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Author Topic: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall  (Read 91232 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #105 on: September 08, 2011, 07:43:11 am »

: What I meant to say was that it would be hilarious if we skipped Sokal keep completely in the interests of exasperating Laharl...

: That's funny, I don't remember giving you a damn choice. I don't care if you'll go there willfully or if I need to drag you minions kicking and screaming, we are going to Sokal Keep, and that's final! Otherwise I will gladly demonstrate just what the Overlord of the Netherworld is capable of! Now march!
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2011, 02:36:10 pm »

Those Nomads...They are the cause for the outbreak! Kill them all!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 05:46:54 am by Shadowgandor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2011, 09:11:11 pm »

Whoops, The P.S.s were meant to be out of character. Are we using double-brackets?
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #108 on: September 09, 2011, 02:04:45 pm »

<Max>: I'll do the time warp! I want to see the lottery numbers, me and Sam really need a new car. The Desoto got a bit exploded after I parked somewhat too close too a sign.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #109 on: September 11, 2011, 12:40:20 am »

Interlude 4: Cakes and onions

: So Kyon, when does episode 6 come out?

: I've sort of been stalling. We have more or less a tie vote on what to do next and I was hoping Raynor's vote would settle it.

: I don't think Raynor will be here next gaming session.

: Oh, did you talk to him?

: Me? NO! I haven't spoken to Raynor. I haven't even seen him. And I most certainly did not ambush him on the way back to his ship after episode 5, knock him out and leave him tied up in a cave somewhere so I could take his party spot so I could steal Cadorna's heirloom for myself.

: That's a suspiciously specific denial.

: Well, anyway, since he hasn't logged on in a week, Lina will take Raynor's party slot-

: YAY!

: -and Raynor will go to the roster for now.

: I fear for our future. Raynor was the closest thing we had to a leader.

: Girlie mans will be ok. Hanz's muscles will keep you safe.

: Guess you haven't noticed, Hanz, but a few of us are buffer than you are these days.

: Hanz is so proud! Little girlie mans is growing up! I told you Hanz would pump you up.

: Hey Max, I just read over the votes in the thread. So you want to come back to the future with me, right?

: Yep. I want to see what the future's like.

: It won't be that exciting. We're only going forward a couple episodes. Though I suppose if you'd like you could pop in, say hello, and I could send you-

: Jack?!!?!?

: ...whoa, who's the dragon?

: Don't pretend like you don't know me! You promised you would call! Didn't that night mean anything to you?

: Please tell me that's not what it sounds like.

: I hope it's what it sounds like. That is one sexy beast.

: ...aww, you're such a flatterer. :P

: Forgive my scientific curiosity, but how is that even mechanically possible?

: Shapeshifter.

: Sex with a shapeshifting dragon? Oh, I am so looking forward to this. So what's your name, sexy? When do we do this?

: don't remember? Oh...I'm too early, aren't I?

: Yep. This is the first time I've seen you. But hey babe, we could go again now in this timeframe you'd like. Episode 6 can wait.

: Or we could use that wristwatch of yours to go pick up three or four more of you from other timeframes to join in. I like attention. :)

: I'm torn between wanting to tear my eyes out and wanting to watch this conversation continue.

: Meh. You humanoids are so weak minded. I know all about this stuff. Interspecies sex is pretty tame when you're a multidimensional shapeshifting demon.

: You can shapeshift?

: Of course. All demons can. You think we look like humans all the time? Or are you hung up on cloven hooves and horns? Ridiculous. I don't even fit in three dimensions. I only look like this to avoid confusing you mentally inferior meatshields.

: I have shapeshifting powers, and I don't go around having sex with dragons.

: Is everyone here a shapeshifter? Why does no one tell me these things? Hey, dragon, instead of risking timeloops to bring in multiple mes, why don't we just do a foursome with Alex and Laharl?

: Dude, you're giving me that look again. Stop it before I cut off your face.

: ...yeah, I think now would be a good time to take a break and respond to Ritsuko's question from the thread.

: Whoops, The P.S.s were meant to be out of character. Are we using double-brackets?

: We haven't agreed on a convention for speaking out of character, but since there's no fourth wall there shouldn't be any need to speak out of character at all.

: But what about things that are inherently not part of the game? How do we talk about those in character?

: Again, no fourth wall means no fourth wall. The original premise of this Let's play is that all of you are playing yourselves in a D&D campaign based on a computer game called Pool of Radiance. But there are several layers to that. For example, when Gimli says that he kicks in a door rather than explaining that his character kicks in a door, he's speaking in character from the point of view of the character that he's playing. But we're also the ones playing the game, so it's still in character when we talk about rolling dice and character sheets and so forth. But the game we're playing isn't the whole of the universe. You're still you playing a game about a game, and through all of this you still remember who you are and where you came from. You retain your identity. You know that you're Ritsuko Akagi, and you know that when this campaign is over you'll go home to Tokyo.

: So that's why in epside 5c I was able to ask about bringing Jack's vortex manipulator back with me to help fight the angels?

: Exactly. But on top of that, there's even one more layer to it: even though we know we're playing ourselves in a D&D campaign about a computer game, we also know that we're in a Let's Play thread about a D&D campaign about Pool of Radiance. That's why we're able to have this conversation, and it's why several of you have been able to demonstrate medium awareness prior to this. For example, when Raynor quoted Tyranthraxus back in Interlude 2. Or like in episode 4c when Max pointed out the differences between episodes and interludes.

: Or when I said I'd go back and skim through the thread in this post.

: Yeah, but that wasn't an official episode, that was just you posting.

: Exactly, and that makes it an even better example than the ones Kyon gave, since Ritsuko was asking about how she should post.

: Hey guys, are you done with your...conversation?

: Yep, Tyranthraxus left, and I should be getting back to own my timeframe too.

: Ok. Yes, I'll get started on the next episode within the next day or two. Ritsuko, are you all clear on everything?

: I think so. I'll be sure to ask if I have any more questions. I can't help but wonder what effect third impact will have on this thread.

: That's probably a good question. But it's not anything we're likely to resolve in this post. See you all in a few days.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 12:52:29 am by LordBucket »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #110 on: September 11, 2011, 01:08:43 pm »

: I fear for our future. Raynor was the closest thing we had to a leader.

: Don't worry, I'll make an excellent leader. Just leave everything to me! Jewelery, magical trinkets, everything! :D

Heron TSG

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Seal Goddess
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #111 on: September 11, 2011, 03:36:55 pm »

>Perhaps we are now a democracy.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #112 on: September 11, 2011, 06:45:41 pm »

*Furrows brow*
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #113 on: September 11, 2011, 07:00:49 pm »

: No, guys, its cool, you'll need to muddle around without a leader for a while, but I'll be more than happy to fill that role whenever I'm around if you want me to. And really, you're a competent bunch, you shouldn't have any trouble. I believe in you! Of course, I'm blessed with the knowledge of knowing most of you make it through this next bit alright, so I may be biased.

Unless several of you managed to get replaced with dopplegangers...
Or by making this post I've altered history...

: Hah, no, just messing with you. You'll be fine!

Anyway's, Max, let's go. Future group could use a bit of cash - you mind stopping at before-the-fall Phlan to pick up some documents or whatever on the way? We certainly don't seem to have any intention of doing it the normal way. And there's a really nice bar I know about where we can get a few drinks while we're there... the proprietor is a special friend of mine.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lurking Skeleton
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #114 on: September 12, 2011, 03:34:26 pm »

: Don't worry, I'll make an excellent leader. Just leave everything to me! Jewelery, magical trinkets, everything! :D
: How about you get in line, wench. Really, I'm the only one among us who's fit to lead anything, past experiences considered. Besides, would you rather leave the responsibility to her? She seems more backstab-happy than Etna for crying out loud.

And you better leave those nomads alone for now. I have plans to turn them into my own personal army! This is a golden opportunity, but one that'll have to wait after we take the damn keep!

Seriously, conquering worlds was much easier with demons at my side, rather than with you mortals.
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #115 on: September 15, 2011, 04:46:00 am »

Episode 6a: Cadorna's Heirloom

Vote results
Active party votes:
 * Sturm: Return Cadorna's heirloom
 * Ritsuko: Clear Sokal Keep
 * Jack: Active in thread, but no vote due to time travel
 * Laharl: Sokal Keep
 * Alex: The nomads, kill them all
 * Max: Travel through time with Jack, abstained from party action vote
 * Raynor: no vote

Roster votes:
 * Lina: Find Cadorna's heirloom and keep it
 * Gimli: no vote

: Time for me to leave, everyone.

: Thanks for helping us with the trolls, Jack.

: My pleasure. Go easy on me when I meet you for the first time. Max, are you ready?

: Yes.

: Since you guys don't have a map, how about Max and I make a quick stop in Phlan before the fall, buy one and bring it back to you before we return to my timeframe?

: That would be very helpful, thank you. How long will it take? We could all meet at the Inn in an hour.

: No, that won't be necessary. We'll come back shortly after we leave. Count to ten after we're gone and we should be back by then.

: Could we return to, say...right now, before we even leave?

: It's possible, but inadvisable. That kind of thing sometimes results in paradoxes that later need to be resolved. 5-10 seconds after we leave should be plenty of buffer to avoid any problems.

: I see. And after you and Max are gone to the future, when will we meet up with you again?

: Relax, it all works out.

: Hey, Kyon. Someone's knocking on your front door.

: Go ahead and let them in.

: Hey, guys. Kyon, where should we set up?

: Good evening, Lady. And who might you be?

: Don't call me lady. I'm Priss, and my band here is The Replicants. We're your music for tonight.

: Thanks for coming. Go ahead and take that corner of the room. Let me know if you need anything.

: Why exactly do we have a band here?

: Don't worry about it.

: Hey, Kyon. What was with that flash of blue light just now?

: Just Max and Jack leaving.

: Guess I'll start counting. One, two, three...

: Hmm? Ok, whatever. Got any beer?

: Sorry, no. Miss Misato drank it all.

: You still hang out with that lush?

: Occassionally.

: ...four, five...not that I'm one to defend Misato, but we do have a game to play. Six, seven...

: Right. With Max and Jack gone, plus Lina and minus Raynor, current party roster is:

 * Sturm
 * Hanz
 * Alex
 * Ritsuko
 * Laharl
 * Lina

: ...eight, nine...

: Action vote was psuedo-tied between clearing Sokal Keep next or going after Cadorna's heirloom, but with no consensus on whether to return or keep the hairloom. What would you guys like to do?

: SOKAL KEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: We will not steal the heirloom.

: ...ten. Anyone see Jack?

: Who said anything about stealing it? I hate thieves and bandits! We're going to liberate it from the vile thieves who stole it from Cadorna.

: Eleven?

: No, we're not. We're going to Sokal Keep and that's final.

: I'm surprised, lady Inverse. I hadn't realized you felt so strongly about justice.

: And isn't that nice, but tragic that we're going to Sokal keep and so it doesn't matter.

: Of course! That's why they call me Lina Inverse, the bandit killer!

: ...fifteen, sixteen...guys, I think there might be a problem.

: I'm sure Sokal keep is positively swarming with bandits. Best be on our way.

: I'm glad we are in agreement. Let us go.

: ...twenty one, twenty two...still no Jack?

: Yes! GO! Right now! To Sokal-

: I hear the heirloom was kept in the textile house.

: Keep!

: Anyone know where that is?

: On Thorn Island!

: The textile house is just south of Podal Plaza, and west of Mendor's Library. To get there, go west through the slums to Norris the Gray's former hideout, then south to the library, the west to the textile house.

: We took a boat from Podal Plaza back to town a while ago. Maybe we could go the other way?

: ...forty, forty I mentioned a few days ago, the outbound boats are blocked until we clear Sokal keep. We really should do that first. It will save us a lot of travel time.

: Yes! Listen to Ritsuko! She's smart!

: Yes, damnit. Listen to me. It's been almost a minute and Jack's not back with Max, or a map.

: He may have underestimated how long it would take to find a map vendor.

: I don't think it works that way. Like he said, if everything was ok, they should have been back within seconds of leaving.

: In any case, let's give them more time. I would prefer to return councilman Cadorn'a family heirloom, but if the rest of you would prefer to investigate Sokal Keep first, I will accompany you.

: Yes! We would prefer!

: Hey Priss, how long until the band's ready?

: Mackie still needs to bring in the drums from the truck, we have strobe lights to hang...give us 30 minutes.

: If you guys want to do Sokal Keep, you'll need to wait 30 minutes. That's probably enough time to do the textile house. It's up to you guys, but I need Priss ready before you head to the keep.

: Aww, man.

: It's not that far to walk. You've already cleared the slums and Norris' hideout, so you might not even see any encounters on the way.

: fortress!

: It can wait. Let's return Cadorna's heirloom.

: Yes! Let's liberate Cadorna's heirloom from those stinky, awful bandits!

: Following the council clerk's directions, you head south from Norris the Gray's former hideout.

: You mean my current secret underground lair.

: Within a few minutes you see Mendor's library. It is a large building, clearly centuries old.

: That's probably a good place to look for information about Phlan before the fall.

: It also has 'dusty magic scrolls' written all over it.

: Turning west, you find a small alley to the textile house, and through a curious stroke of luck, the very first building on your left bears the Cadorna family crest.

: We enter.

: You see the chief of the hobgoblins: a huge ogre. As you enter he rises to his full ten feet of height; his head wreathed in the flickering shadows.

: Puny creatures, I allowed you to to toy with my minions, but now I'll crush the life from your limbs.

: With all three of Alex, Laharl and Ritsuko blanketing the field with sleeps spells, all but 3 of the hobgoblins are removed from the battle in the first round.

: Where's Lina?

: I'm coordinating the assault from behind this corner over here.

: We will protect you, lady.

: ...oooohhh, yes, that sounds like an excellent plan. *smirk* Save me brave warrior! *giggle*

: Outnumbered, the ogre soon falls, allowing you to easily pick off his sleeping minions.

: What?!?! Where's the loots?

: Yeah, I don't see anything in here worth calling an heirloom.

: Maybe the ogre hadn't found it.

: Probably a good thing, otherwise who knows what those monsters might have done with it. Let's look around.

: You find a recess in the wall hidden behind a painting. Inside, you see an iron box. Across the lock is the seal of the family of Cadorna. Opening the box will damage the seal beyond repair.

: I will carry the box. We shall leave the seal unbroken.

: Yes, a strong man like you should definitely carry the box. Kyon, this mountain dew you gave me isn't really to my tastes. Have you any wine in the house?

: Sure. I generally stock a couple bottles for special occassions.

: Sturm, oh noble protector of beautiful sorceresses, would you be a dear and fetch me a glass of wine from the kitchen? Sauvignon Blanc if you can find it.

: You won't find any white wines in there, but if you want something mild, I have some merlots that will probably do.

: Excellent. Sturm, if you would?

: Certainly, my lady.

: Thank you, kind sir. :)

: That was uncharacteristically formal of you.

: Kyon! Quickly while Sturm is away, I teleport the contents of the box into my knapsack. Anything good?

: Max would be proud.

: I expect a third of that.

: Me too.

: Grr. Ok, but I keep the gloves. And the copper, silver and unenchanted trinkets all go back in the box. They're nearly worthless and heavy, and if Sturm's going to try to turn it in for a reward there'd better at least be something in there. he comes.

: Your wine, m'lady.

: Thank you, dear. :)

: I think I don't care enough to say anything.

: Excuse me?

: Nothing. Let's get back to town.

: On your return, two guards bearing the Cadorna family crest take custdoy of the box and escort you to Cadorna himself:

: Ahh, thank you for returning my family's treasure. I see that the seal is still intact. It's good to know that I can trust adventurers such as yourselves.

: Of course!

: Please accept this generous reward of 200 gold for your efforts.

: ...200 gold? For all that?

: ...erm, thank you.

: If I require the use of adventurers in the future, I'll be sure to remember that I can count on you.

: Slimeball.

: Ironic given that you're wearing some of what he just paid you to return.

: Hey, I liberated those things fair and square!

: No cat fights, please. Also, everyone pass in your character sheets. Let's see who's ready to level.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 06:17:49 am by LordBucket »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #116 on: September 15, 2011, 04:57:17 am »

Episode 6b: Sokal Laharl's Overlord Laharl's keep

: Now we go to Sokal Keep.

: Yes.

: ...wait, what? Really? Ahahahahah!!! At last you fools have fallen prey to my mind control magic! Minions! I now order you to worship me! Fall to your knees in eager servitude! Ahahahahh..ha...ha?

: Puny little girlie man tells funny joke.

: ...ah, ok, so...I guess the spell didn't work. Oh well. Carry on.

: Let's head to the docks.

: You board a small ferry to Thorn Island. A cut stone path leads from the drop-off point towards the keep, which you see is heavily fortified. Following the path, you come to a large gate.

: I knock.

: If the keep is overun by monsters, do you really expect them to answer? I wonder if maybe the direct approach isn't our best option here?

: Perhaps you're right. Let's look around to see if there's another entrance.

: As you begin to trace a perimeter, you immediately find the skeleton of a long-dead elf hidden amidst rocks and reeds. Its weapons and equipment are badly rusted and corroded by salt, its leathers are worm-eaten and crusted in dirt.

: Yay! Treasure!

: Loot the body!

: Please, have some respect for the dead.

: We respectfully loot the body!

: In a pouch on the remains you find a crumbling scroll bearing the following runes:

: The first word is elvish. It reads "lux."

: How are you able to read it?

: I had to be a half-elf in order to multi class fighter/mage, remember? Basic proficiency in elven was a free skill.

: What does the rest say?

: Don't know. But those other words looks like dwarvish to me.

: While examining the parchment a familiar blue ball of lightning begins to materialize near the gate.

: Oh, Jack, good timing. Did you find a map?

: ...hello. I take it we know each other?

: Of course. we adventured together through all of episode 5. Surely you haven't forgotten? Where's Max?

: I think this is when Jack first meets us. The Jack who went back with Max was from the future. May I see your character sheet?

: Sure.

: Hahah. I'm tougher than you now.

: Level one. Yes this is definitely Jack before he met us.

: I don't understand.

: Don't worry about it, Sturm. Just trust me on this one. Welcome to the party, Jack.

: Awesome, I thought I'd have to do this alone. So you guys know all about the mission, right?

: Mission?

: What mission?

: ....ok, well, never mind about that. What are you people doing here then?

: We're establishing this as my fortress of doom so I can take over the world!

: We're reclaiming the lighthouse to open up the sea lanes to Phlan.

: We're looking for gold and magic and gems!

: I'm here because I find these idiots entertaining.

: Right-o, well, those all sound like good plans. I'm in. What's that paper you're all looking at?

: A parchment containing various runes we found on a fallen elf. Unfortunate that Gimli is not still with us to help translate the rest of the text.

: Why don't we call him?

: We can do that?

: I don't see why not. Kyon, you have his cellphone number, right?

: ...well, yes.

: Who here has a cellphone?

: You can use my landline if you'd like.

: Great! Alex, here's Gimli's number. Why don't you make the call?

: Me? Ok, sure. Dialing now.

: While you have him on the phone, see if you can get those mage bracers he had on him for Lina. She's poorly armored for adventure.

: Gimli? Are you there?

: *garble*

: Gimli, can you hear me?

: *garble* *garble* ...lex... *garble* ...busy right *garble*

: Hey, Gimli, we found some dwarven runes on a dead elf. If I take a picture and mail it to your phone could you translate for us? ...Gimli? Are you there?

: *garble* it! *garble* ...gates of *garble* ...zad dum... *garble* ...running from a Bal... *garble*

: I said, if I take a picture, could you translate for us? Hello? Gimli?

: I'm happy to say that cell phone reception is one thing that definitely improves in the future.

: Hey, Kyon. Band's ready when you are.

: Thank you, Priss. Go ahead and relax. You've got about five minutes.

: You wanted Survivor, right?

: Yes, please.

: Ok, Gimli says the last word is "shestni" but he has no idea what the second one is, and he says it doesn't even look dwarven, though a couple of the characters are.

: Hopefully it's not important.

: Famous last words. Let's take the scroll with us just in case.

: Girlie mans too much talking. Hanz punch the door down and go in.

: Hmm. No eyes. Guess he's not looking at me. Ok, carry on.

: Hi. What's the password?

: it lux?

: Nope.

: Why am I in front?

: Jack and Ritsuko are only first level. You're both sturdier and more capable than they.

: That sounds plausible. Let's go with that. Ritsuko, you are one sexy woman.

: Hey! You're the fighter, not me. Stop checking me out and fight these things.

: Jack goes down.

: It'll heal.

: Brains! nom nom.

: Hey, quit that. I need those.

: With a little patience, and by mostly hiding behind Sturm and Hanz, you're able to finish off the remaining undead with minimal injury.

: Yeah, we are awesome. Nobody looks at me like that animated skeleton gif did. Nobody.

: And within seconds another patrol shows up.

: Hi. What's the password?

: Shestni?

: Eeyup. Enjoy scenic Thorn Island.

: The interior wall of the keep is lined with barracks. Glancing across the courtyard you see the inner keep, but it has no obvious entrance from this side.

: Perhaps it's on the far side. Let's get indoors. I don't understand why the undead are responding to passwords, but I'd rather not tempt fate by staying out in the open.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 05:55:06 am by LordBucket »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #117 on: September 15, 2011, 05:53:36 am »

Episode 6c: More puzzle pieces

: This portion of the barracks shows no signs of having been lived in for quite some time. You do however find some special stands in the northwestern corner holding a shield, a mace, a sword and a suit of chainmail that have not been tarnished by the passing of years.

: Loots! I take them!

: No, I take them!

: I take them first!

: Grr. I graciously allow Laharl to snatch up all the treasure because I'm a beautiful, graceful and dignified lady, and he's a greedy, uncivilized cur for taking such an unfair portion of treasure.

: Ahhh, don't put it like that.

: Ha! And then I snatch them from him when he's not looking.

: You know, I don't often say this about humans, but you're ok.

: Thanks. :)

: As you equip your newest toys, a mist begins to rise from the floor and thickens into numerous shadowy figures. From these figures rises a low moan that suddenly bursts out into a dreadful keening.

: ...lux?

: Hearing the elvish word, the spectres cry out in a chorus of howls, moans, complaints, wails and other lamentations over their fate and the fate of their families. From what you can make out, it seems that they were the original defenders of the keep, before a cleric's spell inadvertently bound them to this place. One spirit in particular points you to a loose floorboard containing a small diary.

: Wait, so those undead patrols we ran into earlier are the reanimated corpses of the humans who used to live here?

: It appears that way. May Mishakal grant them peace. Come, let us go to the central keep to see if we can find those responsible for this.

: You're heading to the central keep?

: Yes.

: Yes, finally!

: You're sure?


: Priss, are you ready?

: Waitin' on you, Kyon.

: Hit it.

Que background music: Eye of the Tiger

: "Risin' up, back on the street."

: Heading south through the barracks you find nothing but a large, open courtyard between you and the inner keep.

: "Did my time, took my chances."

: The fact that we have a background vocalist for this makes me nervous. Let's turn around.

: No! We press on!

: Yeah, don't worry about it. The DM's just eccentric, that's all.

: "Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet. Just a man and his will to survive!"

: At your approach an alarm sounds, and an army of orcs led by hobgoblins begins to swarm from the keep.

: "'s the Eye of the Tiger it's the cream of the fight!"

: We are so dead.

: You have initiative.

: To battle, my friends! Fight with honor!

: "Risin' up to the challenge of our rival!"

: You meet the horde halfway, but with their numbers you are easily surrounded.

: "And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night..."

: If we're to stand a chance, we need to slow down the flow of monsters from the keep. Alex, Laharl, get in there and sleep the groups at the chokepoints.

: I will save the girlie mans.

:, Hanz, don't..

: Idiot.

: I can't heal dead.

: "And he's watchin' us all in the eye...of the tiger."

: Jack and Lina go down in the process, but your plan works.

: Those two are ok. I have heals on them.

: With the four of you blocking both chokepoints you're able to fight the horde no more than 4 at a time, and the battle is over in minutes. Unfortunately, Hanz fell prey to the insta-kill mechanic resulting from being attacked while unconscious. He is dead.

: Yeah, sorry about Hanz. He charged in to exactly where I needed to cast my sleep spell to keep us from getting swarmed. If he'd stayed back just one more round, he'd have been clear.

: I understand, Alex. It is a great loss. We will mourn for him.

: No we won't. But we might have to fight over who gets his stuff.

: Me! Me!

: Platemail and a two handed sword. You can't use them, so nyeh.

: *pout*

: On one of the larger hobgoblins you find a ratty piece of parchment with large writing on one side.

: The "boss" again? Who does this guy think he is? I'm the one taking over the world.

: What do we find inside the keep?

: Most of it has been ransacked beyond usefulness. However, it seems that the chapel was left mostly untouched by the orcs.

: Yeah, orcs aren't real big on prayer. Any loots in there?

: When you approach the chapel altar, a pale form rises before you.

: Please tell me this isn't where we need to know that other word from the parchment. Can we just hand it to him and let him read it?

: Greetings, my friends. I am the spirit of Ferran Martinez, former chaplain of Sokal Keep, now bound to this place together with those who died defending it. Tell me, has the city been freed?

: You mean Phlan? No, chaplain. Only two city blocks and now this keep are in human hands. The rest of the city is occupied by orcs, hobgoblins, ogres, and worse.

: I see. But these creatures of which you speak are mere footsoldiers. Surely more powerful foes lead them. The sage Mendor worked hard to gather record of all factions and powers in this land, both magical and mundane. But surely those records are lost now, his library overrun. As for us, with Sokal Keep restored, our duty is finished and nothing remains to tie us to this material realm. Thank you for your brave deed. To pass my guards on the way out, speak the word "samosud."

: Guess that's the third word.

: With that, the spirit fades away.

: With Sokal Keep once again under our control, we can travel by boat to bypass the barren river. You have done well. However, I must bring to your attention the following concerning Valhingen graveyard: the undead are crossing the river in hordes and killing or carrying off settlers. Even city guardsmen have been reported missing and we fear the worst. The council demands that these attacks be stopped, and is willing to pay a generous reward. On the matter of commission, I can offer the following: Bishop Braccio of Tyr has requested your assistance in the recovery of the cathedral on the northeast edge of town. Report to him at Tyr's temple when you are ready. Also, a large group of thieves has been found operating out of Kovel mansion. The council will pay to have them cleared out.

Voting time What to do next?
 * Investigate Mendor's library for information about Phlan before the fall, as well as Mendor's research mentioned by the ghost of Ferran Martinez
 * Investigate the nomads (If you vote for this, also explain the manner in which you propose to deal with the situation: sneak in, assassinate their leader, frontal assault, kill them all, bribe them, negotiate, etc. Be creative.)
 * Investigate Valhingen graveyard
 * Assist Bishop Braccio in reclaiming Tyr's Cathedral
 * Clear the thieves from Koval mansion
 * Make use of the recently opened port to explore the land outside the city

: Goodnight, everyone. See you next play session.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 06:13:34 am by LordBucket »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lurking Skeleton
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #118 on: September 15, 2011, 07:25:10 am »

: Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha! I guess you minions are useful for something after all! Now, next time, we're going to subjugate those nomads and make them obey me!
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.

Heron TSG

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Seal Goddess
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Re: Let's Play: Pool of Radiance, with no fourth wall
« Reply #119 on: September 15, 2011, 11:04:28 am »

: I'm in favor of clearing that Cathedral. Phlan must be reclaimed eventually, we may as well start now.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG
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