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Author Topic: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?  (Read 6721 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2010, 02:39:35 pm »

FPS is an option in either init or d_init, can't remember.

I don't recognize those levers at all :\
Quote from: penguinofhonor
Quote from: miauw62
This guy needs to write a biography about Columbus. I would totally buy it.
I can see it now.

trying to make a different's: the life of Columbus


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2010, 03:30:33 pm »

there right above the dinning hall. 

err.  and what button is Init?  d_init?     I feel I should know this, but donw. 

halfway through granite.  will post when I get through the month.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2010, 03:48:02 pm »

He means:


It's basically a file in your init folder, that's inside of your data folder, that's in where ever you saved dwarf fortress.

You can use the find feature of Note/Wordpad to find this line


and change it to


The levers above the dining hall are not connected to anything, they were suppose to be apart of a planned Airlock that was suppose to lead to multiple goblin grinders, but I never got the chance.

That or they control the water in the farms, it's been a while, bear with me. >.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2010, 04:41:58 pm »

Granite 3rd:
Athel Nilzim, Mechanic, was possessed.

granite 4th:
he grabs, of course, the mechanics workshop.   *sigh*  artifact gear anyone?    or more hopefully, a traction bench?

Granite 10th: 
2 bituminous coal
1 Iron bar
1 rough rock crystal
2 logs, various
3 chert blocks.

low value stuff.  no table.  *sigh*
guess I'll have to make a masterwork trap with it.

Granite 11th:
 dwarfed myself as the mayor.  supplied myself with a room and all the needs I needed.   

14th granite:
Unsenagseth Fashuktan created,a  Bituminous Coal mechanism created. 

It shall be devoted to the final trap in our new couridoor of death.

granite 19th:
 finally got a few individual rooms carved out.   started placing furniture in them per plan to relive clutter.
   found out we have more cabanites then dwarfs.   

 seriously.  we have almost 200 cabinets.   *sigh* looks like the room carving is going to be the toughest of the jobs to do.

21st granite:
dwarfs seem to be speeding up.   FPS might be rising.   no idle dwarf to.  good.

slate 1st: 
Lucky month.   I have taped a SECOND vein of adamantine.   not going to dig it out yet.  still need to process the previous vein.     

@ trooper:

hmm, I'll do that before I resume playing.  thanks.

i know where the levers for the farms are.. there.. right next to the farms.    err.  no.   going to de-construct the inner gate lever ASAP.  we can re-connect it later if we need to open them, but for now, it's just a safety risk.  intruders/insane-dwarf could pull them and flood the fort.   

pausing for a hour to do other stuff.

EDIT,  session 2!
slate 13th:
the new rooms are going nicely.     I'm assigning them as they get finished to the various dwarfs. 

slate 22nd: 

48/123 dwarfs assigned a bedroom.
39 more rooms awaiting beds.. 

hmm, let's dig out a full 200 rooms and equip them, in case of future dwarfs. 

gah.  going to have to go out and cut down more trees.  *sigh*

we need a tree-farm.   get rid of the ambush    once rooms are dug out, I'll look for a place to build one.

hmm, might have to make some more doors.

still plenty of cabinets.

25th slate
Migrants have arrived, despite the danger.  oh joy.

1st felsite
Migrants finished arriving.  up to 145 dwarfs now.  not going to mess with them right now other then to recruit a few more to fill out the militia.   the rest can server as idle hands.

2nd felsite
   squads are filled out.   
I also, after some thought, released the cats.   any resulting kittens will be caged immediately, but I want them to kill vermin.

5th felsite: de-forbid dwarf corpses outside.     and I issued a mandate prohibiting the export of fine pewter goods.

12th felsite
  good in old depot are being moved to store rooms.  Lots of Items.   new depot build nearby. 

22nd felsite
  ran out of cabinets to place.   YAY.   much less clutter.   still more rooms to dig out though.  hmm..

28th felsite
  only 58 more dwarfs to assign quarters to.   and less then a dozen rooms left to be dug out.     once they finish, I'll proceed to dig out a massive soil area for a tree-farm.   flood it with a pond to, since I want to empty it to retrieve a dwarf-corpse.      once the tree-farm grows, we will be less dependent on the surface for wood.

hmm, how do I mass designate stone to be dumped?    I want to clear the stone from the new bedrooms.
but for now, I sleep.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 11:12:13 pm by TerrisH »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2010, 11:17:21 am »

Go into the {d}esignation menu, and go down to set {b}uilding/ Item Properties and from there, to {d}ump Items. From there, it's like mining :D

Also note, it marks EVERYTHING to be dumped, so I suggest doing that before you start placing the beds, or when you destruct them, they'll be thrown away instead of stored.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #50 on: October 29, 2010, 01:38:39 pm »

4th hematite:   hmm, the new rooms seem to have a beneficial side effect.   they have shortened a lot of the pathing in the fort, speeding up various tasks. 

3rd Malachite:   all un-submerged dwarf corpses have been retrieved from the surface.   I'm going to drain a pond to get to one more Dwarf-corpse.   but the 2 in the river, sadly, are un-recoverable without damming the river.   only way I can see to do so is to hmm

rivers are flow limited right?  hmm, alternate channel under the hill to spread it''s flow?  might work, might not.  won't try it myself though

13th malachite:   submerged dwarf recovered.   goal, complete!

17th malachite:
mass designated the stone for dumping.   beds and stuff had been placed already though..  so I had to do it manually with the mouse, avoiding them.  still much faster then clicking and selecting each though menus.

21st malachite:  the dwarf in the pond had an adimiantie sword.  now recovered along with his gear.

 23rd malachite:
designated the roof the the barracks as a refuse pile.  much quicker path up there then the old one.

7th galena:   finished carving out a huge soil area for a tree farm.   thinking about enlarging it.


pausing for a bit to do other stuff.

galena 8th:   to many tasks.  be careful about slaughtering animals.   just killed a few to add to the few stores, and got miasma due to the stuff sitting there to long.  not enough dwarfs to move it to the storage.
11 galena:  Obok Erithathel woke up due to possession.     top skill is animal training, then Metalsmith, then mason.    Let's see what he makes.

12th galena:  human caravan has arrived.   going to move everything useless we have to the new depot.   

ambush likely.   canceling outside tasks, and drawing everyone indoors.   one guard to standby for potential combat.

 14th galena:  traders are deciding to go the long way through the fort to get through the depot, since no dwarf want to pull the proper lever.
I tossed all out Iron anvils into the depot, along with the weapons and armor stockpiles.   yes, we will use a lot of them.   

15th Galena:

Seige!  first one I have experienced.

17th galena:

it appears I have over estimated my enemies intelligence.

they are just sitting outside the door.  on the surface.   which is unlocked.


on good note though,  obok has begun is construction. one A-wafer, house leather, and a pine log.

18th G:
they finialy broke the door.  and then ran away. 

they apparently scared themselves.    they seem to have gathered their wits and are descending into the fort.   

the goblins are almost to the rear-entrance now.  perhaps they will be more desizive then these stupid troll bruits and charge into my couirdoor of doom.

  I also appear to have a human following me.   I'll talk to her later, but for now, I go man my siege weapon.

19th G:
first few trolls trickled into the traps. all have been caged.  ^_^

21st G:
should trap a full 3rd of the enemy  in cages.

22nd:  artifact finished he created an adimiantie floodgate.   fairly nice

 One troll and one goblin squad completely killed and/or trapped.

Two squads fleeing.

millita standing by in the small, enclosed room at the end of the corridor, which the goblins will have to enter one at a time. most of the remaing goblins are armed with ranged weapons..   MU HAHAHAHA!

their starting to get thirsty.  might have to rotate them out. 

(the swords are running for the stairs.)

(balista managed to nail Two goblins. ^_^ hope the other get's a chance to fire)

27th:   all but the ranged squad are fleeing.   feeling lucky, and I want a complete rout, so I'm sending the squads in to kill them. 
MU HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!  the millita has routed the bowmen.  they are fleeing before their might.   de-forbidding the traps now, so they be re-set and re-trapped.

limestone 1st:  siege broken.   all but a single maceman are now fleeing.

Only a single wound in the process.  Deduk, a recruit, broke his foot when he tripped over a spent trap.   

I'm going to stop here for a little bit for some advice.   I have 30+ goblins and trolls trapped in cages.   I need to get rid of them so I can free the cages up to replace the traps.

can I transfer them all to a single cage safely?     
pretty sure they can, but want to double check first.   if so, where should I place our prisoners,  for disposal or storage?   

I thinking a small sealed drowning room.  place the cage, rig it to open with a lever,  the same lever that opens a flood gate.   drown them, then close flood gate, pump water from room, unseal it.   

I'm also going to order up 40 or so Iron cages up so we have a reserve to replace the traps.  possibly more if I decide to extend the cage traps another layer.

I think this has proven to be an excellent test of the defense system.  the goblins broke just from going through it, and a final charge made them rout.      best of all, it was incomplete.  not all the cage traps were loaded, and only the original weapon traps were in place.  once the last couirdoor is fully lined with weapon traps, it should be near-impenetrable to anything that dose not have [trapavoid].   

Long term plan might be to replace the stonefall traps with weapon traps, but no way I can do that in the reamianing 6 months.   

anyone using it to repel a siege,   don't station the millita until they get past the cage traps.  they take a long time to work their way through.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 05:02:02 pm by TerrisH »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2010, 11:04:25 pm »

Okay, separate post because the one above has been edited several times.

   I managed to complete the goals I set out to do already.   and I'm only halfway through the year to.   
the rear entrance is trapped to heck, and has fended off a siege. 
we have enough bedrooms for a while,  though not completely stocked.   I have doors and beds being produced, though the beds are held up by a wood storage.
Tree farm is started, will expand to prevent the miners from being idle, and hopefully part us from surface dependency

    I don't feel like starting any major project, but I do plan to start a new one, that of moving the depot INTO the fort, just behind the trapped area.   there is no reason to keep the old one, as the bridge to it is to small for wagon.   I'll de-construct the bridge and wall the island off.  after the traders leave, I'll deconstruct the depot and move it nearer the rear entrance.   I'll also start digging out a bypass, big enough for wagons.  multiple bridges linked to a lever to seal it off and force the siege to the "corridor of doom"     I will not breach the surface with it.  I'll leave that up to the next player.

sound liek a good plan?

here is the end-summer map, where I am paused right now.   please point out anything pressing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2010, 05:52:40 am »

Well alrighty then, there's several possiblities that you can now take with this.

You can:

A) Make an arena, stage the prisoners near the arena, put them inside the arena (MAKE SURE THEY'RE STRIPPED FIRST) Order the lowest skilled full squad inside the arena, equip them with wooden weapons, and watch the goblins be beat to death (always make sure there's more dwarves than goblins at ALL times)

B) Make an execution tower. It's basically a high tower with a upright spike at the bottom, loaded full with 10 spikes. no lever required. just place the cages at the very top, and make sure it's a straight fall down. Designate the open space next to the cages as a pit, and start assigning.... "Jumping class trainees."

C) You can also do B over Magma, gets rid of their armor, but also their weapons. (which I assume you want right? for da traps?)

D)There is No D.

E) I vote A. :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2010, 02:46:55 pm »

Limestone 2nd: 
trader reached the depot.  lots of wood.  we need wood.
trading for it.
also grabbing all the food they brought, just provide our dwarfs some variety in their meals.
hey, it's cheap.

trade any broken Items, or large unwearable Items for the wood and food.   

they get out junk, we get what we need.  PROFIT!

now I can finish making the beds we need, and the balistas.

12 limestone:
hmm, courdoor of death has a small problem.  lots miasma.  might have to build a new one outside, but that's a project for someone else.

15th limestone.   while walling off the bridge, on the for masons stupidly build a wall.  in mid air.   

broke his leg, and punched a hole in the ceiling of the farm. whops.

26th limestone:   no migrants.  hmm, good.  less rooms to set up.

28th limestone:
the humans offered peace.  I accept.   more people to unload stuff onto is always good.

and then I go to pull a lever.  *Sigh*  the one action I can't disable.

canceling the pull lever repeat until meeting is done.

hmm. I wonder..

6th sandstone:
just finish the meeting already!  why won't i listen to myself!

old entrance is completely sealed off, only way in or out is through he winding couridoor of doom.  clearing and resting of it is going well. 

12th sandstone: meeting complete.   Finial.   we now have peace with the humans, and no longer have to worry about sieges from them.   until we decide to kill them again and declare war on them.

16th S:
erib gave birth today, and immediately misplaced the baby.  took her a few tries to find it.

placed some animal storage areas near the entrance, since the dwarfs store cages there.   makes for quicker re-loading.

21st S:  everyone now has their own room.  goal complete!

23rd S:  managed to think of a nifty trap.   booze bomb.   pressure plate trigger, it drops 1 tile of lave onto a miniature booze stockpile (booze in stockpile is forbidden).   creature comes into range, and KABOOM!

wast of booze though.

28th S:   found a dwarf in a cage trap.  dead.   guess we did lose one.   anyone know how to get him out of the cage for internment?

Questions for while I play: 
how do i strip creatures in cages:
how do I remove a dwarf corpse from a cage?  (if no other way, would melting it down work?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2010, 03:33:47 pm »

Step 1. Gather all the prisoners into an animal stockpile (mostly for convenice) and then mass designate all items within the stockpile to be dumped.

Step 2. After designating all items to be dumped:
  A) Go into {Z} screen, go to stocks, and un-dump all cages.
  B) {K}, {Enter} every cage un- dumping them.

Step 3. ????

Step 4. Profit!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2010, 05:38:13 pm »

11th timber:

29 total prisoners. 

15 T:
acedently released a goblin prisoner.   no wounds, just a bunch of job-cancels.   nearby axe dwarf quickly chopped him in half.

19th timber  oh for love of..
    massive defense works, no way in or out but the fount entrance...  and 3 raccoons sneak through, and away with a few items, including an adimiant battelaxe.   

or I just might have forgotten to grab it from the corpses on the surface.

22nd T:
  two thieves were spotted outside the traps.   they ran away, but wounded a woodcutter clearing some of the tree underground in the upper are of the CoD.

woodcutter is now spamming cancel rest messages.  *sigh*
23rd T:
more wood and food bought.   
wound woodcutter finialy stoped spamming.

stopping to rest, due to lack of rest induced mistake.

will play again later.   just 3 more months to go.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 07:28:18 pm by TerrisH »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #56 on: October 31, 2010, 03:12:40 pm »

5th Moonstone:
cat was ambushed today.  lead them to their death, my pretty!

5th M:
Cilob Rigothothlest  was possessed today.

6th M:
claimed a magma forge.  let's see what he makes.

7th M:   fisher dwarf caught outside, fishing.   one of the recent immigrants.  2 passing adequateness.   he will not be missed.

going to dig out fishing shack area so we don't have to worry about this again.

10th M:
single goblin has two dwarfs trapped by fear.   awaiting the millita to go kill it.   

11th M:
no need for the militia, the merchants left.   goblin saw them coming, and ran.   coward.

18th M:
Cilob had begun his construction.
one adimiant wafer, a rough gem, some stone, and a bunch of leather

22nd  M:
Lorshithkasith, an Adamantine crown,  has been created.  not worth noting.

27th M:
snatcher got caged.
built 2 more kitchens.   old one is cluttered from rendering fat.   want Meals for the dwarfs.  we have to much food as is.   might as well process it to high quality food.

3rd Opal:
fishing shack complete.  now we don't have to worry about fishermen getting caught outside.

16th obsidian:
lots of snatcher.   inept ones though.   they walk into the cage traps, and cease to be a threat.   

de-equipping of goblins going well, and basic arena is carved out.   jut need to dig out a bridge for access, and I can start the slaughter.   no time though, so I'll leave their disposal to the next person.

19th O:
another snatcher.  I think the goblins are getting desperate.   he's caged.

20th O:
yep,  their desperate.  ambush of lashers.  lasted, oh, 30 steps. ran right into the cages.   

at this rate, we'll run out of cages.   going to query more up now.

21st O:
another snatcher, that makes 4.

one lasher failed to get caged, and is standing round doing nothing except scare the workers.  sending militia in the scare him off.   

23rd O:
goblin lasher got caught between 2 axedwafrs, they played catch with him, then left his bloody corpse behind.   good game.

28th O:
  and so the year ends.
One of our Ward dogs passed away due to old age.
will put up a status of the fort, and some shots of what I have done shortly, along with the save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #57 on: October 31, 2010, 05:27:01 pm »

Features of Note.

first is the new arena.
upper level:
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

all mined out, it is basicly ready to be used.   
the upper area needs some of our chairs for watchers.  the wall needs to be turned into fortifications after they are finished being smoothed, so the watchers can watch the fights.  possibly toss in a few tables to designate this a dinning/meeting area.

lower level just needs a bridge over the entrance pit,  to isolate the area when the goblins are released.    the lever to raise the bridge can be set to release the goblins from their cages.

area on the upper floor behind the stairs is combatant storage.  the trolls can smash stuff, so keeping the cages stored in the arena is not a wise move.   could free the other prisoners.

finish it as you will.

Next, are the new bedrooms
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nearly 200 rooms, maybe more.    each room has a bed, a door, and a cabnite. 
all the walls are designated to be smoothed out, but they might take a while to do.

next, is one of my mistakes. 
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a power plant,  which I had planed to use to power the spears in the training room. 
I realized I have no clue how to do this,  if it is indeed possible do so. 
I am pretty sure now it's not. 
so we now have this eternal power plant,  which is doing nothing.   
I have no clue how to destroy it, so do what you wish with it.

that room above the dinning hall?
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well, wasn't quite sure what to do with it till near the end of the year.   realized it would be a good place to put a mist-machine.   I dug out the relevant holes for it, including a path to a point to get the initial water.

but installing the pumps and the power system would be a year long project in itself.  meh, oh well.

now comes to the Couirdoor of Doom!
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
a winding path of traps backed by 9 balista's.   

to the right is the bypass, it dose not lead to the surface yet, as the bridges  are in the process of being Triggered linked (lever is the one below the CoD).   once they are linked, toss in some traps to slow down any attackers, then dig away the final wall.   

If the Siege looks like it will overcome the CoD, the lever to raise it's bridges is still hooked up and will completely seal up the fort.   

the New depot is just south of the bypass and can be screen.   much closer to the stockpiles then the old one also.

I moved the armor and weapon stockpiles to just below the barracks, so the troops can arm themselves more quickly.
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this is the new fishing shack. 
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where our fishermen can fish safely. 

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just above is the old entrance, walled off.  you can see the fishing shack where the bridge used to be.

oh, and here is my room.   as mayor, I deserve it.   it is quite... royal.
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Stats and stuff
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

and thee save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #58 on: November 01, 2010, 07:48:09 am »

Everything is huge and sprawling, like I said. Everything. Stockpiles, farms, bedrooms. I suppose this is acceptable for the fort's current population of over 100, but from what I've read up on on Angelashes history, it has always been like this.

Our military is comprised of just Zaik, by himself. What happened there? I realize Zaik is a pretty kickin' soldier, but I think a military ratio of 1 : 137 is kind of unacceptable. Going to give the military a massive expansion.

Anyway holy crap those are huge stockpiles. Do we really need a wood stockpile that can hold 620 logs? I submit that we do not!

Someone seriously enjoyed making huge-scale everything. A drinks stockpile capable of holding 180 drinks?

There was a 3 dwarf military, but a goblin got a lucky shot at one of them and the other was drowned in a pool, both while I was trying to get civilians inside.

The drink stockpile was mostly me needing to keep miners occupied. and if the booze production have not shut down again it wont take long before you need that much space.

Nice to see you are continuing my backdoor defence Terrish. I think the spiral I made on the surface is severly confusing the enemies pathfinding for some reason. The original plan was to have marksdwarfs in the tower shooting out but underground is probably smarter.

I'd also like another turn.
the future isn't the present on steroids. The future is a mutated bacteria that you never saw coming. - Annalee Newitz
there are certain rooms that should not have lava moats. Namely danger room, and daycare rooms.
I prefer dwarves for some things. Like not laying eggs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angelashes 3.0 - not totally dead...yet?
« Reply #59 on: November 01, 2010, 08:19:33 am »

If I could do it again, I would have built it outdoors, if just to prevent the Miasma.   

oh,  and when your dumping stone, be carefull.   the dwarfs also dump bodyparts in the dump.    had a small Miaima problem near the workshops and forges for a bit.
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