Turn off oven. That does not look safe in the slightest.

You reach over the counter for the oven controls. Whew! It's sweltering! What kind of irresponsible person leaves the oven on and

Click! The heat lets up.
try to open the door on the tube machine.

Hey, it's your friend the rock.
Read the printout from the tube machine.

You take a look.
Test Number: 01255;
Analysis: Wood, red oak;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01254;
Analysis: Plastic;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01253;
Analysis: Refined steel;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01252;
Analysis: Wood, caern; wood, red oak;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
It is torn off further down.
Open the cabinets.

There are a few clay cups and plates.
Press the lever on the other machine.

You try - but it's not actually a lever, it's a handle! The top pops right open, revealing some kind of gel in the bottom half. There is a bit of a square indentation within the top half as well.
Open the fridge.

It's pretty much empty except for a big plastic tub filled with some black clay.
Look through everything in kitchen.

Ah, screw it, just let's go through everything! You pop open the drawer under the counter and find a wooden ladle.

Checking out the last thing in the kitchen, you pop open the freezer and whoa.
Looks like somebody put him...

On eyes.
search the box, pillows and sheets, and under the bed in the other new room.

You basically ransack the room. There's not much to ransack, though. You find nothing under the bed, pillow,
or sheets, but there are a few things in the box.

Looks like somebody liked to play dressup. You find a monocle, a fake moustache, and an eyepatch.
There's going to be maybe one more short update like this. Internet problems are... almost sorted out. A live session ought to come by around in a few days. Or so I hope, anyhow.