Ok, so here's my thoughts on you guys.
Tolyk: His last big post was, well, big, but didn't really say anything. Sure, he voted to extend, but since Draze is pretty much the only one who voted for him right now, it might just be a ruse to make him look townier without putting himself too much at risk
Zrk2: He's lurky, and didn't do much since yesterround. His
first post was productive, and his vote is justified as Draze behaves kinda scummy (which could still be interpreted as bussing anyways) , but his
next and last major post was a retort to my own off-topic post (which is okay, I guess), asking for my scumpicks (superfluous, as I already posted them), and asking me to help him stop the wine (which nincompoop already drank *g*, so superfluous). Not much in the scumhunting department aside from accusing Draze.
Tyberix: Was quiet lately, but his posts were mostly productive. Also, he's on the top of Draze's scumlist, but following that line of thought would lead to WIFOM
Akhier: Active and hunts a lot, although he did go after Tyberix and nincompoop. But that might just've been the wine doing bad things to his head.
Lordnincpmpoop: Active scumhunter, wiped up the wine and has thoroughly dissected Draze's posts. Although, considering how bad Draze does, it wouldn't be too much of a risk to bus him. Also on Draze's scumlist, but WIFOM etc.etc...
Draze: Nothing to say that hasn't already been said by nincompoop.
Me: Nutjob who can't concentrate on the important stuff and derails often. Possessed my an evil 'stache.