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Author Topic: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home v.4  (Read 97055 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2011, 08:16:27 pm »


I love what you do with hacks.


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2011, 05:53:30 am »

This is cool.

Given that it can be done with hacks, it seems like it would be easy for toady to add this as a supported feature of the game.... Being able to put a fort into some sort of limited "autopilot" instead of abandon would be nice anyway.


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 02:29:24 pm »

th-this has always been my dream. to be able to leave a fort without abandoning it. I love you, man.


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2011, 07:35:07 pm »

th-this has always been my dream. to be able to leave a fort without abandoning it. I love you, man.
well there some issues on doing that best not crack the bottom else you want to come back to corpses. Caverns are a good way to lose members of a fort so either wall up the area or spend a good amount of time searching for that legendary Chef who left to pick up a plumb helmet off map. If you want to keep some members from wandering off best to see if you could recruit them if not then force recruit them.

edit: mega project you could build a fort in the middle of the ocean given that you dump a embark site in the middle of the ocean then go back to there to dry off the land either by using bonfire in a fire proof bag (bonus if the bag can be hold with a non fire proof adventurer) then swap over to fort mode and dig deep or build a above water sea port.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 09:28:05 pm by Rumrusher »
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2011, 02:21:50 pm »

I asked this over in the DFusion thread and I'll ask here, as well, is there any way to do this and then remove the site from the Reclaim list?
Engraved is an image of a Human and a video game. The Human is making a plaintive gesture.


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 07:22:13 pm »

I asked this over in the DFusion thread and I'll ask here, as well, is there any way to do this and then remove the site from the Reclaim list?
I want to ask why? unless Reclaiming the site causes a bug or a personal problem that people might walk into doing this then I have found a way to do so through it involves the Site changer. if you change the site to something else then find the same thing and swap it to a players fort the game will replace the normal site with the site you swap. (if yo had a player fort swap to a lair then found a lair and swap that to a player fort you could remove the original player fort for the lair.) though removing the thing from the list won't happen. though doing so would just wipe clean both sites on the next reload.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2011, 08:25:27 pm »

I asked this over in the DFusion thread and I'll ask here, as well, is there any way to do this and then remove the site from the Reclaim list?
I want to ask why? unless Reclaiming the site causes a bug or a personal problem that people might walk into doing this then I have found a way to do so through it involves the Site changer. if you change the site to something else then find the same thing and swap it to a players fort the game will replace the normal site with the site you swap. (if yo had a player fort swap to a lair then found a lair and swap that to a player fort you could remove the original player fort for the lair.) though removing the thing from the list won't happen. though doing so would just wipe clean both sites on the next reload.

It's for an LP where I want to place a few sites that are not reclaimable by later players.
Engraved is an image of a Human and a video game. The Human is making a plaintive gesture.


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2011, 12:43:43 am »

I asked this over in the DFusion thread and I'll ask here, as well, is there any way to do this and then remove the site from the Reclaim list?
I want to ask why? unless Reclaiming the site causes a bug or a personal problem that people might walk into doing this then I have found a way to do so through it involves the Site changer. if you change the site to something else then find the same thing and swap it to a players fort the game will replace the normal site with the site you swap. (if yo had a player fort swap to a lair then found a lair and swap that to a player fort you could remove the original player fort for the lair.) though removing the thing from the list won't happen. though doing so would just wipe clean both sites on the next reload.

It's for an LP where I want to place a few sites that are not reclaimable by later players.
maybe try making a site as a different civ then remove the ability to play that civ before you dump the same. I think you could still be able to edit the entity after worldgen.
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2011, 03:09:59 pm »

I'm not sure if that will work; I once reclaimed a dwarf fortress with kobolds back in 40d, if I recall correctly.
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2011, 04:53:20 am »

Getting ambushed a tile near your fort will lead to your fort members to walk over to join in. so make sure you train them to take on bandits or you might lose a legendary chef in an attempt to save your life.

oh and you could safely walk out a 3x3 site some how my issue on block in walls only happens in a nano fort.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 07:41:15 am by Rumrusher »
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2011, 05:18:07 pm »

updated the original post to include two little fun stuff you can do like armies and under ground forts.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2011, 08:45:26 pm »

My attempts are turning out quite odd trying to build an adventurer home. Several questions follow.
 In Rumrushers technique
1. Prevent scattering on embark site(Dflair or Fusions anti scatter tool)
2. Build your base
3. Do you abandon now, and send an adventurer to the site to body swap now?
4. Body swap(Change character)How do you determine which entity is dead, to swap with? Langdons technique brought up that question. how do you find it on Dfusions menu?
5. Then go to Dfmode, change to Adventurer/Managing(1/0)
6. Escape, save, quit.
 Here is the major questions. Can you send a previously retired adventurer to the site, or have to create a new one? When you do visit the site, do you also have to change the resident flag for the previous owners. They seem to have resident checked, as well as all the dead tame animals. This means non citizens. Swapping occurred. All old residents, crundles, demons etc are now citizens.Lol
 I found out a good benefit about the dead pets and animals. Seems cavern critters spawned underground to take their place. look in Runesmith, its a hoot. Thanks in advance for any help.
Should you fail to comply, strict !!disciplinary actions!! will be taken. Also, we feel we should remind you that one of the "criminals" on your list is the chief medical dwarf. If he ends up too badly injured to do his job, you will be fired. Out of a magma cannon.
The Administration


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2011, 10:27:59 pm »

My attempts are turning out quite odd trying to build an adventurer home. Several questions follow.
 In Rumrushers technique
1. Prevent scattering on embark site(Dflair or Fusions anti scatter tool)
2. Build your base
3. Do you abandon now, and send an adventurer to the site to body swap now?
4. Body swap(Change character)How do you determine which entity is dead, to swap with? Langdons technique brought up that question. how do you find it on Dfusions menu?
5. Then go to Dfmode, change to Adventurer/Managing(1/0)
6. Escape, save, quit.
 Here is the major questions. Can you send a previously retired adventurer to the site, or have to create a new one? When you do visit the site, do you also have to change the resident flag for the previous owners. They seem to have resident checked, as well as all the dead tame animals. This means non citizens. Swapping occurred. All old residents, crundles, demons etc are now citizens.Lol
 I found out a good benefit about the dead pets and animals. Seems cavern critters spawned underground to take their place. look in Runesmith, its a hoot. Thanks in advance for any help.

you can send any one previously or new to the site.
 when you visit the site no you don't but if you want to get them to work for you in fort mode yes.

from further testing there a quicker way to retire a fort with less saving.
all you need to do is have a dead body ready, be at the Esc menu
and flip over to adventure mode and direct control which is (1 , 1) once you are there you should see the menu say finish the game you do just that and now you have a retired fort.
I guess the thing was flipping over to adventuremode during a fort mode makes the site a mountain home the issue is that the character your playing can't access the retire ability the adventure from adventure mode can.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2011, 11:55:04 pm »

Thanks for the help, the new technique sounds promising. Do you realize that you did discover the reason for lack of cavern creatures lately. Pets, and other tamed animals lowers the number of cavern creatures that spawn, least in version 25. When you visit an abandoned fort, Runesmith showed that the amount of dead pets you have are all equal in number to newly created cavern creatures. Also when the flags are swapped when a fort gets abandoned, any tame animals that you bought,captured and tamed, not from your civ are hostile, unless you remove their changed flag(resident), when you change the citizens flag. The dwarves, and pets from their civ gets in fights with pets not of their civilization. End result is all pets/tamed animals dead, and injured /dead dwarves
Should you fail to comply, strict !!disciplinary actions!! will be taken. Also, we feel we should remind you that one of the "criminals" on your list is the chief medical dwarf. If he ends up too badly injured to do his job, you will be fired. Out of a magma cannon.
The Administration


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Re: Pick and Axe : building and living in a home
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2011, 12:19:01 am »

Thanks for the help, the new technique sounds promising. Do you realize that you did discover the reason for lack of cavern creatures lately. Pets, and other tamed animals lowers the number of cavern creatures that spawn, least in version 25. When you visit an abandoned fort, Runesmith showed that the amount of dead pets you have are all equal in number to newly created cavern creatures. Also when the flags are swapped when a fort gets abandoned, any tame animals that you bought,captured and tamed, not from your civ are hostile, unless you remove their changed flag(resident), when you change the citizens flag. The dwarves, and pets from their civ gets in fights with pets not of their civilization. End result is all pets/tamed animals dead, and injured /dead dwarves
uhh that because the tame tag doesn't work in adventure mode and in Adv mode only the Civ will allow the creature to be non hostile. the Capture, tamed creatures with out the bought tag will be class wild and they will attack. bought ones may fall under the embark with/ same civ group(where as they act like idle dwarves but don't talk to you) and if you leave the site they will just die once you come back. Well unless the Bought Civ had a different Civ number than -1 then it would be friendly to the dwarves and to the adventurer unless said adventurer piss off the Civ the animal belong to. the Friendly Civ animals may end up dead from wild animal attacks like you said but most common case is forgetting to remove the same civ and tame tag on pets and coming back to them dead.
the solution to this is using Dfusion to make every tame pet a companion and have some one on base as the designated Shepard so that you don't need to worry about dwarves getting unhappy about missing poodli the cat.

one of the most silent killers is coming back to a fort after losing 7 dwarves only to see your adventurer break down in tears throw a tantrum and go nuts because 5 of them where his friends.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes
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