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Author Topic: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O  (Read 15556352 times)


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165135 on: July 20, 2024, 08:41:57 pm »

If you have an erotic roleplay provider you might want to reconsider your choices, no kinkshaming.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165136 on: July 20, 2024, 08:53:30 pm »

My Ex had bought so many sex toys from her saleswoman she actually regularly went out for drinks with her.  She was super excited to introduce me to the woman who was providing all these toys.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165137 on: July 21, 2024, 04:05:14 am »

My Ex had bought so many sex toys from her saleswoman she actually regularly went out for drinks with her.  She was super excited to introduce me to the woman who was providing all these toys.

I must submerge myself in MAGMAAAAAAAAA! daily for 17 cents, which I detest. I also geld memes.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165138 on: July 21, 2024, 02:43:40 pm »

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Biden is standing down/dropping out of the 2024 (reelection), finishing out his presidential term, and while he is endorsing Harris as his VP to nominee pick, is there a plan? If this was going to happen, then arguably sooner would have been better? Frankly negligent not to have a plan of succession before or after reelection should a leader like that not be available for any reason. Maybe that's the point, there was a plan in the works and we simply were not told. It is possible and succession is often planned.... Wouldn't surprise me.

However, Wow, whether you love or hate Biden, this is pretty damn historic. This is a man with a ton of power stepping down.
That rarely happens in history. Sure there may have been some pressure, but fact is, if he wanted to force the issue he legally could.
They really can't force him. All they could legally do is make things difficult for themselves by sabotaging his campaign/their chances.
Further, Trump (again, love him or hate him) would never step down if unfit (and there's an argument he is unfit). Stark contrast.

Think about RBG not stepping down on the Supreme Court despite being 84 with multiple cancer issues. Think about Queen Elizabeth waiting it out until she was in her 90s just so she could be the oldest reigning monarch, regardless of where that put her kids/the UK.
There are tons of leaders (currently and throughout history) who just don't care and will hang on until the bitter end no matter how bitter for themselves and everyone else. Of course he resisted a little at first, but now he's actually putting country over self.

Biden actually is stepping down.... They said he was too old. He actually listened.

We actually have a chance to have a have something besides two old men screaming at each other for a choice.
She's 59 (1964-2024 but hasn't had her birthday yet). So she's roughly 19 or 20 years younger than trump.
Then again it could also be someone else they nominate, but that would make the FEC step in to rule on donated funds.
It is not 100% certain who the democratic nominee will be at this point.

It's only tangentially political. When someone with that much power steps down, it is rare and somewhat of a WTF moment.
Good, bad, or indifferent, it is a big change. Trump would never, even drop out no matter what.
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« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 02:45:47 pm by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165139 on: July 21, 2024, 03:08:34 pm »

Lizzy didn’t actually have any power (that she could realistically wield, anyway) so her staying on in a hereditary position isn’t a big deal.

Biden also didn’t listen, really. He took six weeks after a poor debate performance to decide to step down - and that was with that performance and various Dems saying he should step aside being in the news the entire time, assassination attempt aside. Presumably he stepped back because the polls in swing states were suggesting he was behind.

On top of that, in spite of him saying he was a bridge between the old and new generation of Dems, nobody was positioned to take over, even Harris. Most of the last four years I’d actually had to make an effort to remember she’s VP.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165140 on: July 21, 2024, 03:11:28 pm »

The reason nobody remembers her is because she is deeply unpopular.

Shes the wrong choice, and worst case scenario is this devolves into trump
v the first black female president
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165141 on: July 21, 2024, 03:24:20 pm »

Though there's a bit of a caveat there that basically every politician is deeply unpopular, these days.

Regardless, there aren't any other choices this late in the cycle. None being offered, and dumping the VP at this point would just utterly crater support :-\
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165142 on: July 21, 2024, 03:46:53 pm »

No argument there.  The last thing we need is more people trying to slice the pie up so close to november
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165143 on: July 21, 2024, 05:02:14 pm »

]Please do not quote]

I get it. He took a while and it would have been better if this happened sooner if it was going to happen.

However, again, he did listen, just later than he should have. Again, there's nothing at all forcing him to do this legally. The idea that he's unpopular/polls? That's nothing.
Remember how unpopular Bush was? Pick a leader.... Many are unpopular and told to step down, in democracies or otherwise. They don't. He did. Look at Trump and Jan 6....

Yes, if he was going to do this, it would have been better sooner, but come on. Nobody can expect a willful step down on an express timeline. He did listen even if it was later than he should have.
As I've stated before, this should have happened long before the bad debate even (if it was gonna happen). Where was everybody around him? This 11th hour crap isn't entirely on Biden.
There are several people who should have been pushing him far sooner if this was the play. Multiple people waited too long, not just him.

I don't know exactly who is going to get the democratic party nomination at this point, and it is very close to the election.... I just hope history doesn't repeat with LBJ dropping out....
There are a LOT of ways this could backfire..... potentially badly.

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« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 05:04:14 pm by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165144 on: July 21, 2024, 06:09:48 pm »

I'm curious if this actually is a case of listening to the people/polls saying he should make way for someone else, contra the circumstance of him having just recently received medical news that makes a second term unfavorable/ill-advised.

I am basing this hypothesis purely on prophetic star rays beamed down from the cosmos and filtered through my mystical third kidney.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165145 on: July 21, 2024, 09:38:26 pm »

I suspect the assassination attempt on Trump had Biden thinking "Maybe I would like to live out my last years in peace, rather than possibly due from exhaustion or worse in the White House..."

I also suspect Trump was going to pick someone else that JD Douche before he almost died.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165146 on: July 21, 2024, 09:55:08 pm »

I also suspect Trump was going to pick someone else that JD Douche before he almost died.

What makes you think that?
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165147 on: July 22, 2024, 12:39:46 am »

I am realizing that Dark Brandon struck again... Biden waited just long enough before dropping out. Now there is only one rambling ancient guy in the race and his VP pick is not representative of anyone different than him (he would have considered a woman or a non-white male if Harris was in the race earlier). Also, power-hungry democrats will have less time to organize against Harris, so it is likely Biden's policies and efforts will be carried forward as is by Harris. Could this have been his plan all along?
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.

Lord Shonus

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165148 on: July 22, 2024, 01:07:52 am »

I doubt it. My suspicion is that it was catching COVID again that decided it for him.
On Giant In the Playground and Something Awful I am Gnoman.
Man, ninja'd by a potentially inebriated Lord Shonus. I was gonna say to burn it.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #165149 on: July 22, 2024, 01:19:22 pm »

But, isn't that why it is a Dark Brandon moment? Like a Mr. Magoo or Mr. Bean narrative, Biden is upsetting all his enemies' machinations in a way that seems calculated, but you can't tell if he intended this or if he bungled into it.

The outcome is clear (the voters' "the two old white men again" problem has been resolved, and those that tried to keep Biden out of 2020's race will not have time to coalesce against Harris). The intentions to arrive at this outcome is not clear.
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.
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