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Author Topic: How did you last *own*?  (Read 1397830 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10680 on: January 04, 2025, 03:13:36 pm »

Everyone wants to live in your states because there's so many jobs free and so much arable land.
That sorta makes sense just in general...

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10681 on: January 05, 2025, 11:19:21 am »

Oh yeah, it's just that it's rare for AI nations to pop multiculturalism so you're the only one able to soak up migrants regardless of where they're from because you're the only one not discriminating against them.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10682 on: January 06, 2025, 07:17:19 pm »

I finally bloody did it, I beat Noita.

I know there's better ways to do it by picking up the orbs, but as it is I'm happy I got to the end, turned the world to gold, and died.

It took a wand with insanely fast casting and good mana regen, with spark bolt with timer and lightning bolt (And immunity to explosions so I took no damage from bounces), one wand that was just lightning, one digging wand and one wand that shot out ultra concentrated light (Not a laser though, apparently). The first one did most of the legwork, the second hit those that were in the air, the third... dug, and the fourth hit distant things that proved electricity/explosion resistant.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 07:20:40 pm by Great Order »
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10683 on: January 07, 2025, 12:01:03 am »

Damn, congrats. Noita has a hell of a learning curve and it sounds like you've surmounted it. There's surely more world to see if you've found a few orbs, and more than a few secrets to look up on the wiki and say guide dangit uncover, but well done!

I should probably uninstall some of my mods so I can actually play it with some sense of direction again...

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10684 on: January 07, 2025, 01:09:17 am »

I've yet to come across any truly insane combos (Like the infinite superpower laser drill I've seen) but powerful-but-basic is X with trigger (Or X on a timer, but trigger's better) with a short range, self-damaging or other impractical problem but high damage. If it goes off a screen away, you're safe. Usually.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears


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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10685 on: January 07, 2025, 01:03:49 pm »

My (only, thus far) winning Noita run was a wand with a Projectile Area Teleport, Spark Bolt with Double Trigger, 2xDeath Cross. Basically, as long as I shot in the general direction of an enemy, they got a flaming sticky bomb to the chest which exploded after a couple seconds.

Sadly, it seems like it was almost entirely the wand carrying me, since I haven't gotten past the jungle since.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10686 on: January 11, 2025, 07:14:25 am »

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My first win! Fighting a Mega Rayquaza and Etarnamax Eternatus is not so fun when your party is mostly dragons. Flygon carried anyway.

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10687 on: January 11, 2025, 01:01:42 pm »

My (only, thus far) winning Noita run was a wand with a Projectile Area Teleport, Spark Bolt with Double Trigger, 2xDeath Cross. Basically, as long as I shot in the general direction of an enemy, they got a flaming sticky bomb to the chest which exploded after a couple seconds.

Sadly, it seems like it was almost entirely the wand carrying me, since I haven't gotten past the jungle since.

I probably could have beat Noita if I didn't just keep pursuing the extended endgame orbs every time I got a promising run... My most recent one got deleted by the new update sadly.

Since you guys are finding it so difficult, I have to ask... Do you guys know how to stacks spells with negative cast speed modifiers to create rapid fire machine gun wands? (eg. triplecast, chainsaw, chainsaw, sparkbolt)? That was the core wand-building mechanic that opened up the game for me.
Lets use the ancient naval art of training war parrots. No one will realize they have been boarded by space war parrots until it is to late!
You can fake being able to run on water. You can't fake looking cool when you break your foot on a door and hit your head on the floor.

Great Order

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10688 on: January 13, 2025, 06:35:52 am »

Took out the
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losing only two ships in the process. One was my flagship because my second capital took to hiding behind me rather than providing support, in spite of an aggressive officer and orders to attack the Legion in front of me.

I mean, an Onslaught will struggle against an XIV Onslaught and an XIV Legion in a two-on-one battle regardless. That I manage to get both down to half health single handedly's actually a point in my favour I'd say.

Now what to do with the [REDACTED]...


EDIT: I continue the game. I am in my fifth year of near-continual war with the Heggies (A break was added when I talked to the High Hegemon). They have suffered materiel and manpower losses not seen since the second AI war. Further, their manufacturing capabilities have been degraded due to repeated losses of conquered colonies to rebellions and the yoinking of their pristine nanoforge and synchotron core. There is also the worrying news of the Amritsar system potentially joining the Persean League in the near future...

Seriously though, the fuckers are sending about five revenge fleets at me at a time now because I keep blowing up their fleets and stations, bombing their military installations then yoinking everything not nailed down from their planets. And everything that is nailed down. And the nails.

They've yet to win a single battle against me. My fleet's just too tough a nut for them to crack. Sure they get the occasional Dominator, but I always recover it while they lose four or five capitals and a bunch of extra ships, all S-modded.

You'd think they'd learn to stop throwing good money after bad, but alas they're too frigging dumb.

It's also nice having a ship with enough hull integrity and armour that you can spend the entire fight with your shields down and leave with 80% hull after single handedly taking out three capitals.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 02:08:09 pm by Great Order »
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears

Darkening Kaos

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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10689 on: January 16, 2025, 11:29:59 pm »

     I got to the end of the demo - the final demo boss is unkillable, (just to make sure you don't go any further, I guess).
     Managed to build a level 4 Energy Disk Carriage.  While it says a disk in the description, it actually has 6(?) orbiting disks at level 4 - they travel quite fast.
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So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10690 on: January 20, 2025, 06:01:03 pm »

After numerous attempts, and fighting bullcrap such as stick drift, I managed a 0 death, <1 hour run(0:49:50). Those are separate achievements, but it's highly improbable to finish in under an hour if you die. The only achievement for this particular game is kill all rare mobs, but I don't need to do a full run for that.

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EDIT: Defeated the boss of one of the DLC, the aptly-named Nightmare King. Fortunately, his attack patterns were easy enough to identify and dodge. Unfortunately, if they do hit, there's no mercy invulnerability, even when getting up when reviving. I did not expect this fight, because that segment already had a boss fight.

There appears to be more content to the DLC, but it requires beating the main game.

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Started in the largest human town in the nation in the middlemost region of the world, with meager equipment, my pet cat, and pet war dog. After proving myself by killing a dingo, I got sent out on a quest to kill a shadow troll in a cave nearby.

My cat charged in first and got torn apart, bleeding to death soon after. My dog pinned the monster down long enough that I was able spill her guts across the floor, then chop one of her feet off before the dog became too injured to fight.

I kept striking where I could, but eventually, the troll managed to bend and snap both of my knees, bringing me to ground level. Her claws tore into my arms, first stripping me of my shield, then my sword. With nothing else but a critical hit lined up, I did the only thing I could do and sank my teeth into her neck. Then I passed out.

I awoke some time later, barely alive, but with the corpse of the shadow troll by my side. My dog was alive, but in about as a bad a shape I was. I don't know which of us got the killing blow on the troll. I checked if I could use my arm... ok, enough to pick up my dropped gear. I crawled out of the cave, and traveled back to town. Somehow, most of my injuries were already healed by the time I made it back.

I reported my success to the baroness. After expressing grief at the death of my cat, the baroness told my that my copper gauntlets completed my look.

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« Last Edit: January 24, 2025, 04:29:42 pm by Akura »
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10691 on: February 01, 2025, 06:01:59 pm »

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Normal mono-type run finished, and it went really well!

The major issue with Gumshoos is that it's too slow to make use of its amazing attack. The egg move Extreme Speed has priority, which negates Gumshoos' main weakness, and also has STAB, and is affected by the passive ability Tough Claws that increases its damage by additional 30%. My Gumshoos did a good part of the heavy lifting here.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna was the only real special attacker on the team. While it didn't have any special traits, it was still a powerful pokemon with good type coverage. Very useful.

Sawsbuck was a late-ish addition to the team. It brought a much-needed counter to water types, which allowed me to go through water biomes easily, and mow down Nessa (Elite 4) like she's nothing. Leech Seed was somewhat less useful than I thought.

Mega Lopuone was a fusion of a Mega Lopunny and a Linoone. I picked Buneary because I wanted a fighting type AND a mega-capable pokemon. Adaptability makes STAB moves do double mamage instead of 1.5x, so while it wasn't as heavy a hitter as Gumshoos, it was still able to do serious damage, especially in the early game.
The Linoone part was there mostly for Pickup which allowed me to collect berries, which Peter Griffin Greedent appreciated. Extreme Speed that Zigzagoon gets as an egg move also didn't hurt.

Toucannon is unbelievably powerful with its passive ability - it powers up weak attacks, which includes multi-hit moves which, incidentally, also massively benefit from Skill Link. Always powered-up, always hitting five times, and almost always super-effective, Toucannon was a feathered nuke... as long as it was able to move before dying. Burning Bulwark helped with that, because it sets the opponent on fire in addition to blocking.
Toucannon destroyed Eternatus' first form with a single salvo of Bone Rush, then defended Ursaluna with Burning Bulwark so it could blast with Earth Power.

Greedent is built for eating berries. Extra healing helped to better utilize Counter and increase stats. Sucker Punch was also useful on a pokemon that was supposed to take hits. Being shiny, Greedent increased luck just by existing, so that's something.

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I didn't expect the fighting mono-type run to be easy, but up until Eternatus everything was just so easy. Flamigo WRECKS Mega Rayquaza! Scrafty, however, was just tagging along; too slow and too fragile to make himself useful.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 06:14:53 pm by SQman »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Prettiest Kyuuki
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10692 on: February 06, 2025, 08:59:48 pm »

Finally nabbed the last cheevo in Path of Achra, with this absolute unit of a 32nd cycle win:
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It's basically a conglomeration of build decisions that the 32nd cycle just chews right up and spits back out -- Yu is locked to speed 5, which basically kills you at high cycle. The build was retaliation/tank specced, which kills you at high cycle. It was a mass summoner, which... kills you less than those other two, but is still pretty good at killing you high cycle unless you're doing something particularly broken with it. My prestige class was cheevo hunting and actively harmful to what I was doing, which. Well, doesn't necessarily kill you high cycle, but it darn sure doesn't help much, ha.

And it just went absolute gangbusters. Took a few runs to get off the ground, but once it did I was an unkillable murderblender that deleted basically anything that dared touch me, breezed through the early game (though I did have to go around some things, ha), the mid game, the late game, all of it. Stuff hit my minions, amplify pain hit me, everything going on spewed repulsion stacks which ramped all the psychic damage I was outputting on top of everything else going on, secutor+life chant+refraction+poison skin/toxokinesis meant I was healing for tremendous amounts every turn, it was just pile on pile of nasty violent things that made everything else's life brutish and short <3

Gods alive but I love this game :D
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 09:01:21 pm by Frumple »
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What your country can hump for you.
What you can hump for your country.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10693 on: February 07, 2025, 11:57:37 am »

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Henry brillantly managed to stay alive during the battle of Pribyslavitz that was happening during the "Baptism of Fire" quest.
After leading the armies of Lord Radzig and Lord Divish to the best path he scouted in the previous mission, the battle raged.
With some good sword skill, Henry helped honorably ... with some accurate stabbing in the side and the back of enemies busy dealing with our guys :D

Our local hero managed to kill a bunch of enemy archers thanks to having improved a lot his Bow skill (hunting a lot helped) , allowing our infantry to crush the bandits and cumans mercenaries that comprised most of the enemy troops with few losses.

Then after breaching the last gate, Henry finally confronted that Runt massive bastard and to my surprise annihilated that guy rather easily (i guess training really paid a lot there, master striked Runt in the face a few times to put him down was very very satisfying )

That battle nearly felt like a Mount&Blade assault :D , what a game a mix of M&B and KCD would be.

I had pushed back doing this mission since a while, as i thought it was the game final mission, going for the truckload of side quests instead.
But how wrong i was when i noticed it was  in fact only half of the campaign, there are even more main quest mission after that, the game is really gigantic, no wonder the sequel that was released a few days ago is selling insanely.

What an excellent game it is, especially if you're interested in medieval history time like i am, it's trying to keep the accuracy of the era (and follow actual historical events too) with of course some romanced situations to make Henry and some NPC more interesting , but overall it's incredibly immersive and atmospheric.

lessons learned so far :
- to train stealth , nothing beats lockpicking doors/chests and chocking random people unconscious (make sure you have no weapon in hand or it will not work), walking in stealth mode all the time does absolutely nothing to improve the stat (i know i tried), go lockpick and choke people unconscious out of view to improve it

- when ambushed, while at first you're not spotted yet (make sure to get the skill to spot events from afar), go with some good stealth (and light noiseless clothing of course) so you may be able to stealth choke out (or stealth kill once you have the skill) some of the enemies hiding on the road sides, but don't try all of them as if one guy roll a detection, all of them will attack you and getting hammered while wearing light equipment from multiple enemies at a time is game over

- in battle situation (or ambush in which you are detected) , make sure to quickly go to your inventory and wear your best armors, you're always very disadvantaged if fighting on light armor vs 3 or 4 guys at the same time (as light armor will only increase your dodging but you'll never dodge 3 guys striking at the same time when one or two are out of your field of view , as they always try to surround you, AI not being stupid)

- heavy armor will protect you enough to fight back from multiple enemies, light armor means you're going out of stamina and blood in only a few hits, so don't get in fight without your heavy armor (get a horse with good capacity + buy a good saddle for transporting heavy stuff so you're not overburdened yourself)

- master strike, learn them as soon as you can from the captain Bernard at Rattay (ask him when he'll be waiting at the training ground) , as without getting the master strike training your character can't do them.
It really really really really (yep) help when fighting multiple opponents as master strikes will do a lot of damage
and regardless, make sure to train your prefered weapon with Bernard as often as you can to gain more levels of it (+ more strenght/defense/etc... during the practice fights), this help in making short work of people with the skills you can choose from the level ups

- the regular tourneys at Rattay, a tactic that seem to always work, is to rush our opponent then win the clinch (there's a skill to get to get stronger at clinches) and push the guy back to the limits of the small arena, then each time you'll clinch and push back you'll be able to strike at least once without the guy being able to defend, theoretically you may get easy wins this way (longer weapons make it easier without having to be at the arena limits)

- oh and the game has a ton of side quests hidden here and there, so don't rush the main quest especially when the "Nest of Viper" appears (the main quest mission before the "Baptism of Fire") , if you don't have good stealth/equipment you should go do something else until you get there as to obtain the best result of Nest of Viper (that influence Baptism of Fire) you will really need great stealth and equipment.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 12:02:58 pm by Robsoie »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gnot a gnelf
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Re: How did you last *own*?
« Reply #10694 on: February 09, 2025, 11:07:46 am »

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Continuing with the mono-type challenges, here's the poison.

Mega Beevroom, being a fusion of Mega Beedrill and Revavroom, boasts impressive physical strength combined with good speed. Revavroom's Iron Head and Beedrill's Thousand Arrows gave the team the coverage against many types that could otherwise be extremely dangerous, especially steel and rock.

Toxamuk, a fusion of a Toxapex and a Muk, was created very late, which caused some issues. I was hoping that it would inherit Muk's Water Absorb, but it didn't; not much of an issue, since it got water type anyway. Toxamuk was vital in beating Eternatus - Sizzly Slide is guaranteed burn, which provided some much needed passive damage. Baneful Bunker helped to stall big time.

Crobat is known for being insanely fast, but this isn't really what made it so useful in this run, at least not only that. Swords Dance allowed it to power up when opponents were switching, and a powered up Crobat is nothing to sneeze at. Haze allowed me to overcome Eternatus' buffs that it applies to itself when it Eternamaxes.

Toxtricity gigantamaxed only after I beat champion Diantha, so it spent most of the run in its basic form. Frankly, there wasn't much to it; since it was caught during the run rather than being chosen as a starter, it used the standard Toxtricity tactics of blasting enemies with Punk Rock-empowered sound-based attacks. In the final batle, it took out two of Eternatus' shields, allowing me to get Crobat where I needed it. Thank you for your sacrifice, Toxtricity.

I realized that most of my past poison mono-type run attempts failed because I failed to include defensive pokemon in the party. Pecharunt is a defensive titan. Its ability is a bit gimmicky, but it did come in handy early on, causing confusion in poisoned enemies. I've taught it Secret Power because it somehow ended up with three Silk Scarves, but it wasn't that good.

Shaymin... I caught this lil' fella after creating Toxamuk. There was an empty position, so it ended up on the team. Being illegal, it took no part in the grand quest.

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