Make some of the explosive gel...

You take Skree back to the lab, rather glad he didn’t understand any of the images on the monitor. You wish you hadn’t, either. No, better not think about that much more. Okay. Next step is to figure out how to make this explosive gel thing.
Additionally, the amount of fulgurite and raw nutrient fluid we must burn up to produce the most insubstantial amount of pure Chemical X is excessive to the point of hyperbole.

The set-up looks complicated, but isn’t as tough to figure out as you thought. You leave the fulgurite in the catalyst input, unplug the dry hose, and attach the small X-UNREF test tube to the CHEMXFEED input.

You activate the burners and the machine goes to work!

You end up with a somewhat suspended fluctuating matter-thing. Presumably this is what refined Chemical X looks like? It’s not very useful on its own, though.
Our experimentation has produced several interesting results. By inputting pure Chemical X into the intake and mixing it with caern dew, a volatile, highly unstable explosive gel is created.

You repeat the process, hooking up the CAERN DEW to the catalyst input and sticking the refined Chemical X into CHEMXFEED. This time a dark, thick, black mixture is created.
...and use it to clear out that rubble.

You turn off the burners, done with science for now, and head to the Rec Room. Bloop bloop bloop. You pour the gunk all over the rocks then take a step back.

Hope this works!!!!

(it does)

That was fun! You’ve also managed to finally clear (disintegrate, even) that stupid pile of rocks that probably knocked you out in the first place. Take that, cave!