Phase 4
Time slows as you begin to caluculate distance and trajectory. The Drones are lined up like ducks in a row.
You fire your missile, and it explodes into the snub fighters shields (To-hit, 3+1=4 VS Dodge 3-5= -2, hit confirmed, damage roll 2+1=3, shields take 3+5 damage, shields at 20%.)
A second later, Red October fires his own, and you watch with sick fascination as the Tarrak Pilot is blown out of vessel... (To-hit, 1+1=2 VS Dodge 3-5= -2, hit confirmed, damage roll 6+1=7, shields take 7+5 damage, shields collapse, 5+5 damage to hull, enemy ship destroyed.)
Your turn your ship right and depress the trigger on the two approaching enemy ships.
The first isnt actually that bad, he doesn't make it easy for you-but his fighter doesn't match yours, and you tear him in two, sending him drifting in two seperate pieces.
(Opposed Manuvering, You:2 VS Enemy: -4, advantage you, firing 4-5=-1 VS 6-5=1, hit confirmed. Damage roll 9, shields take 9+5 damage, shields collapse, 4 damage to hull, enemy ship takes critical damage, disabled)
The Second takes advantage of the situation and sprays bolts wildly toward you, but they splash harmlessly against your shields. Pathetic...
(Opposed Manuvering, You:4+1-1=4 VS Enemy: 10-5=5, advantage enemy, firing 4-5=-1 VS 10+1=11, miss)
Your already moving past them as one of Snow Owl's missiles streaks by toward the bomber.
In the meantime, a massive explosion rips forth from the wreck of the E.G.S Nisiharu, and the Megaton puts on an an emegency burst of speed to escape. The shockwave will reach your position in one phase.
The Halberd Bomber has (Sensor roll 6 vs 8=fail) failed to detect it at all and continues blindly in the path of destruction. It takes a few pot shots at helpless pods as it passes by and destroys half of them.
A pleasant female voices informs you that your fuel tanks are at 75%.
Armor Integrity: 100%
Shield Integrity: 100%
Missiles: 2 remaining (Blackshot Fg4 homing, long range)
Guns: 4 Xerxes Rail guns (220 rounds remaining, close range)
Generator: 8 MgWT (80%)
Fuel Remaining: 75%
Long Range (Forward)
E.G.S Miami, Zeus Class Battleship, Heavily damaged, faint lifesigns, comm out
Long Range (Starboard)
-Enemy Vessels Detected, approaching, unknown-
-Unknown Warp Signature detected-
Medium Range (forward)
-Enemy Vessels Detected-
1 Halberd Ultra Heavy Bomber #Incoming#, heavily damaged, average lifesigns<--Missile locked on, impact next phase
5 Lifeboat Safety Pods, average lifesigns
18 Lifeboat Safety Pods, no lifesigns
Medium Range (rear)
E.G.S Nishiharu, Neptune Class BattleCarrier, destroyed, no lifesigns, comm inactive
INCOMING BLAST WAVE<---all ships within medium or close range of the Nishiharu willl be destroyed next phase.
Close Range
-1 Thunderchild Fighter, heavily damaged, faint life signs, comm active. identified as -Red October-
-1 Thunderchild Fighter, heavily damaged, no life signs, no comm
-1 Typhoon interceptor, undamaged, average life signs, comm active, indentified as -Snow Owl-
-Enemy Vessels Detected-
1 Needler Snub Fighters #Weapons Firing#
1 Needler Snub Fighter, no lifesigns, destroyed, clearing from cache
1 Needler Snub Fighter, no lifesigns, disabled, clearing from cache
Medium Range (Starboard)
E.G.S Anchorage, Hera Class Missile Destroyer, moderately damaged, average life signs, comm active
Long Range (Port)
-1 50 Megaton Civilian freighter, moderately damaged, many life signs, comm active, (4 phases to repairs completed)
Thunderchild Fighter, Callsign -Red October-: "Oh shit..."
E.G.S Anchorage. Unindentified Speaker: "So...have yourself...a merry little christmas...tonight...Mom, Dad I love you."
Typhoon Interceptor, Callsign -Snow Owl-: "Evasive manuevers!"
E.G.S Miami, automated: "Requesting help, intiating evacuation procedures. Heavy damage to hull. Requesting Help."
50 Megaton Civilian Freighter, Unindentified Speaker: "We're out of the blast zone. Get yourselves out of there!
What the Hell is that?"