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Author Topic: FailCannon: No Rest for the Wicked (or anyone else) (Succession: Battlefailed 2)  (Read 965243 times)


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2175 on: October 06, 2011, 09:46:03 pm »

Gah! Urist your new avatar hurts the eyes *clutches head*


This post never contained any troll-grammar errors and any quotes that indicate that it did are treason. Any violators will be the next victimsvolunteers for the STFO.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 10:32:09 pm by Mego »


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2176 on: October 06, 2011, 10:23:20 pm »

Gah! Urist your new avatar hurts the eyes *clutches head*

It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2177 on: October 06, 2011, 10:34:15 pm »


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2178 on: October 06, 2011, 10:37:57 pm »

Judging from the amount of warning I'm getting about dangerous things (after the fact), this would make canonical sense.
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2179 on: October 06, 2011, 11:03:29 pm »

I was looking over the Hall of Legends again today, and noticed that Gemclod had 13 songs. THIRTEEN SONGS. We currently have 3. We must catch up!

Also, on that note, I'll probably start recording the three that we have next week. I may even go for writing an original work for Failcannon.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2180 on: October 07, 2011, 01:11:09 am »

Strangely enough, there are four (living) groundhogs submerged in 7/7s water underground. They were there the last time I looked at the save as well (couple years ago). Somehow this doesn't seem normal...

I had the same thing happen with Ledi when I finally dumped her crazy murderous ass into the sea - she lived for almost two seasons, unconscious at the bottom of the Blueness.  I... guess it must be a glitch/older-version bug involving unconscious things and breathing/dying?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sounds like DuckThatQuacks has decided to be the terror of the fortress again.  Call me crazy (oh wait, I AM, muahhahahahahahahaha I MANDATE 9 SWORDFISH BONE GOBLETS NOOOWWWW) but I'll take "stealing goblin trash" over "murdering half the fort in an unstoppable spree" any day.

Also, I love my door.  Thanks, Mormota!  Can you 'airlock' it to Catalyst in one of the lower tower rooms so that she can install it in her chambers?  How is it that she's opening the gate, anyway?  That part of the fort ought to be well away from her burrow -- though you mentioned she is in Safe House now - which was NOT, when I left the game, meant for her.  There's one called "Catalyst's Cell" - much more restrictive.  Safer.  "Safe House" was one I set up for the other handful of survivors to hide from the goblins & trolls but still have food and access to levers.

How badly is Catalyst injured?  I sincerely hope she survives - I'm starting to covet the honor of my dwarf being part of the eventual doom of Failcannon.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 01:16:51 am by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.

Eric Blank

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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2181 on: October 07, 2011, 01:24:28 am »

I'm actually still considering writing the Epic of Aluonra... That would take a long-ass time, though, and I don't have any long ass time-frames in the foreseeable future, nor any attention span for personal projects whatsoever.

Strangely enough, there are four (living) groundhogs submerged in 7/7s water underground. They were there the last time I looked at the save as well (couple years ago). Somehow this doesn't seem normal...

I had the same thing happen with Ledi when I finally dumped her crazy murderous ass into the sea - she lived for almost two seasons, unconscious at the bottom of the Blueness.  I... guess it must be a glitch/older-version bug involving unconscious things and breathing/dying?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sounds like DuckThatQuacks has decided to be the terror of the fortress again.  Call me crazy (oh wait, I AM, muahhahahahahahahaha I MANDATE 9 SWORDFISH BONE GOBLETS NOOOWWWW) but I'll take "stealing goblin trash" over "murdering half the fort in an unstoppable spree" any day.

Also, I love my door.  Can you 'airlock' it to Catalyst in one of the lower tower rooms so that she can install it in her chambers?  How is it that she's opening the gate, anyway?  That part of the fort ought to be well away from her burrow -- though you mentioned she is in Safe House now - which was NOT, when I left the game, meant for her.  There's one called "Catalyst's Cell" - much more restrictive.  Safer.  "Safe House" was one I set up for the other handful of survivors to hide from the goblins & trolls but still have food and access to levers.

How badly is Catalyst injured?  I sincerely hope she survives - I'm starting to covet the honor of my dwarf being part of the eventual doom of Failcannon.

1: None of them are unconscious. I suspect someone of making them aquatic/amphibious (unlikely, and I can't spot the tag in their description in the save's raws...) at this point, because they also aren't 'drowning' on the wounds sceen. A couple have actually moved over the last 5 months, but are still close to that location...

2: Too late, the door has been set up. Suppose I could change that if it's mandatory... I have absolutely no idea when the door between her cell and the gatehouse directly adjacent got unlocked, because i specifically locked it when I unlocked the door into the room with the lever controlling it, which is how Catalyst was operating the gate to let Scaraban inside. I also have no way of knowing when Catalyst was put in the safe house burrow, as when I initially looked over the burrows it seemed that her cell and the safe house burrow were identical (I was lazy, ok?) and so didn't question why she shouldn't be part of them both. As I said the safe house was deleted though, so she's forced to respect only her cell burrow.

3: She's mostly fine. Only yellow wounds at worst; some skin and fat tearing in the combat logs. Can't have Erica Diagnose it though, as she'd probably stab you. Currently the only actual wound listed in her description is "Her left hand is dented." Everything else is just listed as various scars in the description. I wouldn't actually be that worried about the near future (1-2 years.) Something else will sneak up and kill you someday, but what resident of Failcannon ever died of infection?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 01:34:50 am by Eric Blank »
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2182 on: October 07, 2011, 01:36:34 am »

Looks like you had the same spoilers-within-spoilers problem I did on my first try.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As for songs, and the epic - Sounds EXCELLENT I cannot wait to read them - if you both manage to do them.  Which I encourage you to.  I also have some ideas for Fail-fanon works.  They will happen if the fort miraculously manages to persist to my next turn - as they would be written in-character.

1 - Ledi wasn't 'drowning' either - but you have shot my theory of unconsciousness being a related factor to shit.  I've heard about similar bugs involving ground level critters spawning in caverns?  But that doesn't explain the not-drowning.  I've also heard about a bug where if you manage to embark with your dwarves underwater they are basically inert but also immortal, I think. If I am recalling that one right it might explain the groundhogs... or underwater-lake-hogs.

2 - We both know my mandates carry no power :P  I'll leave the request out there if some future overseer wants to humor me, but I won't be offended if it doesn't happen - its a waste of time to please one player anyway.  As for the burrows... I actually did the same thing at one point, and I set up those burrows in the first place.  So don't feel bad.

3 - Well, actually I think had 10-20 deaths of infection on my turn, including the mighty Tupu and DuckThatQuacks.  But hey, who's counting.  As for Erica - BRING HER ON I killed her once before.  Or anyway left her to an enraged, crippled Mekboy to finish off with HIS TEETH. Burned into my memory, that. 

Glad to hear I'll make it though.  I'm looking forward to the next time I wreak havoc.

... If I've been stripped, does that mean I can't train anymore?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 01:38:47 am by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.

Eric Blank

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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2183 on: October 07, 2011, 01:49:27 am »

... If I've been stripped, does that mean I can't train anymore?

Actually, i got you back on another squad along with all the other civies, so you can train... with them. At a different armor stand. You can't be your own squad captain anymore and couldn't be in a squad alone unless the captain of the squad dies off and other members were moved. And you DID leave all your gear outside you cell, however, so you'd be using whatever else is in your stockpiles besides the adamantine, including your sword. I'll think of a solution for this, eventually.

3 - Well, actually I think had 10-20 deaths of infection on my turn, including the mighty Tupu and DuckThatQuacks.  But hey, who's counting.  As for Erica - BRING HER ON I killed her once before.  Or anyway left her to an enraged, crippled Mekboy to finish off with HIS TEETH. Burned into my memory, that. 

Amazing how the three of us are all getting along swimmingly now, isn't it? Turns out murdering one another brings us closer together than ever before... So we can murder each other again during the next tantrum spiral/loyalty cascade, of course!
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2184 on: October 07, 2011, 01:54:04 am »

Amazing how the three of us are all getting along swimmingly now, isn't it? Turns out murdering one another brings us closer together than ever before... So we can murder each other again during the next tantrum spiral/loyalty cascade, of course!

Keep your friends close... and traitorous insane demon-possessed psychopaths closer.  Makes sense.
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2185 on: October 07, 2011, 10:47:24 am »

On the songs front, I've done my best with this one. Admittedly I'm no songwriter, so it's pretty terrible, but hey.

Ode to Catalyst, sung to the tune of "Want you Gone" from Portal 2.
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« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 11:12:31 am by Mekboy »
Quote from: CatalystParadox
Aw, Mekboy! A song for meeeee?
You're so sweet.  Why don't you just come in here so I can give you a hug.
... bring my pants.
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris
You seem to be under the illusion that we give a shit about what happens to dwarves who are too dumb to live.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2186 on: October 07, 2011, 11:00:02 am »

hmmmmm needs moar magma.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2187 on: October 07, 2011, 11:10:21 am »

why is the song all like this?

But yes, an epic must be written whenever we finish this story.

Now to search for a suitable song...
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2188 on: October 07, 2011, 11:19:52 am »

why is the song all like this?

Oops. Put strikethrough instead of quote. Fixed now.
Quote from: CatalystParadox
Aw, Mekboy! A song for meeeee?
You're so sweet.  Why don't you just come in here so I can give you a hug.
... bring my pants.
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris
You seem to be under the illusion that we give a shit about what happens to dwarves who are too dumb to live.


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Re: FailCannon: Still Alive (somehow) (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #2189 on: October 07, 2011, 11:31:16 am »

I'm thinking something on the speedcore+gabber line. To properly denote the insanity that is Failcannon.
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