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Author Topic: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Round 3 - Play now!  (Read 18300 times)


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Join And Play Now!
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2011, 11:10:16 am »

Moron's Log, Limestone

We have immediately started working on my monument to dwarven history. The others have no idea what it is going to be and I don't think they really like to help, but they have nothing else to do.

We built the whole month long. Urvad was interrupted once by a cougar skeleton, but nothing else happened this month.

Moron's Log, Sandstone

A few elephant skeletons decided to hang around for a bit, scaring the shit out of everyone who dared to continue on my grand project.

I'm beginning to think I did something wrong. I'll have the whole thing torn down and rebuilt.

Increasingly many dwarves have decided to just stop deconstruction and have a break. I don't like this. Are they trying to sneak off on the job?

Moron's Log, Timber

Some stray dwarves have arrived and request shelter. There are no skeletons in sight, so I think we can let them in. We are now 18 people.

Shortly afterwards a caravan arrived. I thought that it was the rest of the construction caravan, but it only wanted to trade with us. But we had nothing to trade for, so I sent a new weaponsmith to make some nice golden goblets.

Moron's Log, Moonstone

Some dwarf told me that he was a lee-a-song or so and that I could order stuff from the mountainhome. I immediately ordered the whole menu.

We brought heaps of gold goblets to the depot. The traders were waiting for a trader, but we had nobody. They said that anyone could trade with them, so I volunteered. I wanted all the food and drinks on the wagon and gave him all our goblets back. When the traders left, they were grinning so hard that their moustaches were overlapping their sideburns.

We were busy deconstructing the scaffolding when I managed to get stuck up there. I don't know how, I was just busy removing a floor, when I noticed that I could not go back. I told the others to get me down, but they said they were busy moving dead lizards all over the place. I was tired, so I went to sleep. It was really cold up there!

When I could come down at last, the others were really fed up with me and I had to remove the rest of the scaffolding alone.

Moron's Log, Opal

When I was finally finished with the scaffolding, I looked at my monument (it was a huge statue of me) and thought that there was something seriously wrong with it, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I came down and walked straight into some really smelly purple stuff. The meat had been in the trade depot for far too long, so they were throwing everything away.

Moron's Log, Obsidian

I was wandering around the halls when I saw a passage that I never saw before. I went through and saw a really grand fortress under excavation with lovely wide hallways and grand stairwells.

As I walked through the unfinished halls in wonder, little Unib walked by. I showed him the finger of ancient lore. Unib showed me one too. I think we will get on really well.
As I looked back to Unib again, he had suddenly gotten really big. I wonder what happened...

Also, while I was gone deconstructing, they had made the walls of our dining room all shiny and smooth. This looks really nice, I wonder who did this. Later some skeletal elephants came visiting, but they couldn't get over our wall.

Stukos came and told me that we were here one whole year already. I came to the conclusion that the year must have been really short.

Achievements this year:

Basic industry with farms and booze
Magma forges and furnaces directly over the magma sea
Sand caved-in to directly next to the furnaces
Nice layout for a grand aboveground megafort
Big moronic dwarfy statue of the Bloody Moron (sorry for the lack of screenshots, but I don't have 3D viewers)
18 dwarves, 1 casualty (Mafol)


Vote for me!


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Join And Play Now!
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2011, 12:26:34 pm »

Why did we come to that haunted bad place?
Noone is left now to ask this question. Our foolishness has been overwhelming.
We arrived and immediatly went to work, trees were shopped down, the wagon was unloaded.
We dug right into the earth, then to the west where obsidian, stone and ore was.
We knew this was a bad place, so we dug hastily to move down below as quickly as possible and to gather enough obsidian to build a first protective wall above.
Then the elephants came and slaughtered us all, they started with the dogs, then hunted the cats down, soon every dwarf was struck down.
The end.

Randy Gnoman

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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Join And Play Now!
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2011, 05:28:40 pm »

This was a fun site!  It was tough avoiding the elephants, and I had to forbid and delay a lot of work while they wandered around above, but most of my dwarves survived. Also, did you guys notice that the default expedition leader is an ardent worshiper of a goddess of death and disease?  An auspicious portent, that!  He's also a craftsdwarf, so that means he'll make lots of idols of his favorite goddess Onam Duststarved.

Okay, so, here's the year, split up into a series of spoilers:
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And, the final report:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Okay, so there are a couple more images, but I'm getting lazy.  I might post them up later.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Election starts on Monday!
« Reply #48 on: January 15, 2011, 12:42:44 pm »

I've decided to start the election on Monday 17th, since we have four timelines already (Iced, Kzel, Randy Gnoman and me) and nobody seems to be currently playing (except for Iced).

Iced, you should have finished your year now, why not give us an update?


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Sorry for the delay. Poll is running. Vote!


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Darn. I have a year played out, but I wanted to try and make it purtyful with then pictshures and such before I put it up.

Anwyays, I lost 4 of the starters to 'phants. The one valiantly sacrificed herself so that the remaining could finish the rudimentary defenses. Then I got some migrants... who spawned on top of the elephants. They died. Then I got a small wave f 4 who made it in. Then I got one more lone guy, on top of the elephants as usual, with a bull calf. He died, but that bull was a beast and made it in.

Then I was ambushed by Kobolds, since I was lazy and let all the dead people's crap lay out there. They beat up a normal elephant and then sat around and did whatever kobolds do.

I was proud :D

Perhaps I'll submit one next round then.
Regardless of what I said previously, DF elves don't chop. They merely coax the wood out of a tree in a manner which is probably sexual. So yes, they are terrible, terrible beings.


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I'm really sorry Valience, I didn't know that you were playing. I'll add a warning in the first post for people to announce when they're starting to play.


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It's fine. My year went so terrible dwarvenly awesome that I wasn't sure if anyone would want to take over anyways :D
Regardless of what I said previously, DF elves don't chop. They merely coax the wood out of a tree in a manner which is probably sexual. So yes, they are terrible, terrible beings.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2011, 02:28:16 pm »

Great, I won the election!
OK, let's start the second round. The save is in the first post, and don't forget to apply the dwarfings.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 03:41:57 pm by MagmaMcFry »


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2011, 11:26:20 am »

Official communiqué

Citizens, the slab of rock you're holding in your hands will soon be remembered in the history of our fortress. It has come to the attention of a concerned group of our valued members that this fortress is at odds with what could reasonably be called "normal operations".

As you may have noticed, unless you're part of the mining crew, the job situation in Ismalerush is nothing but catastrophic. As the time of this report's writing, 4 people were actually working, out of our total population of 18. We didn't brave the terrifying wilderness, the skeletal beasts, the horrifying plant life to live like in some bloated mountainhome. The current rulership has been unable to provide jobs for more than 75% of our population, this is unacceptable.

Our defenses are wholly inappropriate for any member of the dwarven race. You will find below a rough schematic of our current leader's plan to defend us :

That's right, dear citizens, an empy line of open space, without so much as a bridge, separates us from the hostile wilderness and soon to come goblins assaults. Any dabbling acrobat could jump this gap and assault our mighty military. Military consisting of exactly ONE member, Avuz Ustiroltar, who never had any fighting in her whole life ! This would be acceptable were she provided with some decent equipment. Let's consult one of Zazit's precious ledgers obtained by an anonymous supporter whose loyalty cannot be questioned :

As you can plainly see, nothing has been assigned for her use. Not even one of our shoddy obsidian rock swords. When confronted about the matter, Avuz claimed to have far sufficient equipment. However, as all can observe, her adequate equipment consists of nothing but clothes ! How she can hope to stand her ground against the giant skeletal elephants is anyone's guess.

This outrageous disdain toward your security cannot continue any further. The situation requires immediate action. Our brave siege operator Kzel has taken matter into his own hands and has overthrown the previous government. As the most experience member of our military, he has taken upon himself the great burden of responsibility and claimed the title of Military Leader, and singlehandedly organized and won a coup. He has promised to hold elections at the end of spring, enough time for him to form the premises of our grand army. Until such time comes, martial law is enacted and the following rules specified :

- All men are drafted in the military. Because of our previous leader's lax policies, people have become far too friendly and we will not endanger our babies by sending them on the fields of battle. The current draft list includes Iced, NobodyPro, Randy and our previous leader, MagmaMcFry. If your name is on the previous list, please report to your commander to begin training.

- Avuz Ustiroltar, also known as Musashi, is demoted from her functions of military commander. She has been assigned MagmaMcFry's previous counting job, he is assumed to be busy training once his break is over.

- All following names are to report at the magma forges for metal smelting : Di, Bayar, Deviled, Imiknorris, UmbrageOfSnow, Valience

- The miners Aramco, Plank Of Wood and Mr. MacDuggan are required to stop any ongoing project and begin mining the hematite vein discovered in our exploratory shaft downward.

- The lumberjacks Urdim and Urvad are to tend the farms while preparations are made to go outside and gather more wood.

Let's make our queen Zuglar proud !


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2011, 11:40:28 am »

Dwarf please.
As it turns out, the pen was in fact a poor choice for melee combat in comparison to the sword.
So I just started playing this game and I accidentally nuked the moon.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2011, 02:13:14 pm »

Dwarf me? and maybe ill join in next round.

Name: Syde
Prof: Smith (of all sorts) / Hammerdwarf
The only dye dwarfs should use is MAGMA. And the only thing dwarfs should dye is ELVES.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2011, 04:25:18 pm »

Commander Kzel's speech, summer 101

Brave and strong dwarves, the last months have not been easy on us. While the equipment for our initial forces of 5 soldiers were well underway, the recent arrival of 22 more souls dedicated to the prosperity of this settlement has delayed our arming effort. As you know, all men were to be drafted, and by my word, they were! Our military now stands proudly at 19 soldiers, all armed with weapons made of the finest steel, though not by the best of smiths (between the laughing crowd, two women stare furiously). I'm not forgetting my fellow hammerdwarf, armed as I am with a silver weapon, who will one day become the first officer of justice in our settlement. Let's give a round of applause to Mebzuth !


Some of you expressed doubt and concern when they were told to join the ranks of the military instead of pursuing their profession of choice. Never fear, men, for this situation is only temporary. For now, our training is insufficient to provide victory by sheer skill, which is why we must win with numbers ! Let the goblins come and they'll each get one axe to the head and one spear to the bottom !

I would like to dedicate this day to the bravest of us all, NobodyPro, who you all remember charging outside to protect our lumberjacks, armed with only an axe and a shield. His blow was the first to strike the foul skeletal tiger that dared venture into our lands. Although we quickly followed, his bravery is to be commended and this is why I have decided to award him our first medal of courage, made of pure aluminum. Let's show him our respect by buying him a round of fresh Sunshine each! The surface is ours, and it will stay that way until there are no more trees to fell!

(outraged cries of elves are heard in the distance)

That is not all, for I have also kept an eye on our craftsmen as they are providing us with food, booze and arms. Let us all be thankful to their dedication, as they worked tirelessly in the darkness. It has come to my attention that Di, in a burst of creativity, created a magnificent scepter of dark stone, fitting for the best of rulers. Such an object is priceless, and we all thank Di for his effort. It will be sure to find its place in the hands of our new ruler.

You may wonder why elections for this new ruler haven't been made yet. The answer is as simple as it is obvious : we are not ready. We need more steel to protect ourselves, and the recent arrival of the elves shows that the outside world knows about us. They've probably heard tales of our golden riches, and they would be right. No doubt more kobold pillagers and goblin scum will come in hope of an easy prey. I will not stand a relax of our effort while we're still so vulnerable! By the end of summer, we should be adequately equipped to face the trials ahead, and we shall, this I swear to you, organize free elections then!


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2011, 08:31:44 am »

Sorry everyone, I had a suprise holiday in the yorke peninsula (apperantly the most patriotic place in the world, there was a flag every 10 metres or somerthing rediculous like that) and had no access to a computer, or worse, DF.

Is it within my rights to take a stab at this round?


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2011, 05:30:47 am »

Since you didn't win the last election, yes.
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