Stabilize ourselves on the platform so we ourselves do not get thrown/ripped off the edge

You quickly stand up and take a step back, not wanting to be within his reach. Stovebrand remains firmly in your grip. You certainly don’t want to lose it now.
Gentleman giggles. “What, you don’t wanna play? I thought you
liked games. You and your pet had so much fun together that I just had to see what all the fuss was about! Don’t let me down
kick him before using our sword to stab the Robot Gentlemen in the face, this way he could attempt to cut off our foot allowing us time for another opening to attack.

You move to kick him, but he intercepts your foot with his claw. As expected; you've packed a spare. You bring the sword around while he’s pre-occupied.
Stab him, right in the face.
Go for the eyes! Cut him in the eyes!

Gentleman crushes your foot, but you are able to stab downwards with your sword, ignoring the pain. You are quick, but not as quick as you’d hoped. Instead of hitting the exposed internals, Gentleman moves so that your sword misses its intended target—instead hitting his other eye, cracking the monocle.

The damaged eye explodes, ripping apart the casing around it.
Flip over the side of the ramp with one hand and use the momentum to boot him off with both feet!

You dramatically flip yourself after him to take advantage of his moment of weakness. But you are not fast enough.

Just as you connect with him, he pushes off from the ramp, and the two of you go flying off away from the ship.

Gentleman shreds across your chest and through your arm. What’s left of it begins to float in the other direction, its grip still firmly on Stovebrand’s handle.
“Not so tough without your sword are you ARE YOU ARE YOU?!” he screams at you madly. “You are nobody to me! Do you understand that?? YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!!”