so, for grins and giggles I dug a stairway waaayy waaaaaaay down.. past/around Caverns 1, 2 and 3, and found the Magma Sea, and eventually found the beautiful blue stuff. I lucked out (
), and only had 3z levels of it before I got the great messages regarding the thread's namesake. My FPS plummeted faster than Obama's ratings. :O
Before the "Oops" i was sailing along at roughly 40-50 FPS, while after I was stuck at 5-10. After condeming my poor miner and walling off the mistake, down ti
one FPS..
..Why? I'm seeing references in here of "Old" and "New", and I think I had found an "Old" one here. I've ruined the surprise and read some spoilers containing "New" ..
hell fortresses and such..
- Are these any better for NOT destroying your FPS ?
My main concern is that it feels as though the only possible "End Game" other than losing (Which is truthfully both fun and
Fun) is to destroy your FPS and see if your processor can withstand the heat.. kind of like a tribute to all those poor souls overclocking their machines to play Crysis (...and resulting in losing their machine to fire, and maybe even their houses).