Legal stuff? What legal stuff? Expound... Curiosity is piqued...
Also, of course you can use the cadbury bunnies.
I was cashiering and two women came into the store and started whining at me for not arbitrarily lowering prices for them or accepting their empty gift card as payment. I ended up losing my temper and telling them to eff off and flipping them the bird. They retaliated by telling the police a story about me shoving a shopping cart into one of them.
The police arrested me for assault and battery without bothering to check the security footage or talk to anyone else who saw what happened. After a few months of wading through bureaucracy, I got them to look at the evidence that showed I didn't attack anyone, but at that point, the courts insisted on prosecuting me for "disorderly conduct" because I cussed at the two women. I asked for a jury trial, but my public defender insisted that I had no chance of winning and told me that the judge refused to drop the charges and that I'd get sentenced to jail time for "wasting the court's time" if I didn't take the plea deal.
So, I took the plea deal and got found guilty of a crime because someone didn't like what I said to them and now I have no job and no home. I'm in the middle of moving to California to be with my relatives now that I'm finally able to leave the state, so I don't have access to my computer at the moment.
Anyways, I'll continue working on the mod as much as I can find time to.