S.L.A.D.E - Silliness and Levity Add Dwarven Enjoyment
Package download here, yo.You ever just have fun with modding? Marshmallow mountains? Rivers of hot fudge? Teddy bears as weapons, which you then use as an Adventurer to beat up actual bears? Soda rather than alcohol? Christopher Walken?
Forget that last one.
Anyway, S.L.A.D.E is a project that anyone can contribute to, it's aim being to have a ramshackle mountain made of oddness and wacky.
Perhaps the most fun part is trying to be strange in
Dwarf Fortress.
So far I have one weapon and two new rocks (the idea for one of which I completely stole). That's where you come in. My imagination and modding skill stretches only so far. I'm not asking a lot. If you have an idea and the skill to execute it, post your product, and it will be added to the big gooey pile o' fun. If you have an idea you can't pull off, drop it off for more experienced modders to try out. Got the skills but not the ideas? I refer you to the previously mentioned idea-machines without the aforementioned skills?
Don't have ideas OR skill? That doesn't mean you can sit back and enjoy the Fun.
So, how about my contributions? You wanna see 'em? Here they are.
[NAME:pizza cutter:pizza cutters]
[INORGANIC:STONEX] Stonex! For all your stoney needs! Warning: Product is not magma safe and may not meet all your stoney needs.
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:Stonex brand stone][DISPLAY_COLOR:7:7:1][TILE:'S']
Wanna make the world of Dwarf Fortress that little bit weirder? Nothing's stopping you.