Wow, it's been almost 11 years since I've posted in this thread. I don't have anything direct to contribute except to say that I decided to keep working on my NaNoWriMo story from last year, which I completed last night after a marathon 5,400 words in a single day. It came out to about 95,000 words across 29 chapters and a bit over 300 pages using the novel e-pub template I used.
When I started, I set out to write something I hoped would be publishable. That was always a lofty goal considering that the subject material was inevitably not going to be broadly appealing. It's a story about space explorers in an alternate, magical universe who discover that the solution to the Fermi paradox is that aliens keep wiping themselves out by discovering necromancy. Except... it's also written from the perspective of a non-human species that are effectively space furries. So, pretty narrow appeal.
Anyway, after writing it, I came to the normal conclusion that the story is just a very rough draft that needs a lot of plot and developmental work. I effectively want to redo the last third of the book, maybe with the end result having no resemblance to what I wrote. Editors understandably charge money to review a story of that length, and since I don't think it could be published anyway there's no point in doing that.
Still, it's good to finish something I started for NaNoWriMo.