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Author Topic: How did you last *own*?  (Read 1398457 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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How did you last *own*?
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:22:57 pm »

Opposite to the "How did you last die?" thread, post about your most recent episode of win, ownage, pwnage, or gaming badassery. The name of the game is requested, but not neccessarily required.

My most recent ownage: In Cortex Command, I was trying a new tactic, where I loaded a drop crate with crabs and a few Molotovs, and scuttled the crate mid-fall, effectively creating an airburst effect. It worked. But that's not the best part. Two (regular, not dummy)dropships were flying side-by-side when one of the crabcrates arrived. I detonated, it did only superficial damage to the dropship closer to the crate, but the other one was completely destroyed, except for on of its engines which stayed ignited. It flew over the other dropship, looped across the map and hit it, destroying it. Combined with the damage from the crabcrate, there was nothing left alive on the ground.
This has solidified the use of submunition crabs into my usual arsenal.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 09:27:25 pm »

Playing SD Gundam Online as the Gundam Mk.II, there was about 10 seconds left on the clock and both teams were tied at 80-some points.

Naturally, I head to the closest enemy and perform my Special, shooting a Hyper Bazooka and beam rifle at close range. 7 seconds left.

I move to the right and do it again, then jump in the air, land on top of him, and fire my Hyper Bazooka point-blank into his head for the kill. The timer hits 0 and I made the winning kill.

Jizzar sounds some kinda celestial object made of jizz~
Like a quasar or something~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 09:28:35 pm »

Was playing Dungeons and Dragons online, as a level three rogue. I'm invested heavily into being a support character, and at the moment I'm getting amazing rolls if I can handle more than ten kobolds at once. I was, of course, terrified when I was simultaneously fighting thirty or so kobolds and two named bugbears (named enemies being bosses of sorts). Somehow, I kill them all, but am down to just five health. I see a trap and another named bugbear between myself and my objective, and find I have no potions. I try to disarm the trap and fail, but make my roll and take no damage from the exploding control panel. I sprint through the trap, and make my roll again. I sneak, hit the bugbear, and get just enough damage to kill him with that one hit. My jaw was dropped.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 09:30:42 pm »

I was testing my new Survive ThisŪ Drop Crate Attack. It was a drop crate loaded with many, many doomsday nukes. It came down but it hit a drophship on the way, launching itself around the map and slamming into a cliff and pulverizing a cyborg zombie. The crate open and nukes came out, lots of nukes.

Effect 1)The entire mountain was wiped off the map.
Effect 2)Nukes spread all over and created a giant radiation field that killed everything on the surface.
Effect 3)A giant, inescapable pit was formed where the crate opened up.
Effect 4)My computer almost had a heart attack.

Cortex Command.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 10:01:16 pm »

Winning at Postal 2, that whole gaming is *owning*

Angel Of Death

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 10:03:59 pm »

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas and someone in Hoover Dam pissed me off.

I proceeded to blow everybody to pieces and eat their corpses. I then went on an NCR killing spree.

Winning at Postal 2, that whole gaming is *owning*
That's right.

Winning on Enhanced Mode also pretty *ownable*. You piss out napalm on Enhanced Mode.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:11:12 am by Angel Of Death »
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 01:09:16 am »

Does unlocking the Dr. Fetus Dark World Version count? It requires beating about 230-odd levels total to unlock. Looking at the Super Meat Boy leaderboard, I'm among the top 7500 (overall) that has reached that far, though I have yet to beat the final final level. Tack onto it, about 1/4 of the Cotton Alley levels beaten as well (some of them dark world versions as well).

It feels good being among the higher ups. Also, my Steam friends leaderboard, I'm in 2nd place. Just need to beat one more level, or have a better total time to beat 1st place on it.

As for the most recent, I would say having 2 Eridian lightning shotguns (1 fast-recharge 3 shots, and another slow-charge 5 shot; trading between them constantly), and destroying frying countless Crimsons (minds) while trying to loot some Pearlescents. No Pearlescants found yet. But, I did manage to afford all SDUs in the Crawmerax lair (now my ammo totals are insane), and this is still Playthrough 1. I think I'll be making tons of progress in Playthrough 2 quite easily. However, I might take on an extended Moxxi challenge first to test my optimized equipment, mostly (dark) orange items. I may be a bit overpowered. And speaking of overpowered, I found an automatic RPG (5 rockets in quick succession, significant damage each; now if I can only find a triple-shot version of one), as well as a decent Terrible Carnage (rocket-shotgun) which is accurate and deadly. More of a gimmick weapon for when I'm not taking a battle seriously.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:38:34 am by Itnetlolor »


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2011, 01:15:55 am »

Was playing a 2v2 on StarCraft II. As Protoss. Lost my partner early on. I then proceeded to come back and just completely curb stomp the enemies with Colossi and Phoenixes. :D
They started to collide~

Angel Of Death

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2011, 01:17:28 am »

This was a while back, but on DoomRL I found the
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on level 2. I proceeded to *OWN* everything that came my way. Even the cyberdemon.
99 percent of internet users add useless, pulled out of arse statistics to their sig. If you are the 1%, please, for the love of Armok, don't put any useless shit like this in your sig.
Hidden signature messages are fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2011, 01:38:28 am »

32 kill life setting up sentry guns in the water on 2Fort instaspawn (Team fortress 2).  If they kill the sentry, they get a shotgun blast to the face.  Taunt kills as the losing team in humiliation time are also always pure ownage.   That and playing prototype for the first time recently, its not a great game, but you are the very definition of ownage and tank headbutting invincibility from day 1
If life gives you lemons, burn them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2011, 01:48:06 pm »

I was put' put'ing around in my little Leichttraktor when the panther in front of me rounds a corner and goes boom and the map lights up in red like a christmas tree. I drive up a pile of rubble to the second floor of a building and see arrayed before me at least 7 tanks. A couple bursts from my 20mm takes down one of them before they start returning fire and kill my driver. I back down to cover and limp towards the cover of tigers burning hulk. I edge around the corner and methodically take down enemy tank after tank as I inch forwards with only my turret exposed. In the end I was blown apart, but I killed 4 tanks and wounded the rest without backup in a dinky little starter tank.
Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back...
I don't care cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me...

I turned myself into a monster, to fight against the monsters of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2011, 01:58:51 pm »

Not really recent, this happened months ago, and was more of a stroke of luck, but here it goes anyway.

Team Fortress 2, CP_Steel, Pyro. Our team is doing okay, we just captured A, on our way to B. Suddenly, this team of four reds show up just outside our spawn, a Medic, a Soldier, a Huntsman Sniper, and I what I recall to be a Scout. They utterly decimated our attack force, and the only one who's left is me and a really wounded heavy who hasn't revved up yet. Soldier fires a rocket. I'm notorious for failing at airblasting when it's most crucial, but I try it anyway.

Not only does the rocket reflect back, but I had completely failed to realize the medic healing the soldier had activated his kritzkrieg. The crit-rocket flies back straight in the face of the group, killing all three simultaneously, and then earning a kill assist as the earlier mentioned heavy finally revs up and guns down the remaining one.

I literally went "Holy shit."
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2011, 02:32:44 pm »

Left the spinner on my first mission, flying my little Haiho mining mecha - slightly modified to be lighter. My mission is a simple one, fly out and kill an enemy and then fly back. But I get intercepted on the way by an Aegis patrol. So there I am in my little Haiho facing off against a custom Chimentero, a Chameleon, and several BuruBurus.

I fly full speed, hoping for my stunt driver talent and 6 piloting skill to keep me alive. I fire my mining laser, and miss. I close in a bit. Their return fire mostly misses, but the Chimentero scores a nasty hit and blows off a leg. The Chimentero is out front, having just blown off my leg with some rockets and probably getting ready to blast me apart with whatever other big guns it was carrying. I throw my rocket hammer at it. Torso hit, pilot killed, Chimentero disabled.

Most of the rest of the battle involved me jousting the rest of the mecha, firing my mining laser and hammering them with my rocket hammer when I got close. I took a bit of a beating and lost the arm with the mining laser and most of my armor, but the rocket hammer is taking them apart pretty well and eventually it's down to just me and the Chameleon. I close in with it, and right before I'm in range to use the rocket hammer it hits me hard and blows off my other arm and damages my torso even more. The armor on my leg is mostly stripped away and the leg itself is damaged enough to be showing yellow, my torso armor is completely stripped and the torso is showing red. Another hit in either spot is a death sentence, and I just lost my only weapon. The Chameleon is directly in front of me, but still a few tiles distance away.

I keep flying full speed, and the Chameleon begins to turn last minute. I get stopped right in front of it, and I attack with the only thing left - the leg. I just make a regular attack, knowing that attempting to aim would probably just make me miss. Luck has me connect with the head, destroying it and giving the Chameleon a significant penalty due to not having sensors. Now it's flying away from me, and I turn to try and close.

I then chased it around for a good 5 minutes just getting close enough, kick at it, then chase it for a while longer until finally getting close for another kick. I luckily managed to avoid all of its shots, helped by its lack of a head and my flying full speed with stunt driver, and eventually managed to take it out solely by kicking it repeatedly.

After battle, I salvaged the Chimentero since it was disabled, and it doesn't even have much damage. I use it to go and finish my mission, easily blasting the BuruBuru I was faced with to oblivion.

So there I was, as a brand new character, with a high end custom Chimentero worth about 2.5 million. As a comparison, my lowly Haiho is only worth about 240 thousand.

Plus the mental image of a leg flying around dragging a mangled torso with it (my flight jets were in the legs, torso was just being pulled) and kicking at the enemy Mecha every time it got close is pretty funny.
Do you like Science Fiction? I'm writing the Weaveborn Saga over on Royal Road and my website. Link

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2011, 02:35:54 pm »

Cortex command, managed to "fly" a rocklet through about half of my opponent's bunker before it blew up all over one of his soldiers.
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I don't know how it works. It does.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 02:57:00 pm »

It feels good being among the higher ups. Also, my Steam friends leaderboard, I'm in 2nd place. Just need to beat one more level, or have a better total time to beat 1st place on it.
I dun wanna give up first place! D:

I was playing Monster Hunter Tri recently and managed to kill the Gobul in about five minutes by fishing it out of the water, knocking it over, paralyzing it, and then chasing it into the next area and beating the crap out of it there. Considering my other battles took about twenty minutes each, I was rather shocked.
Sorry man, I just beat 2 more levels. Cotton Alley, and A+'d them both.

Make that 3, and another A+.

Lost count. I'll post my rank instead. 4508 - 263 levels beat.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 05:53:08 pm by Itnetlolor »
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