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Author Topic: Flagblinded:the law-abiding succession- Need Players!  (Read 18258 times)


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #105 on: January 29, 2011, 01:48:59 pm »

Sure, It's SethCreiyd's turn now.


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #106 on: January 29, 2011, 08:23:58 pm »

I've downloaded the save, I'll take a look around the place shortly.

Any dorfing requests?


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #107 on: January 30, 2011, 02:52:52 pm »

If I wasn't done already, A speardwarf please.
Best thing to do about the blindness pandemic, train a lot of siege operators. Because they can't see enemies, they won't run in panic.

Ibid Straydrink

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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #108 on: January 30, 2011, 07:11:12 pm »

If I wasn't done already, A speardwarf please.

You must have a great deal of self-loathing. :P
“I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be. Deserves to perish wretchedly; 'Twere better nothing would begin."


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #109 on: January 31, 2011, 04:24:31 am »

Sethon had little idea of what time it was when he awoke in his bedroom to the sound of an intruder, but he knew he hadn't been sleeping for too long.  In a flash he was standing, wielding the iron spear he always kept under the bed.  The stranger was dressed in rags of shadow, with spurting boils covering all the flesh he could see.  In the dark he could barely make out the image of spindly insects weaving their way through the stranger's hair.

"Tell me who you are before I kill you," said Sethon as he tightened his grip on the spear.

A haggard voice that might have once been feminine responded, "Stay the weapon, sir!  I am not violent."

"You are intruding!"

"I only wish to speak with Sethon Glacierwheels.  Is that not you?"

The Captain of the Guard did not attend his current job position with carelessness.  The spear remained in his grasp, but it wasn't further raised.  "Who are you, and what's so important that you interrupt my rest?"

The figure giggled in a much different voice.  "I am the Lady of Wealth, and your rest can wait, mortal."

With a wave of the woman's hand, the ceiling shimmered and dribbled shiny little droplets of golden rain that rippled and flooded over every surface of the room.  Sunlight shone unnaturally from the shallow stone above them, so bright that Sethon cowed his face behind his hands.

"Ooh, sorry!  I always forget about doing that to dwarves.  Is this better?"

The dwarf uncovered his eyes.  The room glowed softly with an eerie blue light, emanating from the clothes of the unearthly being, who was now a stunning beauty with a pale golden skin, clothed in finery woven from the strands of the most desired material in the world:  Priceless adamantine, the true metal, the hardest metal, the most dangerous metal to mine, the most valuable thing in existence.

"Except that here at Flagblinded, it is by no means rare," said Idräth, finishing Sethon's thoughts.  "If you'll stop cowering like that for a minute, Sethon, I really need you to listen here.  We're not even supposed to be talking like this, but times have been tough and everyone's bending the Rules."

Sethon had crouched himself in the furthest corner of his bed, but he had dropped the spear.  "I don't understand," he managed to say through his paralyzed mind.

"It's pretty simple, darling, try to follow.  I've selected you to carry out an important task.  You are the one here who is most faithful to me, I know you'll do what I say.  You know what you'll get if you do, and you know what I'll do if you don't."  Sethon swallowed loudly.

"To make a long story short, one of my fellows has lost her damn mind and manipulated a bunch of mortals on some backwater galaxy into starting the end of existence.  This event has caused a few," she paused, "problems, in some of the worlds we've been making."

On the wall to Idräth's side formed the image of an adamantine spire, identical to the one that shadowed Flagblinded.  A goblin thief fled in terror from the horrible, shadowy creatures that crept around it, their twisted bodies silhouetted on the tree-scattered moonlight.  The goddess pointed at the image.  "You've lived the result of these problems.  We're trying our best to fix the situation, but right now, you're all in incredible danger."

"Danger?"  Sethon stammered.  "B- but, Your Preciousness, I thought the Spire was a boon from you.  You mean --"

"This is not how I gift," said the Goddess.  "Think on it, mortal.  Where is adamantine found?"

"Until now, only the deepest depths of the world, beyond which lay the terror.  That's why..."

"No, you fool!  You would be the rabbit caught in the snare!  I ask you again.  Where is adamantine found?

Sethon's eyes widened as realization took place around them.  "Oh no."

The goddess leaned forward, her garments glittering in the light that they themselves gave off.  "Your home is a gateway to doom.  Wide and inviting."

Outside, in the dead of night, atop the great silvery needle towering into the sky, a terrible scream sounded out.  The shadowy creatures who had gathered at the bottom scattered and vanished with a final thunderous peal of cackling, as fell shapes of inconceivable dimensions flickered about the edges of the spire.

"This was the warning.  I can do no more for you.  You are the Captain of the Guard, Sethon.  It's your task to keep these people safe.  Now listen.  In my name, bring wealth to Flagblinded, but do not touch the Spire.  It is currently safe, sealed off.  Keep it that way.  Show your people that you can be trusted with their prosperity, that there are other ways to riches and success.  Show them that they do not need the infernal metal to thrive.  This your Lady commands."

Sethon listened on, and at the end, he knelt upon the bed and said with his head bowed, "I will.  My Lady, I have so many questions --"

"Later!" the Goddess shrieked and vanished in a puff of smoke.  Coins scattered across the floor and vanished in their own smoking puffs.  The glamour on the walls faded, replaced by the bare stone they had been just minutes before.

Trembling, with renewed sense of purpose, Sethon crawled out of the bed and scrambled for his lantern.  He had to see the mayor, whatever time it was.

*     *     *

"I said no, Sethon!  I don't care about your ridiculous dream!  The adamantine extraction will proceed."

Sethon sighed, half out of anger and half from exhaustion.  Arguing with Unib made for an excellent workout, even when he was well-rested.  "Please, Mayor..."

"Please nothing!  You're not to one who has to stare at the production ledger every day!  I have quotas to meet.  All these dwarves showed up because of the Spire, and they need work!  And we all need something to show for our efforts when the Mountainhomes check in.  I'll be voted out of office if we don't start mining now.

I'm accountable for this fortress's wealth, not you.  Now let me do my job, Captain!"

"I will do MY job, Mayor, no matter who gets in my way."

Unib rose from her chair, her face contorted with fury.  "Are you threatening me, Captain?"

Sethon smiled.  "No, Mayor.  My threats involve a great deal of violent language.  I was making a statement of fact.  If you intend to pursue this foolish plan..."

"I intend to --"

"... I will take every action necessary to prevent you.  I won't abandon these dwarves to your insane greed."

The Mayor sneered.  "You wouldn't dare move against me.  Unlike whatever hole you came from, Flagblinded is a law-abiding fortress.  Your soldiers would never stand for such an outrage, and you know it."

"As you may yet learn, lass, there are ways to stop a person without injury.  Think about my proposition, and consider the favors owed me by the Masons before you go speak to the miners.  Good day, Mayor."

Sethon left Unib's quarters, closing the door slowly on his way out.  He dared not to look back.

*     *     *

Journal of Sethon Usirkol, Captain of the Guard

Well, I've done it now.  Unib won't be able to convince the miners to dig anywhere near the Spire, now that they know I won't imprison them for refusing.  All miners know what dangers wait beyond adamantine veins, and how little they can resist digging through it once they've started.  "Like mining buttery beer," as one put it.

Now I must convince Unib that we can tremendously expand our wealth without the truemetal.  I've been granted permission to try, at least, and I'll try, but it won't be easy.

Ninety-seven dwarves, and our grand entrance hall is carved of sodding dirt.  I think improving the entrance will go a long way toward helping the general attitude of this place and keep the Mayor out of my beard for the moment.  I called for an architect to discuss building a fine new road in our hall of entry.  There wasn't a great deal to work with.

*     *     *

I asked what we did have.  The architect rubbed his chin.  "Orthoclase," he said.  "Microcline."

Nonetheless, I have a plan.  I spoke with our manager Maquox.  This fortress lacks for so many basic building materials, we'll be working all year.

In the meantime, I've asked the miners to carve out a temple to the Lady of Wealth, in thanks for her warning, in hopes of her blessing.

The woodworking wing is well stocked and prepared for mass production of beds and training spears.  Maquox has assigned some of the more talentless dwarves to be apprentice Carpenters under our local legend in the field.  Olin is not exactly thrilled with the idea of teaching, but he'll do it if he wants that nice house he's been promised.

The Mason's Guild is getting many new recruits.  One thing that Unib and I have in common is our distaste for the lazy dwarves around here.  Most of them came here because of that damn Spire, and they think they can drink our booze without doing any work.  They'll work for their booze, by Gulnas.

My plans for the entrance will interfere with care of our wounded, so the miners have been ordered to prepare a new infirmary wing.

The Mayor has given me a year to fulfill my task.  A year to prepare this place for success.  We will be ready when it comes!

Bomrek is here and looks worried.  I wonder what's wrong.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 05:31:20 am by SethCreiyd »


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #110 on: January 31, 2011, 05:46:40 pm »

The cave-in turned out to be a false alarm.  We all heard the earth moving, though none could find the source of the rumble.  My attention was soon diverted by a new concern.  Rubbing my forehead, I called for the Mayor.

Unib grinned when she surveyed the former living area.  "This level is a bit balmier than I remember, Captain," she said, smarmily patting my shoulder.  The two of us sat on the edge of the main stairwell which had recently become the access point to the fortress swimming pool.

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"And there was no warning?" she went on.

"No," I said.  "The miners mentioned no damp stone, or the fact that they started a flood.  It was only when I saw the water by the stairs that I learned of this."

It was the truth, though I don't think she believed me, for what I care.  It's fortunate that no one lived down there, but we need new quarters, and a better location for the temple.  There's a secondary quarry a few floors above the flood, and I want to speak to the head Masons about turning it into a residential wing, but I can't seem to find those layabouts anywhere.

We received about thirty migrants the next day, including Nomal, our new Chief Medical Dwarf and a truly likeable fellow.

I didn't get to know him as well as I would have liked, since midway through our conversation he turned and started running away as fast as he did.  I followed him into the fortress, where he shoved a bone carver aside and comandeered the workshop.  He started working immediately and produced our most useful artifact to date.

It is a masterfully crafted helmet, a symbol of practicality.  I've proposed a new law to the Mayor in honor of his accomplishment:  Creators of equippable artifacts should be allowed to equip them.  Due to extant law, Nomal will have to prove his worth in combat before being allowed in the military, but I have faith in him.

I was on my way to check on the progress of our new entrance when I noticed something repugnant on the floor of the meeting area.

Baby Olin lay dead in the dirt.  I often saw little Olin crawling through the fortress by himself.  His mother Sarvesh has been in bed for months resting a broken leg.  The father, Kivish, is a stonecrafter, who was so busy working he couldn't remember to feed his child.  Apparently no one else noticed Olin was hungry.  We are all shamed.

At least the entrance hall is looking good.

Once I ordered the body buried, I needed something to lift my spirits.  I checked on the new barracks south of my quarters, and they're almost ready for use.

With any luck, it will be finished by next spring, like all the other projects.  With all these dwarves, we should be able to make due.

Several kittens were born on the first of Hematite.  They're insufferably cute.  Maybe we should let Sarvesh and Kivish take care of them to make up for their recent unfortunate loss.

Correction:  Losses.


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #111 on: January 31, 2011, 06:08:20 pm »

A baby died??? NOOOOOOOO!  :'( :'( :'(

In all seriousness though, good update.
Best thing to do about the blindness pandemic, train a lot of siege operators. Because they can't see enemies, they won't run in panic.


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #112 on: January 31, 2011, 09:40:54 pm »

If the kittens are still breathing the next season you should be expelled from your post....
Don't you just love magma-baked cookies?


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #113 on: February 01, 2011, 12:05:28 am »

If the kittens are still breathing the next season you should be expelled from your post....

They were butchered immediately.


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #114 on: February 01, 2011, 05:02:14 am »

If the kittens are still breathing the next season you should be expelled from your post....

They were butchered immediately.


Law: all butchered cats (hopefully none) must be taken to make leather clothes to be worn by their previous owners.
Best thing to do about the blindness pandemic, train a lot of siege operators. Because they can't see enemies, they won't run in panic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #115 on: February 01, 2011, 06:24:10 pm »

seth, how is gaaben? is he dead yet?


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #116 on: February 01, 2011, 09:27:00 pm »

Unib was just finishing her fifth barrel of ale that morning when Sethon strode into the dining room.  He sat down at the table across from her and stared.  "Care to pass the barrel, Mayor?" he said, after a minute of watching Unib's guzzling.

She set the barrel down and wiped her mouth, flicking her fingers dry.  "You know very well I'm not the Mayor anymore, Captain."

"Yes," said Sethon.  "I was just speaking to Lór about the transfer of power.  He's already mandated the construction of certain goods."

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He reached into his tunic and pulled forth a small fold of parchment.  "We argued about the Spire.  He agreed to hold off mining for now, while his other concerns are addressed.  He wants an entirely new house, so you're allowed to keep your old quarters."

"Oh, we'll still be neighbors." Unib rubbed her face.  "What more could I want?"  She clutched the back of her hair with both hands and set her head down on the table.

"You tell me.  You are still Mayor until the day is out.  Is there anything you request?"

Unib lifted her head.  "Excuse me?"

"I'm in your debt, Mayor.  You granted my request and heeded my advice.  If there is something you need, simply ask."

Unib stood slowly and wobbled in place.  "It was all for nothing, you know.  There's only one reason Lór was elected, Captain.  He's going after the adamantine.  He will promise the soldiers access to it, in spite of the law, and they will not listen to you.  He will persecute any miner who refuses to cooperate.  I sacrificed my career so that you could delay the inevitable."  She picked up the barrel and set it down on the table.  "Thank you, Captain, but I want nothing else from you."  She adjusted her disheveled dress and marched out, leaving Sethon alone in the room.

*     *     *

Such a fine Trade Depot, Lór thought, rubbing his restless hands together.  The way the mica glitters in the sunlight is exquisite.  And yet nothing compared to that Spire!  But it will be mine.  Soon it will be mine.

A group of humans had arrived to trade their measly trinkets for exotic dwarven artifacts, which (from Lór's perspective) consisted of all the most worthless stone crafts and pre-owned clothing the fort had to offer.  He prepared his silkiest voice as they approached.  "Greetings, human people!  Welcome to Flagblinded!  Have you come to trade?"

"Yes, and trade we will!" said the human in front, a particularly tall man tugging an uncooperative pack mule along with him.  "But before we do, there's something you should know."

"What's that?" Lór said.

"What?" Lór said.

"I know what a minotaur is!" Lór shrieked.  "I mean, you just ignored it?!"

"Hey!" A crossbowman from the back of the caravan raised his hand.  "We don't get paid to deal with your problems!"

Nods and murmurs of assent passed over the group.  Lór sighed.

*     *     *

Journal of Sethon Usirkol, excerpts

Our new Mayor failed his effort to convince the human visitors to fight our battle for us.  The militia was mobilized.

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Nearly forty of us raced across the bridge, most of us bereft of arms, clad only in everyday garb.  A hunter who was caught outside when the minotaur approached was the first to confront it.  We couldn't see what was going on, all we could hear were the minotaur's screams of rage and its ponderous footsteps.  Then the dwarf began to scream.  Time slowed and stretched itself around us as seconds passed like minutes.  We couldn't arrive fast enough.

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By the time the first reinforcements, the dwarf had stopped making sound.  I feared the worst.  Besmar as the first to reach the minotaur.  He grabbed the beast by the leg to no avail.  With an unholy scream, the minotaur plunged its dreadful horn into the marksdwarf's chest.  Pooling blood surrounded his lifeless body.

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Dwarf after dwarf fell upon the creature, enraged by what they had seen.  It tore itself free from the grasp of such smaller hands with ease, but I write with pride that not a single dwarf faltered in their bravery.  Finally, with four dwarves holding down and another six biting, kicking and scratching like maddened cats, I drew around to the minotaur's face.  Staring the creature in the eye, I readied my weapon.

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The minotaur lay quivering with a spear in its brain, and went limb.  It was over.

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Still, vengeance gives no life to the dead.  Let all of Flagblinded remember Domas Lorbamstinthäd for his stalwart heroism.  May his bravery live on in all of us.

*     *     *

Sethod had just finished setting Domas in his coffin when he heard the door to the tomb slam open.

"Careful with that!"  Sethond whispered loudly.  "You'll ruin the door."

"Sethon!"  It was gaaben, the miner of legend.  "Sethon, come quickly!"

"Quiet, gaaben, please!  Have respect for the dead."

"Just look," gaaben said, rolling up his sleeve.  Stitched in his shoulder was...

"By the gods," Sethon said, a pressure building in his chest.  The Mayor's already started mining!  That slime devil!

"I'd gone in with a nasty cut and Kikrost stitched me up with these.  The hospital's filled with them, Captain!  I confronted Litast and he admitted it.  They've been secretly mining all month, under Lór's orders!"

Sethod seemed to freeze for a moment.  He set down the lid of the coffin.  "Please see to Domas' respects, gaaben.  I need to have words with the Mayor."

*     *     *

Great piles of gleaming ore set a silver-blue glow against the walls of a musty workshop hidden off to the side of the food processing center.  The soft glow ebbed from the end of the long, narrow corridor leading there.

Sethod entered and gasped aloud.  It was a mere fraction of the Spire, and yet seemed that much greater by its nearness.  The light of the ore glittered in the eyes of the dwarves extracting strands of truemetal, entirely focused as though they were all that existed.

The earth around them shuddered.  Sethod ran out of the workshop, dodging bits of falling earth on his way up the stair.  "I don't believe it," he mouthed.  "Lór, you fool."

"What's going on?!" he called to a nearby dwarf above the noise of stone grinding stone.

"It's th' Spire!" the dwarf roared back.  "Somethin's happened at th' Spire!"  The dwarf tore down the stairway, howling.

Sethod emerged outside and shielded his face against the sudden storm.  The snow was melting on its way down, whipped into a frenzy by the relentless wind that now threatened the posture of the hillside trees.  Great swirls of ice funneled by the gale struck at the earth, tearing frozen holes in the soil.  Lightning crackled across the sky and struck at the Spire, and there came a blinding flash, an ear-splitting rumble.  Forks of power coursed around the Spire, expanding until the whole surface was alight with plasmic fire.

"Sethod!"  It was gaaben.  "There are workers out there!"

"What!?" Sethod screamed, the roar now far too loud for any sound to match.

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"Great Gulnas," Sethon said. The Spire was gone.  Great plumes of dust billowed down and spread over the landscape, filling the air and reducing the clouded daylight to meaninglessness.

"Find those workers!"  Sethon shouted, charging down the hill.  "Tell Nomal to prepare!"

Nomal was already on site, carrying a wounded dwarf in his arms when the rescue party arrived.  "Everyone else is dead, Captain," he said with a heavy voice.  "Only Vabôk here survived."

"I don't understand," the injured miner coughed.  "There was a cave-in, no reason... no stone above us, until we started digging..."

"This stone," Sethon said.  Vabôk, what's this wall made of?"

"I don't know... never seen it before.  Unknown material."  The miner shakily lifted his arm, and passed out.

"Go, Doctor," Sethon said.  Nomal hurried up the hill with his patient.  Peering down the tunnel of truemetal that once made the center of the spire, he could see a shallow end.  All had fallen quiet, and the snow drifted gently down the mountainside.

*     *     *

(OOC:  gaaben is fine.  :)  I started mining the adamantine spire around the edges to keep its height, when the cave-in happened.   It seems that the top layer of adamantine was considered 'open space' instead of an adamantine tile floor.  My guess is it wasn't actual 'open space' but a glitched wall, which then caved in and destroyed everything.  I'm sorry for blowing up the Spire, but now we have lot of raw ore and a wall of some weird unobtanium that's not in the raws.  The huge vein is still there, and the collapse sealed it off, so there's no way for the Ghost of Steam to get out until we let it out.  On the bright side, nearly everyone that was injured survived and got better.)

Edit:  I was wrong.  Repeat attempts to cave in the 'open space' haven't worked.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 12:45:30 am by SethCreiyd »


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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #117 on: February 02, 2011, 07:00:00 pm »

Sethon's Journal, Excerpts

The Mayor's been avoiding me.  I haven't been able to reach or find him since the accident.  I hope he's properly ashamed.

In the meantime, Nomal continues patching up our wounded with strands of adamantine.

This is an absurd waste of the material that cost us so much to get.  Five died in the Spire Collapse.  I understand the need to care for our injured workers but cloth sutures work just as well.  All adamantine strands present in the hospital have been forbidden for now.

Cog and Erush succumbed to their wounds in the night.  It's sad to see them go, but we may now, at least, reclaim their sutures.

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Several days ago, there was another false alarm regarding a cave-in.  Nothing seems to have actually fallen, but I took a walk over to the former site of the Spire to make certain nothing was acting up there.  An impressive wall of raw truemetal remains embedded in the side of the canyon overlooking the dry riverbed, currently blocked by an extraordinarily valuable dam.

I've been conducting some experiments on the unknown material left in the Spire's wake.  Most of the adamantine remaining around it was recently mined away.  It appears to be a form of stone, uniformly gray and completely smooth to touch and texture.  Mining the material didn't yield any usable stone, but it holds an engraving quite well.  I've ordered the site to be decorated, a memorial to our fallen comrades.

I returned to the fortress, where I got word that Kivish had come under a strange mood and was collecting bits of coal.  He's been unproductive since his children died, but perhaps this marks the end of his abjection.

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Or perhaps it marks another useless artifact for Flagblinded's collection.

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It was in fact a useless bracelet, but certainly our most valuable, and that's better than nothing.  At his request I'll have it stowed in the catacombs near his childrens' graves.

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I finally tracked down our hermit Mayor.  After several hours of unpleasant discourse he finally agreed to cease mining the adamantine.  He's now demanding steel, and in order to accommodate his request we've had to expand the woodworking section to incorporate a few furnaces, smelters and kilns.  Two siege workshops were thrown in for added measure.

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In light of his mandate for crystal glass passing unheeded, a glassmaker was sentenced to sixty-four days in a cage.  Honestly, a cage.  The depravity of this place rose a notch higher, and higher yet once I discovered poor Vabok had been moved to the kennel.

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I'll make sure she's moved to a suitable location. 

The caravan from the Mountainhomes arrived shortly before the start of Winter.  I like to think they enjoyed the state of our new entrance hall.  Stone tiles beat out silt loam any day.

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The Mayor has gone off to meet with the Liaison and the workers are bringing forth great heaps of junk for them to take home.    We have a bit of a booze shortage, so trade will be most welcome.  Winter fast approaches.



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Re: Flagblinded - the law-abiding Fortress - Succession
« Reply #118 on: February 03, 2011, 02:54:34 pm »

I'm deeply amazed with your turn so far, the spire...I've never seen something like that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flagblinded:the law-abiding succession-Military service and Unknown Material
« Reply #119 on: February 03, 2011, 11:08:05 pm »

"surely the gods themselves are looking on with awe right now."
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