Enter the C.F. Room.

The door is locked. You try the skeleton's key, but it doesn't work.
Look under and examine plaque

It's a copy of the Hippocratic Oath. It's affixed to the wall-- it won't budge.
Play chess with the dog. No, really.

You invite the dog to play a round. It slobbers a bit in response.
look under lamp

There's a broken bulb under the lampshade.
Look under carpet

Under one corner of the carpet is another note.

This one is written in a different handwriting than P.A. Les'. It's also quite succinct.
Study the chessboard. Oh, and don't move the chess pieces!

You check out the chessboard. There are only six pieces on the board; three white and three black. Shame - with a full set of pieces you'd be able to play a game or two.
Search the couch thoroughly.

You find some kind of floor plan-looking thing.

It appears to be one page out of a series.
Examine the liquid under C.F.'s door

It appears to be a very dark, dank water. You can hear running water coming from somewhere.
Look through the keyholes of the doors

In the P.A.L. room, you see a set of hooks with some kind of bra-looking thing hanging from one of them. You can also see part of another door, with water leaking from underneath it. The room appears to continue to the left a bit, out of sight.

In the C.F. room, the view is pretty similar, with the room extending to the right. The entire floor is soaked in a thin coat of water. On these set of hooks there is a labcoat.
Check the incinerator room door

You try the door. Locked, as usual. What is with this place being so hard to get around??
Check the cabinet. Inside as well as under it and behind.

There is nothing underneath it, nor can you budge it from the wall-- it appears to be affixed somehow. However, there is a curious thing within it.

You find a grey grid-looking thing. The squares are indentations; not buttons.
Also, check the fruit bowl. Then take two apples/oranges/whatever. Eat one and offer the other one to the dog. Then empty the bowl into our bag.

The fruit in the fruit bowl is...
extremely rotten. You don't have much room left in your bag, either. You do, however, toss some to your doggy companion.

and picture.

It's some guy and the dog.
Check underneath the couch

Nope, nada.
try to enter the PAL room.

The knob is locked. However, the skeleton's key works here.

You find yourself in a small, kinda dingy room. The only things of note are a crappy mattress and blanket, a box, and a door with water leaking out from underneath it.
Mosey through the saloon type door.

Just like that? Don't be ridiculous. The doors don't budge and you can neither jump over nor crawl under them until the puzzle is solved.

Just kidding! You tip your hat and mosey as best you can. Your nameless canine companion, now finished his slobbery meal, follows you.

You arrive in some kind of kitchen. A counter runs along the far wall, with a fridge, a cupboard, a drawer, a sink (thankfully without any mirror this time), an open, scorching oven, and two devices you don't know what to make of. One of them has a glass tube connected to it.
Turn off oven. That does not look safe in the slightest.

You reach over the counter for the oven controls. Whew! It's sweltering! What kind of irresponsible person leaves the oven on and

Click! The heat lets up.
try to open the door on the tube machine.

Hey, it's your friend the rock.
Read the printout from the tube machine.

You take a look.
Test Number: 01255;
Analysis: Wood, red oak;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01254;
Analysis: Plastic;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01253;
Analysis: Refined steel;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
Test Number: 01252;
Analysis: Wood, caern; wood, red oak;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
It is torn off further down.
Open the cabinets.

There are a few clay cups and plates.
Press the lever on the other machine.

You try - but it's not actually a lever, it's a handle! The top pops right open, revealing some kind of gel in the bottom half. There is a bit of a square indentation within the top half as well.
Open the fridge.

It's pretty much empty except for a big plastic tub filled with some black clay.
Look through everything in kitchen.

Ah, screw it, just let's go through everything! You pop open the drawer under the counter and find a wooden ladle.

Checking out the last thing in the kitchen, you pop open the freezer and whoa.
Looks like somebody put him...

On eyes.
search the box, pillows and sheets, and under the bed in the other new room.

You basically ransack the room. There's not much to ransack, though. You find nothing under the bed, pillow,
or sheets, but there are a few things in the box.

Looks like somebody liked to play dressup. You find a monocle, a fake moustache, and an eyepatch.
A monocle! We will need that: the gentleman was questing for one.

You grab the monocle – and everything else, for that matter. Your inventory now consists of: a monocle, an eyepatch, a half-finished bottle of Glen Avon whisky, a can of oil, a skull, an eyedol, two coins, a moustache, a large wooden spoon, some string, a music box, and a tin of Dapper Dan Men’s Pomade.
Apply mustache to face.

Well who’s this dapper fellow? Oh yes—it’s you, Adventure Gent. Good heavens, you’re dashing.
Try the machine on the rock first (NOT the wooden ladle) to make sure terrible things don't happen when it is used.

You figure you might as well test the machine on something of no value first. You shut the door and push the lever down.

The lever pops up after some whirring, and checking the machine you see that your rock has been molded into a perfect sphere. The printout extends further down:
Test Number: 01256;
Analysis: Stone, granite;
% Chemical X: 0.00;
----------------test the black clay for that chemical x thing.

You figure you have enough of the black clay to safely try it next, but it’s too cold— the whole thing is hard as a rock. Even using the wooden spoon you can’t make a dent.
Move the fridge to find that hidden door. You know it is there, it's marked on the map. Search for it! It has to be here somewhere.

You fumble around with the fridge, completely unable to move it. You do notice that it appears to be on some kind of track, though.
Check the inside of the oven for anything of interest.

There is nothing inside the oven. You wonder why it was open, or why it was left on.