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Author Topic: Demographic insight  (Read 45300 times)

Diicc Tater

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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #105 on: January 18, 2012, 08:14:47 am »

gender: male
age: 34
race: human
profession: IT stuffz
social class: upper middle class
prefered sock color: black
favorite goblin killing technique: weapon traps with large serrated silver disks...or axedworfs...or long falls into magma or stone.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #106 on: January 19, 2012, 01:06:03 pm »

gender: male
age: 28
race: Irish/German
Profession: Dreamer/Underemployed Physicist
Social Class: Under the poverty line
preferred sock color: Bright Blue. Don't judge :(
favorite way to kill a goblin: Drowning trap.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #107 on: January 19, 2012, 03:01:08 pm »

gender: male
age: 27
race: Polish human
Profession: Freelance editor/translator
Social Class: Still haven't made it big
preferred sock color: Black with red
favorite way to kill a goblin: Execution by military training, disarmed but with armor left on


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #108 on: January 19, 2012, 03:38:55 pm »

Any two of these things would be enough for me to google stalk all of you down to your exact name, address, credit card providers and possibly your social security number as well. :P

Gender: Male
Age: 18.8 (give or take a few days)
Race: Caucasian (1/4 italian, 3/4 mixed with Dutch ancestry)
Profession: Mechanical Engineering Major
Social Class: Upper Middle (still dependent upon parents)
Preferred Sock Color: Mixed (1 white and 1 black that is)
Favorite Goblin Disposal Method: Goblin Grinders combined with glass traps early on, with a shift to FB pit disposal later. After all, what could be more satisfying then dropping goblins and trolls into a pit filled with Forgotten Beasts all clustering around the landing spot beneath a hatch just waiting for more blood.
Quote from: PTTG
It would be brutally difficult and probably won't work. In other words, it's absolutely dwarven!
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - A fun zombie survival rougelike that I'm dev-ing for.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #109 on: January 20, 2012, 08:04:42 am »

Oh what the heck.

gender: M
age: 28
race: Caucasian
profession: student
social class: future grist for the academic mill
perferred sock color: black or dark brown
favorite way to kill a goblin: kill a goblin?
I'm making a game called "Innkeep!", where you run an inn set in a low-fantasy world and try to lighten your guests pockets. Forum topic here.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #110 on: January 20, 2012, 08:45:15 am »

gender: male
age: 23 currently
race: white
profession: university student
social class: middle class
perferred sock color: brown
favorite way to kill a goblin: using a hammer :D


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #111 on: January 20, 2012, 03:54:03 pm »

gender: male
age: 36
race: euro-mutt american
profession: rapper/smoke shop worker/rabble-rouser
social class: not sure what that means. I know my financial class, but those aren't the same are they?
perferred sock color: white/gray
favorite way to kill a goblin: unarmored military with wooden shields and candy weapons.
Life (in dwarf fortress) is a cocophany of flavours, each more succulent than the last - why not sample them all?!


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #112 on: January 20, 2012, 09:26:52 pm »

Are you the person in your avatar? If so, you should cosplay as the Snoipah.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #113 on: January 20, 2012, 09:38:43 pm »

gender: Male
age: 14
race: Caucasian
profession: Student
social class: Middle
perferred sock color: RAINBOW COLOR
favorite way to kill a goblin: Legendary axedwarves. Many, many legendary axedwarves.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #114 on: January 21, 2012, 12:45:23 pm »

gender: Male
age: 18
race: White guy
profession: i.e. college student, unemployed, small animal dissector. . .: College student
social class: Middle
perferred sock color: Hot pink
favorite way to kill a goblin: Strip, chain in a large room, slowly flood with water, wait till water reaches 4/7, flood with magma, stop obsidian just before it reaches goblin, flood with water to 7/7
We were hoping for a constant fort at some point, having players in different time zones so that the fort never actually stopped running.  Come back overnight and find a giant penis has been constructed.  Glory to the penis gods.

Aeon Blue

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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #115 on: January 21, 2012, 05:48:38 pm »

For the record, social class is determined in this fashion, based on employment...

I'm almost done with a bachelor's degree in sociology and have never come across this definition, which I'm going to assume is an older one not much in use anymore. The models I've seen in my textbooks are closer to the ones on Wikipedia, which assign social class based on a consideration of education, income, and net worth. FYI, the contemporary concept of the underclass is more about a lack of steady employment, education, and privileges than it is about crime and welfare. I grew up underclass, nearly homeless, without constant access to basic "necessities" like electricity, water, heat, food, clothing, shelter, and education, but my parents were never on welfare (which takes resources they didn't have, like transportation, and more contact with the government than they wanted, because when you raise kids like this and want to keep them you don't tell the government) and while they did engage in some criminal activity, they were the sort of ordinary crimes most college kids have engaged in at one time or another, and had cleaner records than most middle class people I know.

Ok, so. Me:

Gender: Female
Age: 29
Race: White
Profession: I'm currently making a living as an artist, but I want to get a degree in computer science.
Social Class: Born and raised underclass. Married into middle class. Currently working class.
Preferred sock color: I have a dwarfy love for socks and possess an entire drawer of them in different colors, patterns, and styles. I don't think I have any in single colors. My favorite pair are blue striped knee-highs.
Preferred way to kill a goblin: Brutal and quick, with an overpowered squad of candy-clad legendary sworddwarfs.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #116 on: January 21, 2012, 06:31:57 pm »

gender: Male
age: 25
race: European American
profession: Military
social class: Rich and affluent
perferred sock color: Green
favorite way to kill a goblin: Arena


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #117 on: January 21, 2012, 07:17:09 pm »

gender: Male
age: 22
race: White (US)
profession: Unemployed, College Student (Inactive 'til I find a job. I went to college to get a job, and now I need one [of sorts] to graduate. Oh the irony.)
social class: Lower middle, I believe. Living with parents.
perferred sock color: White
favorite way to kill a goblin: I prefer to 'collect' a goblin. Vast zoos of angry immortals are entertaining.
I'm curious what the barely conscious ai wrote about.
Well that went better than expected.  He went nuts and punched a rabbit to death, then the dogs and the whole dining hall ripped him to shreds.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #118 on: January 21, 2012, 08:37:22 pm »

For the record, social class is determined in this fashion, based on employment...

I'm almost done with a bachelor's degree in sociology and have never come across this definition, which I'm going to assume is an older one not much in use anymore. The models I've seen in my textbooks are closer to the ones on Wikipedia, which assign social class based on a consideration of education, income, and net worth. FYI, the contemporary concept of the underclass is more about a lack of steady employment, education, and privileges than it is about crime and welfare. I grew up underclass, nearly homeless, without constant access to basic "necessities" like electricity, water, heat, food, clothing, shelter, and education, but my parents were never on welfare (which takes resources they didn't have, like transportation, and more contact with the government than they wanted, because when you raise kids like this and want to keep them you don't tell the government) and while they did engage in some criminal activity, they were the sort of ordinary crimes most college kids have engaged in at one time or another, and had cleaner records than most middle class people I know.

I'm British and it has been said that the British have a class obsession. That said, it's less pronounced today than in years gone by, for various reasons, mainly due to the obsolescense of the common terms. Though nebulous in common parlance and distorted by the fact that they have been defined differently by different sociologists over the years, the terms, 'working', 'middle' and 'upper' class emerged from specific terms to label social strata emerging in the early to middle 20th Century, or thereabouts. The terms represent an attempt to analyse society according to social strata, without using the politically charged 'Marxist' terms, proletariat and bourgouisie.

In truth, the modern concept of 'class' originates from the conception that people exist in a natural heirarchy; that people in the lower classes ought to be subordinate to those higher. Class is an ugly term; it's one rooted in industrial era social repression and is quite out of step with an emancipated society. Defining class by income is a relatively modern invention, one created to avoid judging poorer people as inferior as much as it's a more useful and accurate tool in a world in which industrialisation and free state-provided education has diminished the demand for manual labour and 'proletarianised' the traditional middle class.

A system of social stratification according to class being based on a person's job is pragmatic solution to the difficulty of grouping people based on whether they are better or worse. The working class labour because their background cannot afford them an education; their peers are workers, not owners of capital; their class is the largest, and cannot benefit from being a small clique. The middle class can read, can afford education, and have disposable income; they can arrange better jobs for their young after education through a network of friends who have either some capital investment or a position of authority within an organisation. The middle class do not undertake manual labour, but the demand for such work is less than that of laborers. The upper class are either aristocrats or the new rich; they own the capital, and their society is closed to those who do not have capital or title. Note that these are old terms; they do not apply to the modern day in the same way.
But .... It's so small!
It's not the size of the pick that counts... it's the size of the man with the pick.
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Naturally, we'd like to make life miserable for everybody, randomly, but that'll take some doing.


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Re: Demographic insight
« Reply #119 on: January 21, 2012, 08:46:07 pm »

gender: Male
age: 22
race: white. Pale even, ha ha.
profession: None?
social class: Lower echelons of middleclassers, still living with parents.
favorite way to kill a goblin: Large group of dwarves with misshapen equipment and something sharp to gut the goblins. 95% of said army are fresh migrants. No one cries after them, and hey, it's nice when they actually win without much losses.
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Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.
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