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Author Topic: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta  (Read 594496 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1470 on: March 29, 2011, 09:17:55 am »

Honestly, the high ego is a big boon. The only thing I could really have used was more toughness, but with an Issachari sun veil I can soak fire ants at level 16 and only go down to fine. Next level I'm picking up Inspiring Presense, and in a few more gonna take a random mutation and hope for something fun. Domination + tinkering + vine farmers could be a fun combo. Were it not for the high ego though, a lot of the stuff I've bought would have been out of reach. Data disc base price is extremely high, so a +1 difference adds up to like 50 drams of water difference.

The other reason I've been using high ego is cause I used the genius mutation.

Edit: I just proselytized a novice of the sightless way. Yay for allied Sunder Mind.

Edit2: Might be a minor bug, might just be absolute luck, but I found a chest with four floating glowspheres. Was in a lair of a unique Dawnglider in the salt flats to the west of Joppa.

Just a lucky roll, no bug.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1471 on: March 29, 2011, 12:52:52 pm »

Sometimes you get nice loot, I raided that Ape God lair over in the jungle and got a whole bunch of valuable stuff. I was finding gold nuggets all over the place down there. One box had 3 of em. I came out with like 12.
Do you like Science Fiction? I'm writing the Weaveborn Saga over on Royal Road and my website. Link


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1472 on: March 29, 2011, 02:12:01 pm »

lulz got lost.....over joppa instant regain bearings.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1473 on: March 29, 2011, 03:34:39 pm »

Well I now have my sharp yet slender stabbing weapon. Too bad the penetration and damage are weak...
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1474 on: March 29, 2011, 05:07:03 pm »

lulz got lost.....over joppa instant regain bearings.
hahaha, wandering through Joppa "Where the fuck am I?" -sees sign that says 'Welcome to Joppa!' "Oh, right!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1475 on: March 29, 2011, 05:10:18 pm »

Sweet, i found a secret passage in joppa.
On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1476 on: March 29, 2011, 05:41:09 pm »

Sweet, i found a secret passage in joppa.
On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.

That is because there is always some "Ancient Bones". Did you notice the miner's helmet too? Or the pickaxe? Ect? I'm pretty sure the sphere is with that junk. You just auto pick it up and don't notice it.
[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1477 on: March 29, 2011, 05:54:37 pm »

On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.
Wait, what? Really? I've never found it before. How far in?
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1478 on: March 29, 2011, 05:58:31 pm »

There is a LOT of area down there. At least 4 screens deep, and something like 9-10 screens north/south. So your looking at a potential 40 screens to search.

Edit: A bug related to the underground river. I went up some stairs along the path, and the last level had no stairs up or down on it. Looks like the stairs should have dumped me on the screen north of Joppa, but since that is a blank area it can't have stairs up or down.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 06:30:35 pm by beorn080 »
Ustxu Iceraped the Frigid Crystal of Slaughter was a glacier titan. It was the only one of its kind. A gigantic feathered carp composed of crystal glass. It has five mouths full of treacherous teeth, enormous clear wings, and ferocious blue eyes. Beware its icy breath! Ustxu was associated with oceans, glaciers, boats, and murder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1479 on: March 29, 2011, 06:51:37 pm »

Sweet, i found a secret passage in joppa.
On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.

That is because there is always some "Ancient Bones". Did you notice the miner's helmet too? Or the pickaxe? Ect? I'm pretty sure the sphere is with that junk. You just auto pick it up and don't notice it.
I noticed, i just didn't bother mentioning it because those are kinda useless and pointless to point out.

There is a LOT of area down there. At least 4 screens deep, and something like 9-10 screens north/south. So your looking at a potential 40 screens to search.

Edit: A bug related to the underground river. I went up some stairs along the path, and the last level had no stairs up or down on it. Looks like the stairs should have dumped me on the screen north of Joppa, but since that is a blank area it can't have stairs up or down.
That sucks.
On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.
Wait, what? Really? I've never found it before. How far in?
It is under ancient bones, so it looks kinda like garbage, but white, and eactly the same as normal bones, so you might easily miss it.
Last few games it was 3-4-6 (dunno how far really) areas south of the starting point.

In joppa, go to the north-west water pool, and go to the 2nd topmost right tile of water. Use the "go down stairs button", surprise, you just found your way to the waterlogged tunnel (and if you go far enough north, you can get to red rock that way).
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1480 on: March 29, 2011, 07:19:40 pm »

Sweet, i found a secret passage in joppa.
On another note: It appears that the waterlogged tunnel (that is under red rock), always contains a small sphere of negative weight.

That is because there is always some "Ancient Bones". Did you notice the miner's helmet too? Or the pickaxe? Ect? I'm pretty sure the sphere is with that junk. You just auto pick it up and don't notice it.
I noticed, i just didn't bother mentioning it because those are kinda useless and pointless to point out.
The miner's helmet is a lightsource. Quite useful if you need two hands and haven't found or bought a floating glowsphere yet. It also stops you from hitting things uselessly with a glowsphere that your "dual wielding". It also has 1 AV IIRC, so that's a bonus.

Edit: Suggestion. Cleats, and spiked modifier for boots. Cleats negate slipping on things like slime and ice, while spiked modifier would make it 50% less likely.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 07:46:05 pm by beorn080 »
Ustxu Iceraped the Frigid Crystal of Slaughter was a glacier titan. It was the only one of its kind. A gigantic feathered carp composed of crystal glass. It has five mouths full of treacherous teeth, enormous clear wings, and ferocious blue eyes. Beware its icy breath! Ustxu was associated with oceans, glaciers, boats, and murder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1481 on: March 29, 2011, 11:45:59 pm »

If I release the spreadsheet on google docs would people be interested in adding information to it? As long as everyone keeps prices to the 16 ego value it would probably let us get a lot of info in.

Might need organizing, though. Right now it's just one big list, but as the categories grow it'll be necessary to split things up so it's easy to find the stuff you're looking for.
Bit of a late response, but that would be really nice actually. After it grows a bit, it would let me know exactly what to keep and what to throw away.
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1482 on: March 30, 2011, 12:40:24 am »

I just discovered that you can pick up the Joppa chests near the various people, carry em away from the people into a closed hut, and then open them, letting you get the chests from the three chatty folks without killing them.
Ustxu Iceraped the Frigid Crystal of Slaughter was a glacier titan. It was the only one of its kind. A gigantic feathered carp composed of crystal glass. It has five mouths full of treacherous teeth, enormous clear wings, and ferocious blue eyes. Beware its icy breath! Ustxu was associated with oceans, glaciers, boats, and murder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1483 on: March 30, 2011, 12:44:10 am »

I just discovered that you can pick up the Joppa chests near the various people, carry em away from the people into a closed hut, and then open them, letting you get the chests from the three chatty folks without killing them.
Really? Wow, I never knew that!

This brings an image of you going "Don't worry don't worry I'm just going to clean off this chest in the salt water. I'll bring it back, I promise!" while taking the chest away.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Caves of Qud: Now in Open Beta
« Reply #1484 on: March 30, 2011, 12:46:48 am »

I just discovered that you can pick up the Joppa chests near the various people, carry em away from the people into a closed hut, and then open them, letting you get the chests from the three chatty folks without killing them.

What is the command to carry them?
Thank you based dwarf.
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