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Author Topic: [ISG] Adventure Guy! - Epilogue  (Read 533730 times)


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.9
« Reply #1845 on: January 03, 2011, 10:06:26 pm »

Recount the Giant occuloid's request.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.9
« Reply #1846 on: January 04, 2011, 02:37:25 am »

She said "Your discoveries may be the key to all this." To all what?

(takes charisma potion)

Before leaving, say
"If my discoveries are the key to all of this, you may want to listen to another prospective besides your own. I have a unique advantage which can aid you, if you can listen past yourself. I might be the last hope you have, but I am only as useful to you as far as you can trust me."

Edit: Eh, i guess we are restricted from saying that kind of items.

I guess if our programming allows it, say before leaving

"You can trust me"
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 02:50:46 am by mnjiman »
I was thinking more along the lines of this legendary champion, all clad in dented and dinged up steel plate, his blood-drenched axe slung over his back, a notch in the handle for every enemy that saw the swing of that blade as the last sight they ever saw, a battered shield strapped over his arm... and a fluffy, pink stuffed hippo hidden discretely in his breastplate.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.9
« Reply #1847 on: January 04, 2011, 03:15:17 am »

If we have room and the time, we need to pick up any items that Les have owned in the past and put it in our packback if we have room.

I think if we can induce some 'accidental' emotional connection through items or even behaviors that Les have had (without angering her), she may treat us with a little more respect... and may consider listening to our other idea's that isn't about our "sentience". Creating this connection though will take trust...
We have to have patience and take time in deciding when to 'act' in certain ways, not to draw deliberate attention on our sevles.
I was thinking more along the lines of this legendary champion, all clad in dented and dinged up steel plate, his blood-drenched axe slung over his back, a notch in the handle for every enemy that saw the swing of that blade as the last sight they ever saw, a battered shield strapped over his arm... and a fluffy, pink stuffed hippo hidden discretely in his breastplate.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1848 on: January 04, 2011, 10:58:14 am »

Inform her about the cave in that has blocked off the mines.

You tell her that a cave-in has blocked off the passageway between the rec room and the room next to it.

“…Oh, good grief. That bloody trap must have finally gone off after all this time. Well, don’t worry too much about it. The whole place is in already shambles now. If it’s really a problem you can try mixing an explosive gel in the lab and blasting your way through. I’m sure I left the recipe around there somewhere.”

Ask in a delightfully childlike manner if she can repair the broken bird that's been rotting in our backpack for a while now.

You ask if she can fix the bird.

“Is that… good grief. Twilly didn’t make it either, then. Well, nothing I can do about that.  I’m a scientist, not a witch doctor.”

Ask for the password to turn off the laser beams.

“The laser beams… oh, in the lab? I… hm. I can’t seem to remember anymore. Ironic, really. We installed passwords related to things around us to prevent us from forgetting them. Alas. In any case, so long as the spaceship’s navigation console is still working you ought to be able to get our distance from Earth from there.”

You inform her that the navigation whatsit has gone dark.

“Oh? Damn. Hopefully it hasn’t run out of back-up power, we did our best not to… Well, doublecheck that none of the remote power rods got loose, sometimes that’s the issue. If that’s not it, come back and I’ll give you something else to power it up.”

Tell her that her sentience is nothing more than an illusion created by her biological programming!
Recount the Giant occuloid's request.

You try and start a discussion with her about the nature of sentience and the treatment of the oculoids but are unable to. That line of discussion is no longer permitted.

ask her to repair the music box

You ask her to repair the music box. She stares at it quietly.

“I remember that,” she says, finally. “Yes. I’ll fix that for you. Leave it with me and I’ll have it repaired for you the next time we meet.”

She takes the broken music box and walks away. “Go down and get the chemicals from the mines presently. I will contact you when I am ready. That is all.”

You find yourself compelled to climb up and out of the sub before you can do anything else!

You head down the dock. Gentleman is gone. Not your problem right now. You have an order to carry out.

You reach the Rec Room and unlock the chained trap door. Hot air rises from the tunnel. Skree has followed you back but again finds it too hot to continue. He waits here.

You descend the long tunnel. The walls are shoddily dug, interspersed with wooden supports crossing along the sides and ceiling of the passage. It does not seem to be going anywhere in particular. You pass the skeleton of a third giant oculoid on your way, but do not stop.

Finally you arrive in a large, magma-filled cavern, much like the one you were in minutes ago. This one, however, has strange trees growing out of it, winding up and clustered around each other. Some shovels are scattered around here, and a suprisingly plain cooler-looking box is at the far side of the cavern.

You feel the obligation of your orders subside as you enter the expanse.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1849 on: January 04, 2011, 11:06:34 am »

If the tree's are close enough, lop off a chunk of it using one of the shovels and put that into our pack. Also, put all the shovels into our inventory too.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1850 on: January 04, 2011, 11:15:11 am »

Open Cooler
Quote from: penguinofhonor
Quote from: miauw62
This guy needs to write a biography about Columbus. I would totally buy it.
I can see it now.

trying to make a different's: the life of Columbus

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1851 on: January 04, 2011, 11:27:33 am »



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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1852 on: January 04, 2011, 12:36:30 pm »


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1853 on: January 04, 2011, 01:41:42 pm »

Well, you're an adventurer. Time to clutter the inventory some more.

>Loot the cooler. Grab one of the shovels, too. Hack a bit off one of the trees, if you can reach them.

Anyway, it seems that the big round thing was powered by the little things surrounding it, one of which was missing. Try to reach into that rat hole next to the missing thing. Try the other rat holes, too. Try to get Scree to realize what you want, and see if he (she?) could squeeze in. Try to negotiate with the rats. I'm just clutching at straws now.

Oh, and we should probably mention these new developments to Patch. Dr. Feringus is alive and well, but not interested in our theories on the nature of sentience. Gentleman is taking orders from her, but still seems kind of insane. And we found him a new arm, I think. We DID find an arm, right? I don't see it in the latest pic of our inventory.



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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1854 on: January 04, 2011, 02:03:38 pm »

And we found him a new arm, I think. We DID find an arm, right? I don't see it in the latest pic of our inventory.

Ah, bugger. Forgot to add it in. Hold on, I'll go fix that now.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1855 on: January 04, 2011, 02:15:57 pm »

And we found him a new arm, I think. We DID find an arm, right? I don't see it in the latest pic of our inventory.

Ah, bugger. Forgot to add it in. Hold on, I'll go fix that now.
Hey Retro, don't you think maybe you should punctuate every round that has an inventory change with the backpack of our inventory? Just to make it perhaps easier for all of us to keep track of what we got.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1856 on: January 04, 2011, 02:19:33 pm »

Well, at the beginning I was updating the inventory whenever we got a new item, then I laid off a bit and started doing it a little more sparsely since every single time seemed a bit unnecessary. Recently we went through an item drought where we didn't really get anything besides information, so I guess I fell out of habit of showing the inventory at all. But yeah, that's my bad. I guess it doesn't matter too much now since we're at the end of the game, but I'll try and toss in an inventory view more frequently from now on.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1857 on: January 04, 2011, 02:25:40 pm »

Well, at the beginning I was updating the inventory whenever we got a new item, then I laid off a bit and started doing it a little more sparsely since every single time seemed a bit unnecessary. Recently we went through an item drought where we didn't really get anything besides information, so I guess I fell out of habit of showing the inventory at all. But yeah, that's my bad. I guess it doesn't matter too much now since we're at the end of the game, but I'll try and toss in an inventory view more frequently from now on.
Okay then, that's go-
we're at the end of the game,


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1858 on: January 04, 2011, 02:30:46 pm »

We're getting there! Getting there! Not there yet, but closing in. Round 16 is the last round, as stated a while ago. I think we've got at least a month left though. Hard to judge, but lot of material in my notes still to cover.


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Re: Adventure Guy! - Round 15.10
« Reply #1859 on: January 04, 2011, 10:13:23 pm »

Note to self: "The base of a biological creature's head is flat while the base of a mechanical creature's head is curved."

Carefully investigate own tolerance to magma.

 Adventure guy has been awesome!
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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