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Author Topic: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure. Rebecoming the greatness it never wasn't  (Read 545251 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2655 on: September 05, 2011, 05:42:12 pm »

Thank you for drawing me :). I feel kinda proud. If I had some zemblax, I'd ask for a portrait of that as an avatar! EDIT: Am using pic as an avatar for now.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 05:46:08 pm by Geen »


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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2656 on: September 05, 2011, 09:36:53 pm »

I am delighted (?) at the complex multi-character events that have been spawned by collective forum action.  I would like to commend all parties on a job well done.

I also note that no zemblax were spent in the making of that picture.  I would be willing to expend some from my personal stash to pay for handling expenses.  Also, if there's a risk that the side events may continue before we get back to the actual story, a Maru Mari and a Bomb upgrade.



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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2657 on: September 05, 2011, 10:27:49 pm »

you want a musician and a bomb upgrade?

oh and
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2658 on: September 05, 2011, 11:09:20 pm »

I just had an idea. With my 1 1/3 zemblax, I shall attempt to buy the account or virtual monies of a virtual dice player, rack up a lot more virtual monies, and then sell the acount or virtual monies to a sectoid in a great deal of dept at a high markup.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2659 on: September 06, 2011, 06:30:20 am »

*Turn on the light, reducing Armok to a pair of red eyes, take his stolen jar of Zemblax and return it to the previous owner return it to the original owner spend it on yogurt non-sentient yogurt-creating pets*

I shall have an endless supply of YOGURT!

This one thread is mine. MIIIIINE!!! And it will remain a happy, friendly, encouraging place, whether you lot like it or not. 
will rena,eme sique to sique sxds-- siquo if sucessufil
(cant spel siqou a. every speling looks wroing (hate this))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2660 on: September 06, 2011, 09:54:21 am »

You have to send a signal to SC-412 without the droid hearing.
You use the secret sign language that you created for such this occasion.
You frantically sign, hoping that you taught SC-412 the signs.
Please let you have taught SC-412 the signs.

You had not taught SC-412
She looks puzzled as you flail your arms wildly.

00AEEF however, understands your message. and begins coiling around SC-412's leg.
There's no way it can do this covertly. Is there?

00AEEF hurls SC-412 headlong from its chassis over the crowd and the droid with the hostage.
SC-412 flails her arms wildly attempting to get balance in the air.

For a brief moment, your instruction becomes clear.
SC-412 tucks her arms in and fires off a single shot.
The blast hits the droid's final limb from behind, leaving it completely disabled
and knocking it's shaken hostage to the ground.

SC-412 having lost her balance, hits the ground spinning and rolls down the hall.
00AEEF must have thrown hr pretty hard.

Suddenly you hear cheers coming from the crowd.
they rejoice in the freeing of the hostage.
Some Sectoids help the hostage off of the floor.
Waves of applause travel down the  corridors.

"You tubespawners celebrate erroneously! Your eradication is emminent!"

It wasn't a great update but now we can get past it.

I might have to stop drawing Fight for Rexfelum's Zemblax it was an interesting diversion, but that's a multiplayer illustrated suggestion game for someone else to draw.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 11:51:11 am by Robocorn »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2661 on: September 06, 2011, 09:59:40 am »

Regular updates are better anyway. Your new style looks cool, again.

Reprogram the droid just as you did with 00AEEF, arm your friends, and only then secretly check on SC-412 (who has probably died heroically but that's not really motivational to the rest (you know what, just dump the body and tell everyone (s)he's on a secret mission))


This one thread is mine. MIIIIINE!!! And it will remain a happy, friendly, encouraging place, whether you lot like it or not. 
will rena,eme sique to sique sxds-- siquo if sucessufil
(cant spel siqou a. every speling looks wroing (hate this))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2662 on: September 06, 2011, 10:16:25 am »

Yes, bust out the illegal weapons, it's revolution time. 

If there are Sectoids who don't wish to fight, tell them that the droids will destroy all of you, whether you fight or not. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2663 on: September 06, 2011, 10:41:50 am »

nice oil painting style thrown in there!
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2664 on: September 06, 2011, 10:49:05 am »

"Shut up, like you're one to talk."
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2665 on: September 06, 2011, 11:19:25 am »

Dispense more guns and yogurt. And yogurt guns.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2666 on: September 06, 2011, 12:51:38 pm »

Dispense more guns and yogurt. And yogurt guns.
I second this. In fact, yogurt guns should be very useful. They could blind any robots we come across without damaging them and be used as a ranged yogurt delivery system to improve morale with pinpoint accuracy.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2667 on: September 06, 2011, 02:05:53 pm »

Regular updates are better anyway. Your new style looks cool, again.

Reprogram the droid just as you did with 00AEEF, arm your friends, and only then secretly check on SC-412 (who has probably died heroically but that's not really motivational to the rest (you know what, just dump the body and tell everyone (s)he's on a secret mission))
I think we kinda just gave 00AEEF a suggestion than full mine wipe into a mutant freedom machine, though we can strip the droid of it's parts and upgrade the hull of 00AEEF.
then make the mutant hating abomination into a nice talking cube that has a mute button.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2668 on: September 06, 2011, 02:49:24 pm »

I might note how much I enjoy these recent hand-drawn updates.  This panel from the previous update looks like art you'd get in a Choose Your Own Adventure book.  The recent oil painting is unexpected and cool.  Then we hear this:

"You tubespawners celebrate erroneously! Your eradication is emminent!"

Well, heck.  Eminent?  We've got eminence?  Alright, daddy-o, let's distribute symbols of elevated rank as compared with others in social or official position, wealth, or power, such as monocles and the sci-fi equivalent of smokin' pipes.

Also, prepare for droid invasion.  And tend to that rib.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Voyage. Paint Adventure.
« Reply #2669 on: September 06, 2011, 03:05:25 pm »

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