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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1239838 times)


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11655 on: June 14, 2013, 04:58:39 pm »


On the bright side most Nidalee players stink as her


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11656 on: June 14, 2013, 06:51:45 pm »

The problem with Nidalle on ARAM (and Brand to a certain extent, as well as Xerath (mind you I haven't been on the recieving end of Xerath, but have played him often enough to know how he works) is that no matter how bad you are with your spears, the field of battle is so small and crowded that you're bound to hit someone.

Jayce is an annoyance but he's merely the Q spamming bastard, he doesn't have the teamwide sustain or trap debuffs of Nidalee, same goes for Caitlyn. Yi is annoying too, but he's either spamming Q or W'ing up making for a predictable and easily counterable solution. Morellonomicon has grown to be my favourite item on Howling Abyss.
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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11657 on: June 14, 2013, 07:14:12 pm »

True, while Nidalee is generally a joke in normal play (because no one can play her worth squat), in ARAM she is bound to hit something.


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11658 on: June 14, 2013, 07:44:51 pm »

There are plenty of other champions that have more effective poke than Nidalee.  Yeah, her spear is the highest damage poke, but it's dodgeable and doesn't go through creeps or hit multiple people.  There are several champions that have some combination of undodgeable, aoe, and creep-piercing.

I think Jayce is actually the worst.  I have never seen a Jayce on aram end up with less than 20 kills.  I have played Jayce one single time ever, and went 26/7.  His damage is obscene, undodgeable, and aoe.

Katarina and Yi are tied for 2nd.  Both only need to kill one target in order to then tear through an entire team with their high-damage refresh on kill aoe abilities, and can still deal incredible damage to an entire team with very little effort even if they don't pull off the penta-kill bullshit.

There's also Twisted Fate (aoe through creeps), Fiddlesticks (bouncing crows), Gragas (aoe), Heimerdinger (multiple targets and literally undodgeable), Janna (pop up entire team through creeps), Karma (aoe), Kha'Zix (undodgeable aoe), Kog'Maw (longest range and aoe), Lulu (undodgeable aoe that slows), Lux (aoe through creeps), Orianna (aoe through creeps), Sivir (aoe), Syndra (aoe through creeps), Varus (aoe through creeps), Ziggs (constant barrage of long range aoe), Ezreal (undodgeable chaingunning of long-range poke), Zed (aoe through creeps), Viktor (aoe through creeps), Xerath (long range aoe through creeps), Zilean (aoe and can be super long range if player is clever)

And that argument about the size of the battlefield applies to any one of them as well.  Most of the above have poke abilities that make them as or more dangerous than Nid, in my opinion and experience, having played nothing but ARAMs for the past few months.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 07:57:05 pm by SalmonGod »
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Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11659 on: June 15, 2013, 03:03:39 am »

Speaking a good ARAM champs...

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The second I saw the enemy team, I knew there was no winning that.
And it was also my first game with Fiora. I didn't have a reroll, too...


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11660 on: June 15, 2013, 03:24:20 am »

Roll for ARAM : 4 melee + the lowest ranged ADC ... yeah, not your best call...


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11661 on: June 15, 2013, 06:03:39 am »

There are plenty of other champions that have more effective poke than Nidalee.  Yeah, her spear is the highest damage poke, but it's dodgeable and doesn't go through creeps or hit multiple people.  There are several champions that have some combination of undodgeable, aoe, and creep-piercing.

I think Jayce is actually the worst.  I have never seen a Jayce on aram end up with less than 20 kills.  I have played Jayce one single time ever, and went 26/7.  His damage is obscene, undodgeable, and aoe.

It's only undodgeable when he shoots it from the bush. If he doesn't, the gate really telegraphs what he's trying to do, so against the average Jayce you can just move out of the way. Certain facets of ARAM make him into a real problem, though (narrow clustered spaces, lack of creepwaves to hide behind)

Jayce is an obscene champion in general, though. I've gone over this in length in a previous page. He doesn't just have one of the best pokes in the game, he also provides top notch AD burst, semi-AD-carry potential, disengage and team utility. He's a jack of all trades that's also a master of all.
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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11662 on: June 15, 2013, 06:44:36 am »

It's only undodgeable when he shoots it from the bush. If he doesn't, the gate really telegraphs what he's trying to do, so against the average Jayce you can just move out of the way. Certain facets of ARAM make him into a real problem, though (narrow clustered spaces, lack of creepwaves to hide behind)

You know when he's about to fire it, but the projectile is so fast moving that you can't exactly move out of the way.  All you can do is hope to predict his aim, or hide behind creeps (very very quickly).
In the land of twilight, under the moon
We dance for the idiots
As the end will come so soon
In the land of twilight

Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11663 on: June 15, 2013, 09:28:58 am »

Varus (aoe through creeps),

But Varus does crap damage if he actually shots through creeps. Though good Varuses are still really dangerous on Aram.
"just once I'd like to learn a lesson without something exploding."


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11664 on: June 15, 2013, 09:43:41 am »

Oh yeah, forgot about Fiddle, he's mighty scary too. No just because of the poke but because it silences you as well so you can't do much but let him dictate when you can and cannot strike back. To say nothing of his crazy sustain.

My biggest problem with Nidalee honestly is not just the bullshit poke but the incredibly good heals and the debuffs she throws out from the traps. And then, she goes ahead and builds tanky so she can cougar people to death even easier, all the while her spears continue to do bullshit amounts of damage with little to no AP.

TF is also very dangerous but only if he gambles and uses his W oftenly to CC or deal big amounts of damage to you. His Q alone can be rather easily dodged most of the time unless you're up in his face, but in that case either he's fucked or he has his team with you and you're fucked anyways.

Ranked bullshit. So I get to ban stuff, get trough it, we got first pick so I'm discussing taking  Shen as the other team is on their last ban. And just as he bans Vayne I finish talking and am about to pick Shen when I get booted out of the lobby for failing to pick a champ. It's like, 10 seconds worth of time or something, what the hell is wrong with that?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 09:49:42 am by Jopax »
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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11665 on: June 15, 2013, 11:25:06 am »

Jayce is overpowered in comparison with other roles, but he's standard fare for top.


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11666 on: June 16, 2013, 06:44:35 am »

Well I've been playing LoL now, and I love it. All free so cheap champions it is for me, including poppy, who I've just discovered should never, ever, ever, be allowed to feed freely. Because this will happen.

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« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 08:15:09 am by darkrider2 »


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11667 on: June 16, 2013, 03:46:50 pm »

Poppy Q crit is a weird crit, the damage from the ability won't crit, only your ad will crit just like sheen proc won't crit either, however whatever damage you do with the autoattack Q will be all magic damage so I actually like to run some mag pen even on an AD Poppy (usually sorc shoes+masteries). All in all unless you have magic pen and/or are facing a target with more armour then magic res then it doesn't matter if you crit on Q or not, the only thing special with Q will it being magic damage.

Also who needs ignite when you can have barrier, activate that at low health and take like no damage and then once barrier runs out put on a red elixir for just sheer unkillableness. Having Barrier and Red Pot on Poppy is hilarious although have to be careful vs Darius and Cho'Gath who don't give a shit about your passive with their ults.

Honestly your build is a little bad for Poppy, if your going to get Sword of the Divine then you need to get more attack damage, Bloodthirster is always a good choice and much better then BotRK, Infinity Edge is good but if your running Sword of the Divine it's probably more efficient just to stack another Bloodthirster instead or Last Whisper (because 2 of the 3 crits will be AD without the Q). Once you get more levels you can get crit damage runes as well but I feel buying crit chance items and Sword of the Divine is a waste.


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11668 on: June 16, 2013, 04:10:26 pm »

That Poppy build is disgusting. It's like you couldn't decide what to build so you built a little of everything and just got lucky that you were hella fed.
Either go full hybrid, with gunblade trinity and rageblade, go full ad with trinity phantom dancer ie and bt, or go tanky dps with iceborn bork etc.

Also, your math is hella fubar. Poppy's Q critting is just the base attack damage critting. Nothing else. The entire goal of building crit on poppy is so that she does damage outside of her combo. SotD is fucking dumb because then you're literally a 1 trick pony who is COMPLETELY useless while her r is on cd.

Additionally, the damage amplify on ignite is in hot water right now, Riot's noticed that it's increased for poppy and swain, and they're not sure if they're going to nerf them like that or not. True damage is true damage, not un resistable but amplifiable damage.

You also have absolutely no escape in that build. If it weren't for the fact you were hilariously fed, the moment you were out of position you would be dead. Exhaust/ignite is dumb and you should feel bad. Swiftness + Alacrity is even more dumb and you should uninstall until you realize how dumb that is.


tl;dr you're dumb and need to learn how to write a good post. The formatting on it is horrible.

On another note, what the hell is with that Yi build? I've actually seen that build on Yi surprisingly frequently. Did a pro run it or something?


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Re: League of Legends - S3 - Patch 3.06 Freljord
« Reply #11669 on: June 16, 2013, 04:27:49 pm »

... yeah, were the insults laced through that actually necessary, frost? And maybe linking to something explaining poppy's passive or, y'know, explaining it instead of spewing out some vitriol would have been more constructive.

C'mon man, that isn't the right way to go about things, yeah? Y'can provide criticism without the attacks.
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