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Author Topic: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-36 Decisions, Decisions  (Read 690002 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1755 on: August 14, 2013, 09:11:07 pm »

And I'm assuming there was a reason so many different mages of different schools were sent to take out nightroar - I have a strong belief there's going to be some level of affinity going on eventually. Having an order mage we can trust will be quite useful to the sorts of experiments that WON'T get us killed. Also when we get to the forest we might want to leave the both of them just outside while we head just inside - they can yank us out if there's trouble without being at risk themselves, and he's just know we'll be doing some sort of magic but not know what type. (and we've made it obvious by attempting this task at ALL that we must have SOME kind of ace up our sleeve)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1756 on: August 14, 2013, 10:05:34 pm »

Normally I don't volunteer reminders like this, but I feel guilty about the length of time between updates, and I'm in a charitable mood, so here ya go.

In terms of his ability to fight this monster, he's completely useless.

Umm.  I don't remember anything like this being said, but my memory is fuzzy about this game, so I'll defer to you.  Still, he has healing magic, and those wards.  Plus, if zombies or something wander near he can almost certainly help wih those.

It's a fair point that no Order Wizard has managed to defeat this monster, but then again, no Wizard has come to grips with it either. Thus far, Order magic has only proven incapable of discovering the creature. Eko had this to say when you questioned him about what spells he could cast himself:

Quote from: 2-14
   "Um... your wards only block sight, right?"
   "That's right." Eko nods.
   "Can they do anything else? Can they actually block the zombies, or raise an alarm?"
   "Sufficiently powerful wards could, yes. The strongest wards I can cast would not do much other than slow down the undead for a time, and would take me some time to cast in the first place. The only reason I haven't cast more powerful wards is because they are quite mana-intensive; before the zombies there was no need for stronger wards, and now I must reserve a portion of my mana in case it is needed to repel an attack."
   You blink in surprise. "Your magic can repel zombies?"
   "If it comes to that. I specialize in defensive wards, but no Wizard situated near the haunted forest can serve without knowing some specialty spells. Undead are an aberration from the natural order- it stand to reason a Wizard can restore it." Eko shrugs. "I don't know how effective I can be- more likely I will need the mana for healing spells. Either way, I cannot overexert myself in good conscience."
   You blink in surprise. "Oh. Well, your wards- can they repel loose souls?"
   "Your concern for the children is touching, but no, their souls are not trapped in the forest by my wards, if that's what you are getting at. I do know wards for protection against spirits and ghosts, but none of those are in place around the forest. And remember, there were many victims before it was thought needful to ward the forest- they lay comatose for years, but never recovered."

You also have an idea of his failings in other branches of Order magic from a later conversation.

Quote from: 2-19
   "Divinations?" You ask.
   "Yes. They are Order spells to observe and analyze; they've never been my strong suit. When I tried them on the zombie, I didn't learn anything about how it had gotten past the ward."

For all we know, he might have lost family and friends to zombies, and just assign all that hate to necromancers.

No comment on the latter part of that sentence, but Eko has definitely lost good friends to zombies. Recently.

Quote from: 2-19
   Eko sighs. "Cikul Scarletdaub helped me. He... was a good friend of mine. A little strange, to make his home so far from the village, so close to the forest, but brave and intelligent. He used to talk with me about the history of Thrimesdur, or some point of dogma or philosophy he'd sunk his teeth into. More importantly, he was also... a free-thinker. Not as bound by tradition as most other villagers. When I explained what needed to be done, he helped me subdue the zombie and smuggle it into the village in his wagon." Eko's voice becomes heavy with bitterness. "Cikul trusted me, and now he's dead. He's dead, and his wife and sisters are dead, and his only surviving family are soulless orphans." He fumbles beneath his robes for his flask.

Also dang how did I ever do conversation updates without indents. I am happy with this change.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1757 on: August 14, 2013, 10:46:25 pm »

If he admires the free-thinking trait in that fellow, then if he does react poorly we might want to remind him of that incident. To give us a chance.
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Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
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Descan confirmed for antichrist.
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I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1758 on: August 14, 2013, 11:11:57 pm »

If he admires the free-thinking trait in that fellow, then if he does react poorly we might want to remind him of that incident. To give us a chance.
We just about got GM confirmation that it would be a bad idea to let him know of our powers, if in a somewhat subtle way. We took the chance with Omo because he was a long time friend who knew us well enough for it to actually not to be a big issue. On the other hand, Eko's a friendly acquintance. We know him for a few days, and while we helped him and are getting to know him better, being a necromancer is not likely to be ignored. If necromancers were common enough that any significant city had to deal with the occasional small time practitioner, maybe we could try to convince him that we were a "good necromancer".

But necromancers are legendary figure, the current time the only moment in history that there is more than a single necromancer at a given time, and even then, there are 3 known plus us. At best we'd probably get a "Surrender and we'll see if the order can cure you or kill you painlessly before you become a corrupt evil overlord" offer.
"Why? We're the Good Guys, aren't we?"
"Yes, but that rather hinges on doing certain things and not doing others." - Paraphrased from Discworld.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1759 on: August 15, 2013, 10:55:06 am »

We got no GM confirmation. You deduced that based on info the GM provided.
Convincing people we're good comes down to creating dissonance between the stereotypical necromancer figure people have ingrained in their minds and the way they see us. Why did Omo come with us? Being our friend helped, probably a lot, but only because it meant he knew us, probably better than anybody. The biggest influence was the fact that we did not fit into the evil necromancer stereotype. And once people are hit with this (reasonable and free thinking/nom-dogmatic people at least) they begin thinking things over and give us at least the benefit of doubt if not outright acceptance. We already have some points for risking our lives for the children, keeping his secret, being elves, caring for the villagers and having some interesting conversations. If we defeat that thing or even better free/heal all the souls it has stolen/damaged (if they have somehow survived or if we gain enough info from it to be able to reverse its effects) it will be very hard for him to associate us with the image of an evil necromancer.
Plus, he wants to adventure and to make the difference, even if he has to break some rules. We can promise him a chance to do that. Or we can say that he can help keep us good. Or play ourselves as the victim, someone trying to make the best out of a bad situation that was thrust upon her unwillingly. Really, if we get him to listen there are dozens of ways we can convince him. We just have to get him out of the "necromancer=evil" mindset long enough to talk to him. And we can do that through good deeds.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1760 on: August 15, 2013, 11:18:10 am »

And I think traveling with people to help "keep us good" is actually something to keep in mind as a real possibility.

Most Necromancers DO go bad, and I think our having close friends is part of what will let us resist temptation to follow the same path.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-21 (Updated 13th August)
« Reply #1761 on: August 20, 2013, 03:07:54 pm »

PTW and awesome forum game!
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1762 on: August 20, 2013, 03:11:29 pm »

Well, I am all for taking Eko, but make sure that we have our supplies, we should be ready to set up a camp outside the forest, make it clear to Eko that we may spend days studying the forest. If Eko backs out at the prospect of days, then it is one less thing to worry about, and if Eko follows, and finds out about us, then we can continue our journey without needing to return to the village.
Have we tested the water as far as eko's attitude toward necromancy? Like his ideas around why all recorded necromancers were hyperhitlers? He may not possess an innate animosity toward necromancy, and he may be flexible. He doesn't seem to be extraordinarily zealous about the imperial order religion.

   You speak cautiously. "I wasn't kidding when I said we would be extremely careful. We could be studying the forest for days."
   Eko shrugs. "I've already informed the mayor of my plans; he can handle anything I could, apart from the wards, and those will survive without my supervision just fine. Bale is in charge of the village's defenses now, so I'm really free of responsibility until I return."
   Omo cocks an eyebrow. "This town has a mayor? I thought you ran the show here."
   "Oh, no; when it comes to legal matters, the mayor is in charge. I'm only responsible for religious activities." Eko says nonchalantly.
   "And this mayor approves of your excursion?" You ask.
   Eko runs a hand through his thinning hair. "Well... no, but in this instance, he has no authority over me. Aloclesno remains firmly in my jurisdiction, so I have the final say over how I manage it. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't really like me either, so there's no harm done."
   "And the children are cared for?"
   "Yes, I've made arrangements. What, did you think I would just abandon them?" Eko says, exasperated. "Despite popular opinion, I can manage my own affairs. Are we going to spend all morning talking, or are we going to the forest?"
   You nod. "Very well, then. Welcome aboard, Eko."
   Omo coughs into his hand, shooting you a meaningful glance. "Ah, Nym, is this a good idea? You know, all things considered?"
   You ignore Eko's curious glance. "It'll be fine, Omo. Let's get moving."
   Eko smiles, leading the way to the door. "Finally! If we're going to do this fool thing, we'd better be about it."

   You quickly pass out of the temple and into the streets of Bedscaled. Several villagers bustle about in the early morning light, most of them fetching water from the well. The soldier's camp is also active; it's difficult to get a good count, but Omo assures you that several soldiers and horses are absent, probably on some mission or other. Eko doesn't break his stride as he heads for the edge of town, despite receiving several odd looks for his traveling garb and his spear.

   It's a beautiful day for a hike. The sun shines bright and hot in a cloudless sky, and a warm breeze from the west blows at your back. You had been a little worried that the portly priest would slow you down, but Eko sets a ground-eating pace, easily keeping up with your longer stride. Once you've put the village and farms well behind you, you slow down a bit to eat Eko's breakfast rations; a hard bread with some kind of nut baked inside, and some creamy cheese to go with it.

   "So, Eko..." You begin, breaking the silence. "What do you think about all the Necromancers that have been popping up lately?"
   Omo rolls his eyes behind Eko's back. Eko frowns, munching on his bread. "What do you mean by that? War and strife, pain and death; it is what always happens when Necromancers arise."
   "Yes, but why do you think that is?" You ask. "Why do they always go on conquering sprees? It's a question I asked the Sages before leaving Yicelafo, and they did not know the answer. What do you think?"
   Eko shrugs. "Well, just as humans are born with the spark of Order because they have the favor of one god or another, so too are Necromancers born with their spark because of the favor of dark Death gods. And just as humans use their spark to become Wizards and priests in accordance with the will of the gods of Order, so do Necromancers spread death and destruction at the urging of whatever dark gods they worship."
   "Necromancer gods?" You ask interestedly. "What do you know about them?"
   Eko finishes the last of his cheese and bread, shaking his head. "Not much, off the top of my head. They're all dead, now that their worshipers are destroyed. Supposedly, that is the reason Necromancers spend so much time fighting and conquering; the death they cause strengthens the god that empowers them, and if they ever gained their own kingdoms and followers they could establish Temples to Death, which would revive those gods."
   "So that's why Thrimesdur suppresses Necromancy so harshly? To keep the Death gods from returning?"
   Eko shrugs. "Well, that, and the prophecies." He sighs as you exchange a blank look with Omo. "Right. Elves. Of course you don't know the prophecies. Well. Alright... one of the main schools of Order magic is Divinations, and the most powerful and arcane spells of that school relate to predicting the future. Shortly after the Golgothan War, the Imperial Archmage was called to make a Prophecy, to guide the Empire after the devastation of the war. The Archmage was one of the most powerful Wizards to ever hold that title, and he made a series of prophecies to govern the actions of the Empire and the Order of Wizards. One of those prophecies says that the last Emperor of Thrimesdur will be slain by Necromancy; not in those words, of course, but I forget the exact verse."
   "The Emperor will be killed by a Necromancer? Wouldn't that just make somebody else Emperor?" Omo asks skeptically.
   Eko shakes his head. "No, it's very clear that this will be the last Emperor of Thrimesdur. His death marks the end of the Empire. And it's more troubling than that; prophecies made at the very founding of the Empire say that when the Empire finally falters, a great cataclysm will befall all of Urak. Many scholars have spent their lives analyzing and correlating the various prophecies of Thrimesdur, and while some passages are open to interpretation, these prophecies in particular seem clear. Necromancy will destroy the Empire and the world, and while it's unclear whether the former will lead directly to the latter, it's still best to take precautions."
   "By killing every Necromancer you can find?" You ask. "I don't know... it seems to me that the Necromancers go on their killing sprees because they are so heavily persecuted. If they weren't killed for being who they are, wouldn't they just keep living peacefully in their villages?"
   Eko barks a short laugh. "You know, it's funny... I had a similar conversation with Cikul not too long ago. It's hard to argue against the weight of the prophecies, and the High Priests say that the influence of the Death Gods would lead to war and destruction in any case. If the policy seems harsh, remember that it was implemented in the wake of the Golgothan War. The Necromancers of the world had just proven incapable of peaceful coexistence with the Empire, and then a dire prophecy warns that they will attack again in the future? An attack that will destroy the Empire, and maybe the world? I can't fault the decision that the Emperor made."
   You make a polite, noncommital noise, walking on in silence for a time. "What did you learn about the last priest to go to Aloclesno?" You ask, pointing at his book.
   Eko pats the book in his arm. "Not too much. The priest was named Kiros Muleclenched, and while he didn't give the reason he entered the forest in his journal, later writers suggest it was an unhealthy fascination with Necromancy, as he grew up in the wake of the previous Necromancer War."
   "The previous Necromancer War?"
   Eko nods impatiently. "Yes, Seto the Necromancer, about two hundred fifty years ago. Kiros entered Alocelsno thirty years after Seto was defeated, and kept detailed notes on his actions while in the forest. He entered Aloclesno under the protection of a Minor Ward against Necromancy- the same ward that surrounds the forest- and made slow progress for two days, sleeping under the protection of a Major Ward. He traveled about fifteen miles into the forest, and cast a Sanctuary on a clearing he found that likely dates to the Golgothan War based on the abandoned weaponry he found there. The Sanctuary lasted for two days, during which he cast several divinations on portions of the forest untested since the Golgothan War, as well as exploring a bit on foot."
   "And?" You ask eagerly. "What did he find?"
   Eko shakes his head. "Nothing. Nothing Necromantic, anyway; he made notes about plants not found outside the forest, but he found nothing to justify his caution. Ultimately he decided to leave the forest without risking his life further, and when he got out he was censured for priestly misconduct and misappropriation of Imperial funds; the mana potions he used weren't cheap, after all. The two charges together got him remanded to a monastery for... years afterward, anyway. Maybe the rest of his life."
   "Aren't you worried that will happen to you?" Omo asks.
   Eko smiles to himself. "No, not really. Oh, I'll probably get in trouble for risking my life on this mission, but I didn't waste Imperial funds to come along, and while such excursions are discouraged, they're not forbidden, especially with two recent victims in my care. I rather suspect there was more to Kiros' punishment than a sabbatical in a haunted forest, judging by some comments made by later writers."
   "You said Kiros didn't go to the center of the forest, right?"
   Eko nods. "Not physically, no. He did cast several divinations that covered the center of the forest, however, and detected nothing. That was the greatest outcome of his journey, as the center of the forest is beyond easy divination range for any border village; to my knowledge, that is the only attempt at scrying that portion of the forest made since the Golgothan War."
   "But if he's the only one to try, then he could have missed something, right?" You ask eagerly. "Maybe he miscast a spell, or made some other error."
   "I suppose it's possible." Eko says dubiously. "It doesn't seem very likely, though. Kiros was described as being quite accomplished at divinations, and by his own account he was quite thorough. His testimony is the strongest evidence that there is nothing physical to find in Aloclesno."
   "We'll find something." You reply confidently.

   The conversation shifts to Aloclesno, and the creature(?) that waits there. Eko gives you a brief summary of some of his spells -a list which include the spells cast by Kiros- and admits that he isn't much of a fighter; his spear belongs to a traveler who left it behind long ago, and his only training with the weapon comes from serving in the militia of his hometown, an experience that is mandatory for youths in Thrimesdur.

   Soon enough, you stand at the edge of the forest of Aloclesno, not too far from where you entered it last time. Very little of the mid-morning sunlight manages to shine beneath the dense canopy of the forest, giving the forest a dim, enclosed feeling. The trees which seemed so hostile in the nighttime are now merely disgruntled, unhappy about unwelcome guests.

   Eko steps forward, seeming to feel the air in front of his face. "Well, the ward is just as I left it. No worries there. What do we do now?"

   The time is upon you; how should you begin in your dealings with the forest?

Spoiler: You (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Your Spells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Omo Thunderjaw (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Eko Cleanvise (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Eko's Spells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notable Figures (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Planned Experiments (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Maps (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1763 on: August 20, 2013, 03:22:46 pm »

We should go first, constantly looking around us for the beast, since we would see it before anyone else.
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1764 on: August 20, 2013, 04:39:53 pm »

First things first. See if we can't set some animal as a bait near the border and observe.

Also, urgh, I really didn't wanted Eko to come, that will seriously hinder any help we can try to give.
"Why? We're the Good Guys, aren't we?"
"Yes, but that rather hinges on doing certain things and not doing others." - Paraphrased from Discworld.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1765 on: August 20, 2013, 05:14:08 pm »

Also, urgh, I really didn't wanted Eko to come, that will seriously hinder any help we can try to give.
Actually, it might be the other way around. Yes, our first order of business should be to try and control and study the creature, but if that fails, we can kill it with Eko without using necromancy. We can say we used our elven magic (which is technically true since See Vitality is a very low level Life and Death spell that could be casted by someone without much magical capacity) to detect the creature, try to control it or impair it (which isn't visible) and if that fails use Eko's spells to repel it and kill it or trap it. This abjuration spell is especially interesting, since the creature is essentially a concentration of necromantic energy.

Also, interesting to see that Order provides a means to see the structure of order spells, just like Death does for its own spells.

That book account proves that at least the wards work against the creature.

And the other stuff about the Necromantic gods and the prophecy is interesting too. We should make our way to the capital after this and hit the libraries for info about this Morka god and necromancy-related prophecies. And make a mental note to stay away from the emperor, just in case.

We could make our way a bit deeper to the forest, as far as the clearing since it's a relatively short trip, set up a ward there and investigate the clearing and then the area just outside the ward's boarder, with Omo casting Detect Magic and us casting See Vitality. Maybe even investigate on our way there if we can maintain see vitality and detect magic for that long. Or we could set up a mobile ward and then make our way a bit deeper into the forest, but I think we can take a small risk and not waste that mana.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 05:20:51 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1766 on: August 20, 2013, 09:19:24 pm »

Unless the emperor is using necromancy...

But yes, have Eko prepare a mobile ward, we will see how it affects us, and try to find the location that the zombies were gathered, and see if we can pick up the trail of the children again. Have eko cast some divinations on the area and make preparations to attempt to return to the clearing where the children were found early in the morning. We should attempt to study the vitality of the forest to see if there are any variances between within and beyond the warded area. Then make work on making a somewhat permanent camp-site.

At night, we should discuss how such an enduring magical effect might be possible, if it could feed on the energy of souls to recast itself or some such. And discus Balkoth, why someone would cast such a spell, and how someone who could defeat an entire army with one magical effect was stopped, and what it would be like to actually possess that much power. Tell ghost stories. Enquire as to how necromancers have changed since the Golgothans. And generally turn the conversation towards a general analysis of necromancy and its effect on people, both subjects and practitioners.

Next morning we should set off to investigate the site that the children were found, and if that doesn't reveal anything unexpected, and time permits, then we could experiment with us leaving the safety of the ward, assuring Eko that we could sense the creature last time, and that its absence could be due to our protection, and that someone leaving the ward is the only way to locate the entity...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1767 on: August 20, 2013, 11:18:47 pm »

Meh, the order wizards are just completely lack imagination. Proper procedure would be simply allow prophecy takes it course and then name the next leader "grand poobah" or whatever instead of Emperor. :P

Besides, by a similar logic, if the prophecy said that a ginger would kill the last emperor, would it be correct to try to kill all gingers? :P
"Why? We're the Good Guys, aren't we?"
"Yes, but that rather hinges on doing certain things and not doing others." - Paraphrased from Discworld.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1768 on: August 21, 2013, 01:20:29 am »

Wow, just caught back up on the thread. Bloody hell.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-22 (Updated 20th August)
« Reply #1769 on: August 21, 2013, 06:13:39 am »

Meh, the order wizards are just completely lack imagination. Proper procedure would be simply allow prophecy takes it course and then name the next leader "grand poobah" or whatever instead of Emperor. :P

Besides, by a similar logic, if the prophecy said that a ginger would kill the last emperor, would it be correct to try to kill all gingers? :P
Yeah, you're right, for all we know, depending on how the prophecy is worded, it could mean that after it there are only Empresses or there is a rebellion and the Republic defeats the Empire and destroys the deathstar.
But yes, have Eko prepare a mobile ward, we will see how it affects us, and try to find the location that the zombies were gathered, and see if we can pick up the trail of the children again.
Actually, we already are where we found the group of zombies (or close enough anyway).
Quote from: monk12
   Soon enough, you stand at the edge of the forest of Aloclesno, not too far from where you entered it last time.
Quote from: RAM
Have eko cast some divinations on the area and make preparations to attempt to return to the clearing where the children were found early in the morning. We should attempt to study the vitality of the forest to see if there are any variances between within and beyond the warded area. Then make work on making a somewhat permanent camp-site.

At night, we should discuss how such an enduring magical effect might be possible, if it could feed on the energy of souls to recast itself or some such. And discus Balkoth, why someone would cast such a spell, and how someone who could defeat an entire army with one magical effect was stopped, and what it would be like to actually possess that much power. Tell ghost stories. Enquire as to how necromancers have changed since the Golgothans. And generally turn the conversation towards a general analysis of necromancy and its effect on people, both subjects and practitioners.
While I do like the conversation topics, I don't think we should waste an entire day making preparations since we don't have anything to prepare and we're not that far away from the clearing we found the children.
Also, mobile wards cost a lot, so Eko would be at best capable of maintaining one for a day, if I understand how it works. That's why I said we're better off legging it to the clearing and making a stationary ward once we're there, which costs 1MP and lasts for a week, perfect for a camp site. And unless Eko has more divinations he's not telling us about, I don't think his current spell set will be of any use. If anything, he's better suited for spying US.
The only thing I'm worried about is that the wards may disrupt our necromantic spells, so we should do some investigating while he sets it up, just in case it disrupts our abilities.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 06:15:53 am by Parisbre56 »
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