Might as well say astrology is astronomy that we don't understand yet and that voodoo was medicine we didn't understand then.
Am I the only one who fails to see how this is disagreeing in any way? Because they were those things. Voodoo maybe not since it's modern, but witchdoctoring in general, yes, was medicine before we understood things like germ theory and psychosis.
Astronomy is the science of studying celestial objects. Astrology is predicting the future based off the position of stars.
Modern medicine treats conditions based off empirical evidence. Witchdoctors treat conditions caused by witchcraft.
The science collects evidence to form a conclusion, while the pseudoscience forms a conclusion and seeks or falsifies evidence to prove it.
See the difference?
Am I to understand, devek, that since we have better things in modern day that better represent various branches of science, that the olden time equivalents are, in your mind, not merely poor imitations of poorly understood things... but outright lies, even in their own time?
Wrong. In the second century Eratosthenes figured out the world was round, its approximate size, its tilt, and approximate distance to the sun without leaving Egypt just by putting a stick in the ground. That's science! Science's understanding of the world's size and such became more accurate once more data was available, but nothing was a lie and none of the data was flawed(yes, he understood there was a margin of error in his readings at the time).
When the church tried to force scientist to find data that supported THEIR belief that the universe revolved around the Earth, that wasn't science but outright lies scientist had to risk their life to correct.
See the difference?
I think the original point you're disagreeing with is correct, if you misread it a bit. The contention is not that magic is something we don't understand. It's that things that were once magical become understood eventually as they mature.
No, nothing is or ever was magic. Yes, someone might believe their toaster is magic. Yes, some things are not well understood but anyone who is claiming or has ever claimed to practice magic is a con artist period. This is as true today as it was a thousand years ago. If someone truly found a way to do something magical, they themselves would want to understand it and undergo scientific scrutiny which reminds me of the story of
http://www.damninteresting.com/clever-hans-the-math-horseAlchemy is "baby-chemistry" in this way, just as Astrology is an early form of Astronomy that arose before we truly understood the universe at large in any way.
Wrong. Alchemist were "con artist" period. During their time, they were modern day followers of hermetism. The current modern day followers would be the members of the "new thought movement" (Have you seen, "the secret" or "what the BLEEP do we know"?) I sincerely hope you don't think those guys are baby-physicists and see them for the con they are.
Or, the contention could be that if we took actual Science back to the middle ages, people would view it as Magic.
Today there are people who think microwaves ovens are magic, but if you take it back to the middle ages scientist are going to have a lot of questions for you. That has never changed.
Sorry if I am being a dick, I just find the equation of pseudoscience to science as offensive as a christian would find someone peeing on a bible. If you want dwarfs who practice magical alchemy and having power of mind over matter that is ok, but please please please please please don't equate it to chemistry in real life.
0 things supported by evidence
*imagine periodic table here*
everything supported by evidence