or just any job that uses metal someway? Does creating a metal door counts to this number?

3c- If I create 25 "iron rings", would it count both to the "25 crafting jobs" as well as to "25 metal-related jobs"?

3d- For the "10 gem jobs", would it be enough to just cut 10 gems or would I need to encrust something with them?

3e- Is it enough just to create these items or must I sell them to the dwarf trader?

4- Do I need to have a suitable room for the Baron before he actually comes? If so, should I create it and leave it vacant or can I use it for the mayor while I wait?

5- The 40d wiki entry states that the previous year´s dwarven caravan must have survived. Does this apply to DF2010? If so, does it mean that if the dwarven caravan survives and I complete all the craft requirements this year, next year I will certainly get a baron?

6- After starting a fresh fortress, how long do you usually take to be promoted to a Barony?

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated. If the thread goes well, I can enter a link for this in the wiki.

Thanks in advance!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 06:37:24 pm »

From looking at the raws, you need to have exported 10k wealth and have created 100k wealth.
You still require 80 population.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 06:40:38 pm »

2- The DF2010 wiki entry says that I need ">1 road value". How do I know that? In terms of roads, what do I need to build to be eligible for a Baron? Do I need to connect the road to the edge of the map? How long must it be?

This just means that you need to have built at least one tile of road of any value anywhere on the map.  Bridges count, so if you have a single bridge you've built anywhere on the map you also qualify.  This is an easy one to meet.

3- According to this Toady´s post, I would need to do "4 of the following:  25 crafting jobs, 25 metal-related jobs, 25 wood-related jobs, 10 gem jobs, 25 stone jobs, 25 food jobs". Does this is still a requirement for DF2010?

As far as I know, these are still required.  I've never had any problem meeting these, I seem to meet them just by doing normal fortress stuff.  Wood-related jobs should include making beds.  Stone-related jobs should include anything you do at a masonry shop, which you can easily meet by churning out some furniture.  I don't know if metal-related jobs includes smelting ore, but I suspect it does.  Crafting presumably includes all craft materials, so you can easily meet that by spamming out some stone crafts.  For gems, just cutting the gems counts, you don't need to encrust anything.  You don't need to sell any of this material, just have performed the jobs.

4- Do I need to have a suitable room for the Baron before he actually comes? If so, should I create it and leave it vacant or can I use it for the mayor while I wait?

You don't have to have the rooms beforehand, but it's a good idea to have them ready so the baron doesn't get pissed off while you're making them.

Note that the baron will not necessarily arrive from outside.  You may be given the option to promote one of your dwarves to the position of Baron.

5- The 40d wiki entry states that the previous year´s dwarven caravan must have survived. Does this apply to DF2010? If so, does it mean that if the dwarven caravan survives and I complete all the craft requirements this year, next year I will certainly get a baron?

The trade liason has to reach your fortress and talk to your mayor.  When he does you will during the discussion get a prompt giving you the option to become a barony, and possibly an option to recommend one of your dwarves to the position.  The trade liason then has to make it off the map alive.  If all this happens then sometime the next year you will get a Baron, either in an immigrant wave or through one of your dwarves rising to the position.

6- After starting a fresh fortress, how long do you usually take to be promoted to a Barony?

Depends on how quickly your population and industry develops.  It could easily be within the first 5 years if you're doing well.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 06:52:14 pm »

Does the Baron have to arrive before the King?  I had the king and his consorts arrive before I had a Baron.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2010, 06:53:46 pm »

Does the Baron have to arrive before the King?  I had the king and his consorts arrive before I had a Baron.
What version are you playing?  In DF2010 the king isn't triggered by discovering adamantine anymore, so I'd be very surprised if you met the conditions for getting a king before getting a baron.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2010, 06:56:37 pm »

I thought I saw a siege variable in the raws somewhere. You might need to play with invaders on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 06:59:39 pm »

It was DF2010 - no raws changed and vanilla.  I've had the Baron arrive (or rather appointed) in other forts, but my most recent fort, the outpost liaison never initiated the Baron appointment.  I met the conditions for a king (as shown in the nobles screen "Becoming a capital") with the hope that it would force the Baron to arrive, but the king arrived instead, along with his consort, the liaison, a few legendary soldiers, and a peasant with only "Adequate Comedian" which I assume was the jester.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 09:17:53 pm »

I had the same problem.

I suspect there's something more going on here.  My fortress was fully mature, 10 years in, near 10mil created wealth, several hundred k exported, met requirements for capital, and so on.

I did have economy turned off.  I wonder if that affects it in these latest versions.  (In my first fort, I got a baron, but that was in .03 or .04.)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 09:46:26 pm »

I'd just to point out that it is 20 population, not 80.

"LAND_HOLDER_TRIGGER:<land holder number>:<population>:<wealth exported>:<created wealth>"

That's the pair of lines from the entity_default file, land holder number 1 being the baron, all 3 (baron, count, duke) appear to have the same population requirement of 20, just different value amounts.

I must admit i'm in the same situation of attempting to get a barony, so if anyone does have other insights, it would be very helpful, i have the economy turned on in the init file.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 11:05:49 pm »

One comment from someone else I saw in the bug report on this is that they, too, had to jump straight to becoming capital.  :/
Do not meddle in the affairs of chickens, for you are crunchy and taste like a good seedgrain.

(You are not a seedgrain?  Of course, you and I know that very well.  But does the chicken know it?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 12:02:36 am »

I too have never had a Baron, but have had a Queen twice. Once from excessive wealth, and the other time from reaching adamantine with next to no created wealth, when they arrive in rags.
 At one time I was rather annoyed that I couldn't ever get a Baron so I edited the Raws to allow me to choose one when the mayor comes, however the position was bugged and the economy never activated :( So it would seem you can't cheat it..
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 12:21:41 am by s20dan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2010, 02:14:51 am »

I don't think even with a Baron that the economy starts.  If anyone has ever had the economy start in DF2010 I would be surprised.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2010, 02:42:00 am »

Does the Baron have to arrive before the King?  I had the king and his consorts arrive before I had a Baron.
What version are you playing?  In DF2010 the king isn't triggered by discovering adamantine anymore, so I'd be very surprised if you met the conditions for getting a king before getting a baron.

I've had at least four fortresses in 31.x reach the level of being allowed to meet the requirements of having the king come, and I have never been offered the chance to have a Baron.  In one of those I completed the requirements for the king, but then a new version came out so I stopped playing before the king arrived.  The requirements to be offered the king are apparently not that hard to achieve with a healthy fortress.  I do have invasions turned off, and also the economy is turned off.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2010, 03:58:06 am »

I received the chance to appoint a baron but I aborted out of it.  The dwarves that deserved such an appointment I wanted to keep doing useful things, and I didn't want to give it to an undeserving less useful dwarf.  The year after (last year in my game) I was not re-offered the position.  I'll have to wait another year though, because a damn gobbo siege just arrived right before my dwarf caravan was due.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Baron HOWTO, please?
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2010, 04:01:07 am »

Wait, I seem to recall that, in .03/.04 I got a baron, and he still worked.  Could be remembering incorrectly, though.
Do not meddle in the affairs of chickens, for you are crunchy and taste like a good seedgrain.

(You are not a seedgrain?  Of course, you and I know that very well.  But does the chicken know it?)
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