Update 14: Reverse EngineeringThe rest of March, after the wave of UFOs over China and Japan, was quiet. There was no UFO activity over the last few days of March, which gave us a well-needed break.New soldiers were brought in to replace those lost, and the mysterious “psionic laboratory” completed construction on the 29th.With the end of the month, there was another briefing issued to us.X-COM SOLDIER BRIEFING (MARCH)
CLEARANCE LEVEL: CAPTAINSCIENCE DEPARTMENTIn the last month, the “psionic” abilities of Sectoids – as displayed in the March 1st incident where a guard was mind controlled into killing two others, and the Sectoid Leader almost escaped containment – have been of great interest to us. The Sectoid Leader is currently the only known Sectoid to possess these abilities, and it is currently being kept in a comatose state to prevent it from controlling any other personnel. Medical scans have shown that the Sectoid Leader has a greatly enlarged brain size than the other Sectoids, and appears to have special implants.
As for how the Sectoid is able to control the minds of others, we have learnt that the neural patterns of the Sectoid are scanned and projected by these implants to ‘overwrite’ the neural patterns of its victims. In effect, the victim is ‘possessed’ by the controller, and the controller can make the victim do any action. There is a possibility that simply focusing on one thing would neutralize the psionic attack, since it would be more difficult for the controller to overwrite a more focused neural pattern. The guard mind-controlled by the Sectoid Leader reported that he had only very vague memories of being forced to shoot his colleagues, which matches with our hypothesis.
All soldiers have been signed up for our new psionic training regimen, in the hopes that they would learn how to ward off psionic attack. We will simulate a psionic attack to train our soldiers to recognize the signs and hopefully render it useless.
As a result, we have learnt the purpose of these small metallic spheres that have been captured since the first few missions. We had originally thought that the spheres were only ornamental, perhaps used as a good luck charm for the scouts carrying them. It turns out that these spheres respond to psionic suggestion from the holder, and appear to be some form of probe used to identify suitable humans to abduct. X-COM forces will be able to use this new probe to determine many aspects of an alien, such as its rank. Incidentally, it was this device which was used in the construction of the Psionic Laboratory, as it is similar to a psionic attack, only without the negative effects.
In other news, a joint collaboration with the Engineering Department has revealed the secrets of alien craft.
Alien UFOs are powered with this power source, which causes localized gravitational disturbances to propel the craft. The power needed is generated by an antimatter reaction which uses the following as fuel:
Elerium-115. Despite most heavier elements radioactively decaying in under a second, Elerium is somehow stable enough to be used for power generation. It has the unique ability of converting protons into antiprotons, which are then annihilated to produce energy. However, we cannot generate Elerium, and we have not detected any trace of this element within our solar system. The importance of capturing Elerium intact is enormous, since it is not energy efficient to synthesize Elerium. In effect, Elerium is priceless, and soldiers are ordered to capture it intact at all costs.
Alien UFOs have relatively simple navigation systems, with no notable advances in technology from ours. The only point of note is the use of optical processors, which uses light instead of electricity for computing, which both reduce the size of the console and increase its processing speed.
The construction of alien UFOs is actually simple – they consist of a power source, a navigation system, and a hull of alien alloy. We are currently researching a way to construct our own UFO-based craft for human use, both as troop carriers and interceptors. If successful, we could have much faster and resilient craft, as well as potential spaceflight capability.
This “Alien Entertaiment” technology found during the recovery of the Sectoid Terror Ship appears to use psionic technology, similar to the Mind Probe. It generates psionic waves to allow the user to experience a simulated reality. There is the potential that such technology could one day be used as a form of mass media, but that has no applications to our war effort.
These two parts captured from the recent mission appear to be how aliens consume their food. They simply harvest it at Earth from various animals and sometimes humans, thus eliminating the need to carry supplies over interstellar distances.
Also, as an offshoot of learning about alien technology, we have developed the Power Suit. The heavy plating of alien alloys would usually be too heavy for a soldier to move unassisted, but the inclusion of motors powered by alien technology allow as soldier to move normally. The Power Suits are being constructed immediately, and we expect them to be issued to all soldiers.
COMMANDIn the month of March, there have been increased sightings of UFOs reported in the region of East Asia, specifically Japan, China and Russia. It appears that the fleet of UFOs detected on the 25th was not an isolated incident. The aliens, perhaps knowing of our presence in Europe, have decided to shift their focus to Southeast Asia.
More importantly to X-COM, China is dissatisfied with our inability to deal with UFOs in their airspace, and are threatening to pull funding by next month if we do not find a way to solve the problem. Although X-COM has several other sponsors, the loss of China as a funder would be a great hit to our finances.
We have recently purchased a defunct Chinese airbase in which is currently being retrofitted for X-COM use. The base has been named Morning Star, to complement the existing base Evening Star. Although Morning Star is far less equipped that Evening Star, noticeably lacking any scientific facilities, we hope to use it as the primary base of operations for X-COM in Southeast Asia.
Situated in Central China, Morning Star will protect the densely populated regions of coastal China and Japan, as well as the eastern regions of Russia and possibly India. We hope that Morning Star will be able to bring down and capture its first UFO within the month, and if needed, we will transfer some soldiers over to provide the rookies with training.
Good luck in your battles, Soldier!
X-COM Commander,
Gen. Charles Brooke