5th, Hematite, 751Summer is upon us, and our farm area has been irrigated. Sekra, our brewer, and our cook are tilling the fields while Turdburger and Irony dug out a food storage stockpile across from the farm. Once thats done, I'll get around to having some rooms and a dining hall dug out. I've also ordered a large gate constructed a little bit back from our entrance. Even though the wildlife here is pretty tame, I'd like to be safe.
24th, Malachite, 751Farms are up and fresh crops are growing as I write this. Enough rooms have been dug out for 10 dwarves, which is good because we just got our first match of migrants. Four came in this wave. The only notable immigrant is a master butcher.
4th, Galena, 751The first stock of our own brew was made yesterday. To celebrate the occasion, we partied throughout the night. I must've drank too much since this morning I... I uh...
...Woke up next to the carpenter. I'm not proud of it, but she keeps waving at me in the halls. I've been trying to avoid her, but since my office is in the hall still, I'm fairly trapped.
In less disturbing news, I've ordered a trade depot constructed. Since the carpenter, who is also our stonecrafter, will harass me constantly, I've decided to keep her busy and make useless trinkets to trade this autumn.
1st, Limestone, 751 Summer is over, and I must say it was quite uneventful. The quick expansion has bogged down our few dwarves and a good portion of the mining work goes unfinished. My goal is to get the bare essentials up and running before years end. The hoopleheads back at the Fistmachines will probably send my replacement once spring breaks. Goodness knows none of their pampered asses could get an outpost up and running to save their beards. But, none the less, I have to keep working else they'll send a hammerer to, well, hammer me.
4th, Sandstone, 751More migrants! This is good, because there's still a bunch of hauling work to be done. Sorry Atir, you may be an accomplished siege engineer back in Fistmachines, but now your hauling rocks!
27th, Sandstone, 751Finally dug out the last of the stockpiles for now. Still haven't given myself an office.
15th, Timber, 751Finally got an office. Bout armokdamn'd time!
On another note, nothing interesting has happened. I expect the trade caravan any day now though...
Speak of the devil! The merchant caravan from Fistmachines has arrived. I trade a boatload of rock crafts for some food, booze, some leather, a box of cloth, and a steel bar.
After a few hours, the liason finally comes to see me. The meeting starts off normal enough.

I request mostly food and drink, along with some wood. He gives me a list of exports for us to focus on.

Just before he leaves, he pushes an envelope into my hands and leaves without another word. It's addressed to me and it comes straight from the top echelon of the Mountainhome. I don't think much of it. But as I pull out the paper and begin to read it, my blood runs cold.
To the Overseer of Deathgate,
Greetings Overseer. Assuming this message has reached you and you are alive, then the settlement of the Windy Plane has been successful. As such, you are hereby ordered to take up a task at the behest of the mountainhome, for the glory of all dwarvenkind.
By decree of the tribunal of The Basement of Murder, you are hereby ordered to recruit, train, and outfit an elite standing army. Following this, you and your men are to dig deep into the heart of the earth, underneath the great magma sea, and breach the domain of the demons. You must conquer an area beneath Deathgate and construct a fortress for our people to launch further incursions against the unholy hell spawn.
Failure to do so will result in the fall of all dwarvenkind. Failure is not an option.
Armok bless you.
The Tribunal
The madman... he was right... My hands trembled as I stuff the letter in my desk. Dig deeper? Are they crazy? I'll do no such thing. There are stocks to be compiled. Yes, stocks.
Winter, 751Must not go to the circus.... Must not let out the clowns...
Must not go to the circus.... Must not let out the clowns...
Must not go to the circus.... Must not let out the clowns...
This continues on for 30 pages.-----
The last pages of the journal contain a map of the fortress with annotations. There are no further entries from AnimaRytak. Other information gathered indicates he became reclusive and focused soley on his work. He was replaced as overseer in Spring of 752.
Attached is a map of the upper floor of the fortress.Attached is a map of the farm area of the fortress.--------------------
And my turn is over.
The levers in the lever room are marked with the Notes menu. But for a quick reference, left is the door by the trade depot, right is the drawbridge out front. I extended it out in case someone feels like putting up an entrance tower later on. The door near the stone stockpile is for forbidding the stone in the dump easily, so if you wanna make one type of item, you dont have to forbid and reclaim.
Lastly, yes, the goal sent to us by the mountain home is the goal for this fortress. "Deathgate" is a literal name.
Anyways, save is here:
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4379I believe Noodle has the second turn.